- Dinar Outperforming the Dollar
- deletion of three zeros from the Iraqi currency will sign a
- Economists at Univ. of Karbala Discuss Lifting of Zeroes
- CBI sells $162m on Mon. February 22, 2010 - 10:13:10
- reuters feb 11 redenominate
- currency policy of "progressive"
- CBI sells $159m on Tue. 2/23/2010
- Zero Lop or Zero Lopping the Dinar Analysis
- ATMs in Iraq
- Some investors exchanging U.S. dollars for Iraqi Dinar2/24
- central to defend delete zeros from the currency
- Redenomination moved to end of 2010 (or smokescreen?)
- Republic of Iraq Monetary Summit Briefing
- maliki
- PM: Iraqi dinar re-evaluation 2/28/2010
- Senior Economist Invites the World Bank
- Iraqi dinar speculation: a phenomenom
- Conscious / low sales of the central bank to $ 93 million
- ISX to cease trading during elections
- Al-Jarallah assure the RAINBOW that Kuwait does not stand in
- CBI governor says current exchange rate reasonable
- IMF: Iraq economy achieves substantial progress
- Iraqi dinar speculation: a phenomenom .. Send more than one
- Governor of Central Bank: the current exchange rate appropri
- Military News Use of US dollar to be eliminated in Iraq
- Maliki: Re-Evaluation of the Iraqi Dinar is Predetermined, a
- IMF: Favorable Medium-Term Outlook For Iraqi Economy
- plan to equalize the Iraqi dinar in U.S. dollars
- Another smokescreen????
- The Iraqi dinar has all reasons to grow stronger,’ says Prim
- Shabibi Asked about CB Interference… His Response
- Economic: Iraq needs a banking revolution
- Got this off the XE.com site...another smokescreen?????
- Tying up loose ends, researched and posted at CTC
- Central Bank: our policy to attract funds for banks to curb inflation in Iraq
- Iraq Expects to Step Up T-Bill Activity in 2010!!!!!!
- Maliki Leads in South
- investment gap in Iraq
- Ponder this! Things to consider...
- Iraqi Central Bank
- Daily Google Alerts: Iraq Currency
- CBI dollar sales rise by 9% this week March 12, 2010
- 'Our aim is to establish a forward market in Iraqi dinars in the near future
- Denial of deletion of zeros
- Daily Google News Alert: Central Bank of Iraq
- Omitting Zeroes from Iraqi Currency
- Central bank to hold the dinar steady at around IQD1,170/US$ over the next five year
- removal of 3- 0's not true
- LOP or not to LOP..that is the question
- Omitting zeros currency strategic project – CBI
- UPDATE: Iraq Ctrl Bank Plans To Rebase Dinar; No Time Fixed Yet
- Iraqi PM: Dinar Has Reasons to Grow Stronger
- Increasing banks’ capitals to ID250 billion to strengthen them
- Iraq Has Fulfilled Its Obligations Regarding Provisions of Chap. VII
- Nobel Prize in Economics Winner's Analysis
- Iraq out of Chapter 7
- Central Bank concludes its week Financial 165 million dollars
- French ambassador to make all efforts to remove Iraq from Chapter VII
- Increasing banks' capitals to ID250 billion to strengthen them
- Trade Bank of Iraq implements real-time banking system
- Iraqi-owned Bank Opens on U.S. Base
- Trading with the Enemy Act - Israel's involvement with Dinar
- Iraqi Customs will no longer permit packages containing funds of any currency
- Deletion of zeroes - 50 percent done
- Central Bank: completion of 50% of the project to delete the zeros from currency
- The counterfeiting of currency and economic terrorism
- Iraqi-owned bank opens on u.s. Base
- Ministry of Finance denied the intention to delete the zeros..Great factual news!!
- Eissawi, al-Hakim mull forming government of national unity
- Got to be careful who you buy dinars from, see this video!!!!
- Iraq planning to rebase the dinar
- CBI’s dollar sales reach 176m on Sun
- Work attributes the late issuance of smart cards to a lack of bank branches...
- Council of Ministers to constitute a committee to set the rules of the deposit
- Realistic Range Rate for IQD REVALUATION -- ENJOY & REJOICE...!
- forexpros news, What is this ????????
- INTERVIEW - Iraq oil law a priority - PM hopeful Allawi
- dinar rebase
- Allawi on dinar
- IMF: Favorable Medium-Term Outlook For Iraqi Economy
- CBI dollar sales up to $153m
- Part 1: Economist Summary/Explanation of the Dinar (condensed)
- Central Bank refuses not remove 3 zeros on Iraqi monerty units to reduce inflation
- CBI stresses that WILL NOT delete the three zeros from the Iraq currency!!!!!
