View Full Version : Iraqi Dinar News & CBI Info

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  1. Dinar Outperforming the Dollar
  2. deletion of three zeros from the Iraqi currency will sign a
  3. Economists at Univ. of Karbala Discuss Lifting of Zeroes
  4. CBI sells $162m on Mon. February 22, 2010 - 10:13:10
  5. reuters feb 11 redenominate
  6. currency policy of "progressive"
  7. CBI sells $159m on Tue. 2/23/2010
  8. Zero Lop or Zero Lopping the Dinar Analysis
  9. ATMs in Iraq
  10. Some investors exchanging U.S. dollars for Iraqi Dinar2/24
  11. central to defend delete zeros from the currency
  12. Redenomination moved to end of 2010 (or smokescreen?)
  13. Republic of Iraq Monetary Summit Briefing
  14. maliki
  15. PM: Iraqi dinar re-evaluation 2/28/2010
  16. Senior Economist Invites the World Bank
  17. Iraqi dinar speculation: a phenomenom
  18. Conscious / low sales of the central bank to $ 93 million
  19. ISX to cease trading during elections
  20. Al-Jarallah assure the RAINBOW that Kuwait does not stand in
  21. CBI governor says current exchange rate reasonable
  22. IMF: Iraq economy achieves substantial progress
  23. Iraqi dinar speculation: a phenomenom .. Send more than one
  24. Governor of Central Bank: the current exchange rate appropri
  25. Military News Use of US dollar to be eliminated in Iraq
  26. Maliki: Re-Evaluation of the Iraqi Dinar is Predetermined, a
  27. IMF: Favorable Medium-Term Outlook For Iraqi Economy
  28. plan to equalize the Iraqi dinar in U.S. dollars
  29. Another smokescreen????
  30. The Iraqi dinar has all reasons to grow stronger,’ says Prim
  31. Shabibi Asked about CB Interference… His Response
  32. Economic: Iraq needs a banking revolution
  33. Got this off the XE.com site...another smokescreen?????
  34. Tying up loose ends, researched and posted at CTC
  35. Central Bank: our policy to attract funds for banks to curb inflation in Iraq
  36. Iraq Expects to Step Up T-Bill Activity in 2010!!!!!!
  37. Maliki Leads in South
  38. investment gap in Iraq
  39. Ponder this! Things to consider...
  40. Iraqi Central Bank
  41. Daily Google Alerts: Iraq Currency
  42. CBI dollar sales rise by 9% this week March 12, 2010
  43. 'Our aim is to establish a forward market in Iraqi dinars in the near future
  44. Denial of deletion of zeros
  45. Daily Google News Alert: Central Bank of Iraq
  46. Omitting Zeroes from Iraqi Currency
  47. Central bank to hold the dinar steady at around IQD1,170/US$ over the next five year
  48. removal of 3- 0's not true
  49. LOP or not to LOP..that is the question
  50. Omitting zeros currency strategic project – CBI
  51. UPDATE: Iraq Ctrl Bank Plans To Rebase Dinar; No Time Fixed Yet
  52. Iraqi PM: Dinar Has Reasons to Grow Stronger
  53. Increasing banks’ capitals to ID250 billion to strengthen them
  54. Iraq Has Fulfilled Its Obligations Regarding Provisions of Chap. VII
  55. Nobel Prize in Economics Winner's Analysis
  56. Iraq out of Chapter 7
  57. Central Bank concludes its week Financial 165 million dollars
  58. French ambassador to make all efforts to remove Iraq from Chapter VII
  59. Increasing banks' capitals to ID250 billion to strengthen them
  60. Trade Bank of Iraq implements real-time banking system
  61. Iraqi-owned Bank Opens on U.S. Base
  62. Trading with the Enemy Act - Israel's involvement with Dinar
  63. Iraqi Customs will no longer permit packages containing funds of any currency
  64. Deletion of zeroes - 50 percent done
  65. Central Bank: completion of 50% of the project to delete the zeros from currency
  66. The counterfeiting of currency and economic terrorism
  67. Iraqi-owned bank opens on u.s. Base
  68. Ministry of Finance denied the intention to delete the zeros..Great factual news!!
  69. Eissawi, al-Hakim mull forming government of national unity
  70. Got to be careful who you buy dinars from, see this video!!!!
  71. Iraq planning to rebase the dinar
  72. CBI’s dollar sales reach 176m on Sun
  73. Work attributes the late issuance of smart cards to a lack of bank branches...
  74. Council of Ministers to constitute a committee to set the rules of the deposit
  75. Realistic Range Rate for IQD REVALUATION -- ENJOY & REJOICE...!
  76. forexpros news, What is this ????????
  77. INTERVIEW - Iraq oil law a priority - PM hopeful Allawi
  78. dinar rebase
  79. Allawi on dinar
  80. IMF: Favorable Medium-Term Outlook For Iraqi Economy
  81. CBI dollar sales up to $153m
  82. Part 1: Economist Summary/Explanation of the Dinar (condensed)
  83. Central Bank refuses not remove 3 zeros on Iraqi monerty units to reduce inflation
  84. CBI stresses that WILL NOT delete the three zeros from the Iraq currency!!!!!
  85. cellphone recharge cards toenhance the walue of the dinar !!!!