- cellphone recharge cards toenhance the walue of the dinar !!!!
- Central Bank calls for financial audit of sales of foreign currency
- Mobile companies to correct the exchange rate dinar conversion rate
- CBI Press Release
- CBI stresses that WILL NOT delete the three zeros from the Iraq currency!!!!!
- Central Bank of the lack of an intention to raise three zeroes from the Iraqi currenc
- Iraq government flays top bank on forex sales
- Iraq Central Bank Cuts Key Rate to 6% to Boost Growth
- Press release issued by the Central Bank of Iraq
- Central: exchange rates fixed, and cash reserves is subject to licensing rounds
- Central Bank of Iraq stresses the need to organize the work of brokerage firms
- Gooid read. great news in UK.
- From Just 4 Dinar
- Strategy to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar
- CBI sells $167m on Thur.
- HEY, HEY, seems like forex is getting ready to RV !!!!!
- New Strategy to raise the value of the Iraqi Dinar April 8 2010
- Undersecretary of the Ministry of Planning: Delete the zeroes from the currency
- Finance Ministry to cooperate with Gulf banks
- History of the Iraqi Dinar - 4/14/2010 from Outside Source
- Iraq's inflation hits record low!
- CBI sells $705m this week
- Iraq election news and possible rate on imf document
- What concerns the stability of the dinar against foreign currencies?
- fears of Iraq under the phenomenon of money laundering exaggerated
- Playing money games - RV to 1.17 to 1
- Decisions of the Central and institutional building
- What concerns the stability of the dinar against foreign currencies?
- Iraq issuing $170m T-bills every two weeks
- Enoch08 Post: Outside Source - 4/22/10
- CBI announcing they need shredders?
- Khbayractsadi: Iraq on the verge of an economic revolution
- Security unrest plunges Iraqi banks
- Project is to drop three zeroes from the Iraqi dinar
- Monetary policy, inflation and development in Iraq
- CBI dollar sales down by 48% (Can you say RV)
- Economic conference recommends lifting of the zeroes on the Iraqi dinar
- CBI dollar sales rise to $141m on Thursday
- CRITICAL ITEM: Embezzlement Worth Billions of Iraqi Dinars - 4/29/2010 - INA News
- The Central Bank started a project cooking up zeroes on the backburner
- Iraqi private banks expect a difficult year
- The stability of the Iraqi dinar remains threatened in the absence of development
- CBI Dollar sales up to $156m
- CBI dollar sales down to $120m
- Lifting the Value of the Iraqi Dinar 5-5-10 4:30
- CBI sells $752m this week
- The Decision to lift the value of the Iraqi Dinar
- Denied CBI Metrdd from news that some bodies are funded currency for the Iraqi market
- Notice: IQD will be redenominated by the end of 2010
- Iraq Bank Expert - Deleting of 3 zeros from Currency will have postive impact
- Central Bank of Iraq stresses discipline of the currency market
- CBI dollar sales down to $137m
- CBI dollar sales up to $176m
- Press Release issued by the office of the Deputy Prime Minister -
- Ministerial Committee to ensure the protection of Iraq's money ...
- Iraqi economists: the budget in 2010 in a dangerous situation without addressing the
- CBI sells $735m this week
- Warns of growing levels of annual inflation in the Iraqi economy...
- CBI dollar sales down to $127m
- United Nations World Food Program launched a cash-for-work initiative to help Iraqis
- City's receipt of torn banknotes of all catagories - not to reject because of damage
- Issawi hold talks with US diplomat - efforts aimed at Chapter VII release
- Economists call the Government to the seperation of political and economic relations
- CBI dollar sales up to $169m
- American Forces to Open Banks in Iraq
- Delaying oil pumping resumption could hard Iraq economy
- Iraq May Maintain Growth of 7% This Year, Led by Oil, Central Banker Says
- CBI sells $737 million this week
- Iraq is on the verge of becoming one of the success stories in the Middle East
- CBI sells $142m
- CBI dollar sales up to $155m
- Director of Bank of Iraq:
- CBI dollar sales go down to $118m
- CBI sells $666 million this week
- Iraqi currency needs radical reforms that commensurate with location of the country
- The Iraqi currency in need of radical reforms...
- CBI sells $666 million this week
- CBI said Saturday that the rate of core inflation falls to 3%...
- The government deines any change on the local currency
- CBI dollar sales down to $121m
- Iraq, Dinar
- CBI dollar sales down to $110m
- Conscious / Central Bank of Iraq do control money laundering
- ISX closes at 92.8 points on Wednesday
- CBI sells $82 million on Thursday
- Near the end?