  86. Central Bank calls for financial audit of sales of foreign currency
  87. Mobile companies to correct the exchange rate dinar conversion rate
  88. CBI Press Release
  89. CBI stresses that WILL NOT delete the three zeros from the Iraq currency!!!!!
  90. Central Bank of the lack of an intention to raise three zeroes from the Iraqi currenc
  91. Iraq government flays top bank on forex sales
  92. Iraq Central Bank Cuts Key Rate to 6% to Boost Growth
  93. Press release issued by the Central Bank of Iraq
  94. Central: exchange rates fixed, and cash reserves is subject to licensing rounds
  95. Central Bank of Iraq stresses the need to organize the work of brokerage firms
  96. Gooid read. great news in UK.
  97. From Just 4 Dinar
  98. Strategy to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar
  99. CBI sells $167m on Thur.
  100. HEY, HEY, seems like forex is getting ready to RV !!!!!
  101. New Strategy to raise the value of the Iraqi Dinar April 8 2010
  102. Undersecretary of the Ministry of Planning: Delete the zeroes from the currency
  103. Finance Ministry to cooperate with Gulf banks
  104. History of the Iraqi Dinar - 4/14/2010 from Outside Source
  105. Iraq's inflation hits record low!
  106. CBI sells $705m this week
  107. Iraq election news and possible rate on imf document
  108. What concerns the stability of the dinar against foreign currencies?
  109. fears of Iraq under the phenomenon of money laundering exaggerated
  110. Playing money games - RV to 1.17 to 1
  111. Decisions of the Central and institutional building
  112. What concerns the stability of the dinar against foreign currencies?
  113. Iraq issuing $170m T-bills every two weeks
  114. Enoch08 Post: Outside Source - 4/22/10
  115. CBI announcing they need shredders?
  116. Khbayractsadi: Iraq on the verge of an economic revolution
  117. Security unrest plunges Iraqi banks
  118. Project is to drop three zeroes from the Iraqi dinar
  119. Monetary policy, inflation and development in Iraq
  120. CBI dollar sales down by 48% (Can you say RV)
  121. Economic conference recommends lifting of the zeroes on the Iraqi dinar
  122. CBI dollar sales rise to $141m on Thursday
  123. CRITICAL ITEM: Embezzlement Worth Billions of Iraqi Dinars - 4/29/2010 - INA News
  124. The Central Bank started a project cooking up zeroes on the backburner
  125. Iraqi private banks expect a difficult year
  126. The stability of the Iraqi dinar remains threatened in the absence of development
  127. CBI Dollar sales up to $156m
  128. CBI dollar sales down to $120m
  129. Lifting the Value of the Iraqi Dinar 5-5-10 4:30
  130. CBI sells $752m this week
  131. The Decision to lift the value of the Iraqi Dinar
  132. Denied CBI Metrdd from news that some bodies are funded currency for the Iraqi market
  133. Notice: IQD will be redenominated by the end of 2010
  134. Iraq Bank Expert - Deleting of 3 zeros from Currency will have postive impact
  135. Central Bank of Iraq stresses discipline of the currency market
  136. CBI dollar sales down to $137m
  137. CBI dollar sales up to $176m
  138. Press Release issued by the office of the Deputy Prime Minister -
  139. Ministerial Committee to ensure the protection of Iraq's money ...
  140. Iraqi economists: the budget in 2010 in a dangerous situation without addressing the
  141. CBI sells $735m this week
  142. Warns of growing levels of annual inflation in the Iraqi economy...
  143. CBI dollar sales down to $127m
  144. United Nations World Food Program launched a cash-for-work initiative to help Iraqis
  145. City's receipt of torn banknotes of all catagories - not to reject because of damage
  146. Issawi hold talks with US diplomat - efforts aimed at Chapter VII release
  147. Economists call the Government to the seperation of political and economic relations
  148. CBI dollar sales up to $169m
  149. American Forces to Open Banks in Iraq
  150. Delaying oil pumping resumption could hard Iraq economy
  151. Iraq May Maintain Growth of 7% This Year, Led by Oil, Central Banker Says
  152. CBI sells $737 million this week
  153. Iraq is on the verge of becoming one of the success stories in the Middle East
  154. CBI sells $142m
  155. CBI dollar sales up to $155m
  156. Director of Bank of Iraq:
  157. CBI dollar sales go down to $118m
  158. CBI sells $666 million this week
  159. Iraqi currency needs radical reforms that commensurate with location of the country
  160. The Iraqi currency in need of radical reforms...
  161. CBI sells $666 million this week
  162. CBI said Saturday that the rate of core inflation falls to 3%...
  163. The government deines any change on the local currency
  164. CBI dollar sales down to $121m
  165. Iraq, Dinar
  166. CBI dollar sales down to $110m
  167. Conscious / Central Bank of Iraq do control money laundering
  168. ISX closes at 92.8 points on Wednesday
  169. CBI sells $82 million on Thursday
  170. Near the end?
  171. crisis between the Iraqi economy, Part II
  172. crisis between the Iraqi economy, the fiscal deficit and inflation rate Part I
  173. Cbi
  174. BAGHDAD – Gunmen killed two candidates from the Sunni-backed coalition that won the m
  175. CBI: Hard to manipulate Iraqi banking system
  176. Iraq Needs Private Cash
  177. Bank robbers in Iraq steal $5.5 million after guards drink drugged tea
  178. NOTICE: The CBI has decided to cancel the T . Bills No. (9) dd.9.6.2010. 6-7-2010
  179. Experts criticize the adoption of Iraq's economy on oil and consider the growth rate
  180. CBI dollar sales up to $182m
  181. The U.S. government has allocated around 200 million dollars to support the banking s
  182. MOP The Exchange Rate of Foreign Currency in Economic Feasibility Studies 6-8-10
  183. Iraq to sigh investment agreement with Italy
  184. CBI dollar sales down to $158m
  185. CBI dollar sales down to $158m
  186. 9 new investment projects in Najaf
  187. Iraq to sign investment agreement with Italy
  188. Senior Economist: state of economic stability, reflect long-term success of Iraq in..
  189. Central Bank raises the price of Commission orders and sells 144 million dollars
  190. CBI dollar sales down to $144m
  191. CBI sells $684m this week
  192. With the result to improve the exchange rate of the dinar ...
  193. Economist: delayed formation of the government led to economic recession
  194. Iraq is moving to protect their money abroad
  195. CBI security chief says all 7 gunmen killed
  196. CBI blast leaves 15 civilians, 3 gunmen killed
  197. CBI dollar sales down to $69m
  198. Major-General Qassim some give declares that the central bank under the control of se
  199. The outcome of the clashes that took place in the Central Bank amounted to twenty-one
  200. Iraq removing dinars from circulation? (Dfek)
  201. CBI was not robbed but to burn important documents...
  202. Maliki attack masterminded the bank to hide corruption...
  203. What the world Bank has been a cause for concern ....
  204. Islamic State of Iraq adopts the attack on the Central Bank
  205. Islamic State of Iraq claims responsibility for CBI attack
  206. Al-Qaida in Iraq claims deadly central bank attack
  207. Iraqis feel Iran's growing clout in their wallets
  208. FYI -- Latest CBI Money Supply -- June 18, 2010 ---
  209. Reverse answers code
  210. The government's efforts aim at developing the Iraqi economy to conform to the nature
  211. The Central Bank is picking up again
  212. Central Bank: international banks considering moving into the Iraqi market 6-24-2010
  213. Shabibi...confirm that the deletion of zeros will be gradual
  214. Shabibi: Delete the zeroes from the Iraqi dinar will be gradually
  215. Conscious / central bank governor: We reject the accusations against the banks that d
  216. Iraqi government is p*****ng to borrow $5 billion from the World Bank
  217. CBE: the Iraqi currency will not change in the near future
  218. International banks eye 
Iraqi market, says Sinan
  219. Central Bank: Raising the zeroes of the Iraqi currency require more time
  220. Central Bank denies exposure archive of private banks for damages
  221. RV in 2010?
  222. 1st would be a very opportune time to make changesJuly .
  223. True or Misdirection? Yet another story on it taking time to RV
  224. Raising zeros from the currency creates controversy economically
  225. CBI stop the auction currency due to the closure of the streets of the capital
  226. De La Rue plunges on note printing problems (this could be a problem!!!)
  227. Breakthrough for new Iraq government? Allawi meets Maliki, Sadr
  228. Csahing in at Wells Fargo
  229. Cashing in at Wells Fargo
  230. Info on Ruters
  231. No intention to change the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar
  232. Iraq’ CBI will auction electronically transforming from a cash system
  233. Fund transfer of "the development of Iraq" from the United Nations to Baghdad
  234. Maliki out!!!
  235. Government adviser criticizes UN meeting on Iraq
  236. Gunmen storm Baghdad money exchange
  237. Fire on the house's central bank governor in central Baghdad
  238. Kuwaiti economist discusses the expansion of Iraq joining the GCC; Iraq as consumable
  239. Release of 150 billion Iraqi dinars from the retained funds Dhi Qar province
  240. Interview with Shabibi - unconfirmed
  241. IQD Another Spin on why it will RV
  242. The Exchange Rate of Foreign Currency in Economic Feasibility Studies
  243. Financial Launches the remaining amounts of the Programme of development of regions
  244. Central: low inflation rate to 2.7% encouraged the launch of liquidity to banks
  245. Kurds announce major oil find
  246. The launch of liquidity to banks move to strengthen the role of the private sector
  247. The Price of the Iraqi Dinar and the Real Reason
  248. Todays news Al Maliki and Biden have a sit down
  249. Promising future for the Iraqi private banks
  250. Conscious / central bank concludes weekend its Financial $ 145 million