- crisis between the Iraqi economy, Part II
- crisis between the Iraqi economy, the fiscal deficit and inflation rate Part I
- Cbi
- BAGHDAD – Gunmen killed two candidates from the Sunni-backed coalition that won the m
- CBI: Hard to manipulate Iraqi banking system
- Iraq Needs Private Cash
- Bank robbers in Iraq steal $5.5 million after guards drink drugged tea
- NOTICE: The CBI has decided to cancel the T . Bills No. (9) dd.9.6.2010. 6-7-2010
- Experts criticize the adoption of Iraq's economy on oil and consider the growth rate
- CBI dollar sales up to $182m
- The U.S. government has allocated around 200 million dollars to support the banking s
- MOP The Exchange Rate of Foreign Currency in Economic Feasibility Studies 6-8-10
- Iraq to sigh investment agreement with Italy
- CBI dollar sales down to $158m
- CBI dollar sales down to $158m
- 9 new investment projects in Najaf
- Iraq to sign investment agreement with Italy
- Senior Economist: state of economic stability, reflect long-term success of Iraq in..
- Central Bank raises the price of Commission orders and sells 144 million dollars
- CBI dollar sales down to $144m
- CBI sells $684m this week
- With the result to improve the exchange rate of the dinar ...
- Economist: delayed formation of the government led to economic recession
- Iraq is moving to protect their money abroad
- CBI security chief says all 7 gunmen killed
- CBI blast leaves 15 civilians, 3 gunmen killed
- CBI dollar sales down to $69m
- Major-General Qassim some give declares that the central bank under the control of se
- The outcome of the clashes that took place in the Central Bank amounted to twenty-one
- Iraq removing dinars from circulation? (Dfek)
- CBI was not robbed but to burn important documents...
- Maliki attack masterminded the bank to hide corruption...
- What the world Bank has been a cause for concern ....
- Islamic State of Iraq adopts the attack on the Central Bank
- Islamic State of Iraq claims responsibility for CBI attack
- Al-Qaida in Iraq claims deadly central bank attack
- Iraqis feel Iran's growing clout in their wallets
- FYI -- Latest CBI Money Supply -- June 18, 2010 ---
- Reverse answers code
- The government's efforts aim at developing the Iraqi economy to conform to the nature
- The Central Bank is picking up again
- Central Bank: international banks considering moving into the Iraqi market 6-24-2010
- Shabibi...confirm that the deletion of zeros will be gradual
- Shabibi: Delete the zeroes from the Iraqi dinar will be gradually
- Conscious / central bank governor: We reject the accusations against the banks that d
- Iraqi government is p*****ng to borrow $5 billion from the World Bank
- CBE: the Iraqi currency will not change in the near future
- International banks eye Iraqi market, says Sinan
- Central Bank: Raising the zeroes of the Iraqi currency require more time
- Central Bank denies exposure archive of private banks for damages
- RV in 2010?
- 1st would be a very opportune time to make changesJuly .
- True or Misdirection? Yet another story on it taking time to RV
- Raising zeros from the currency creates controversy economically
- CBI stop the auction currency due to the closure of the streets of the capital
- De La Rue plunges on note printing problems (this could be a problem!!!)
- Breakthrough for new Iraq government? Allawi meets Maliki, Sadr
- Csahing in at Wells Fargo
- Cashing in at Wells Fargo
- Info on Ruters
- No intention to change the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar
- Iraq’ CBI will auction electronically transforming from a cash system
- Fund transfer of "the development of Iraq" from the United Nations to Baghdad
- Maliki out!!!
- Government adviser criticizes UN meeting on Iraq
- Gunmen storm Baghdad money exchange
- Fire on the house's central bank governor in central Baghdad
- Kuwaiti economist discusses the expansion of Iraq joining the GCC; Iraq as consumable
- Release of 150 billion Iraqi dinars from the retained funds Dhi Qar province
- Interview with Shabibi - unconfirmed
- IQD Another Spin on why it will RV
- The Exchange Rate of Foreign Currency in Economic Feasibility Studies
- Financial Launches the remaining amounts of the Programme of development of regions
- Central: low inflation rate to 2.7% encouraged the launch of liquidity to banks
- Kurds announce major oil find
- The launch of liquidity to banks move to strengthen the role of the private sector
- The Price of the Iraqi Dinar and the Real Reason
- Todays news Al Maliki and Biden have a sit down
- Promising future for the Iraqi private banks
- Conscious / central bank concludes weekend its Financial $ 145 million