View Full Version : Funny Sh@t! & YouTube
- All your funny posts go here...................
- You might be a dinaraholic if…
- You might be a dinaraholic if Part 2
- You might be a dinaraholic if Part 3
- You might be a dinaraholic if Part 4
- 1947- Aliens in our Government? LOL!
- Three Dinar RVers and Their Mother
- Parallels of Abraham Lincoln and B. H. Obama
- Can you read this? lol.
- Stupid question, great response!
- IRS funny! LOL
- Ear Infection...Don,t mess with seniors..LOL!
- Bubba and Cooter! LOL!
- Cowgirl...LOL!
- Gonorrhea Lectim..LOL!
- Food for Thought
- Letter to Mom and Dad, from camp...LOL!!!!
- Little Black Dress! LOL!
- About Iraq Election recorded March 5th
- Dog For Sale!
- Tickle me Elmo!! LOL!
- Cell Call
- 33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every Person Should Know...
- Blonde Dude on a cruise!
- Sipping Vodka...This is too funny...please don't be offended!
- Baptist Cowboy
- Ralph & Edna
- Walmart Application...for real! LOL!
- By far the funniest thing I ever read! You have to read this! LMAO! Got tears! LOL!
- A Lesson in Electricity
- a bank rumor
- Texas Chili Cook-off
- Funniest Court Drama I Have Seen
- Origin of a cuss word!
- Subject: Baked Beans.... If this doesn't make you laugh out loud, nothing will.
- The Obedient Wife
- Holy cow!!!
- Widdle Wabbit..LOL!
- The bathtub test...LOL!
- My Dog
- Sicilian Stress Test
- US Dept. of Homeland Security - Walk Naked In America Day
- Healthcare Bill Shown in a You Tube
- Only a man would try this!!
- 'Jesus knows you're here.'
- How Fights Start
- He Said; I Said
- Goodbye mom
- The Ransom Note
- Cleanliness
- Shoplifting Seagull in Galveston Texas
- Amazing Dinar Photo with Saddam on it.
- Arab Money
- Daddy's Rules for Dating my daughter
- An Obituary
- How everyone can be healthy and pain free!!
- The Man Rules
- This is my kind of prank!
- GeorgeBush, Queen Elizabeth, and Vladimir Putin
- Depressed
- An atheist in the woods
- The Mayonnaise Jar
- Worth a watch to remind those of us in the US the pledge we say
- Walk Naked In America Day
- A Note From God on Life
- Church Bulletin Bloopers
- Colonoscopy
- Here's China's Little Johnny" doing what all Little Johnnys do best . . . .
- Currency Manipulators To Be Exposed in April-MUST SEE!
- Watch this videos about Iraq Dinar youtube
- Stolen From Gankans
- Happy Easter!!
- Spelling Lesson..LOL!
- Little Old lady
- The Squirrel
- The IRS Audit
- This one is for Jocko129- Chicken Farmer
- Hell's location discovered???
- Riddle
- Taking Our Country Back..."Let us help you pack"
- Noah's Ark
- When to start cussing
- The Perfect Solution!! LOL!
- Dear Lord
- Have you ever read the warning label on celebrex..
- Growing up without cell phones
- Timing in Dinar Revalue Video
- America is Color Blind
- You tube video about recount
- Youtube about the Iraqi Airways...
- *Pat *P at Good Game
- Best joke for 2010 so far
- What kids know about the ocean. LOL!
- 100 mile per hour goat! LOL!
- How fast can you guess these words? LOL!
- Catholic Humor!! LOL!
- In honor of Mother's Day
- May 3 Youtube Key Insight on Iraq Dinar
- Simple Solution to clean up the oil
- Truths for mature humans...
- Zen
- He's only 4 yrs old- wow !!!
- You Gotta Check This Out
- Iraq participates in Shanghai Expo
- What is politics
- An irish blonde in a casino
- Jenny Craig for Men! LOL!
- Toyota Truck
- Golf Robot
- Probably one of the best emails of the year!!!
- Not dinar related Here are some interesting facts??. (Some old & some new…but Fun!!)
- Teachers & Cops These are actual comments made on students' report cards by teachers
- Divorce agreement
- Post Turtle
- I like this analogy
- Actual writings from hospital charts)
- Now this makes sense for sharks
- A must see
- Do you know why?
- Uncle Jay This is funny but so true
- Tool Glossary...way to funny and true!
- Old German Shepard
- Awsome Song
- We're Never Gonna Stand For This
- Blonde Bet
- Not So Dumb Blond…
- Economic Development in Iraq, Views from the Front Lines
- 3900 Saturdays
- There Is A Clear Distinction
- Rv now!!!
- At least one of these should bring you a smile!
- So dern funny I just had to repost it!!! LMAO!
- DD..Forgotten man video
- Revelation Song
- Where did Piss Poor come from? A history lesson
- Parallels of Lincoln and Obama .....
- Adam Montana (Now this is Funny)
- You don't know Jack Schitt.
- Look At Me Syndrome (L.A.M.S.)
- Problem Solved
- Walk naked in america day
- So you wanna shower huh??
- The Day in Pics-
- The Power of Propaganda
- Pumper cashing in?
- Speedy Senior
- Nine words women use! LOL!
- Give till it hurts
- The New Obama Song
- The Candy with the Little Hole
- Spread the Stupidity
- Next Job
- Lovemaking tips for seniors
- Is iraqi dinar a scam
- ex wife problems
- You just gott’ a love and respect Texas women.
- Old big foot found
- lil bush girl meets obama girl
- Late Night - Iraq Jokes
- Obama Again Tells GOP: ‘You Gotta Sit in the Back Seat’
- Mom with cake
- Cat Vs. Printer
- Slow Emergency Response
- Be Very Quiet
- Best Divorce Letter Ever
- How The Fight Started
- Male or Female
- A Fairy Tale
- A Trip To The State Fair
- Spread the Stupidity
- Don't Marry A Woman From Michigan.
- You choose heaven or hell!
- Investments
- A Mexican, an Iraqi, and an American
- Old Time Hockey - Pre Lock Out
- Going Fishing
- Hockey Fan Fights
- Are you a Democrat, a Republican, or a Southerner?
- The Redneck Mirror
- Early Retirement!
- Blonde Mans Joke
- Health Care Bill Irony
- Job App.
- Advice from Larry, from the farmer next door.
- A cajun moves up north
- a laugh for MOJO and SD
- The Pope and Nancy Pelosi
- If you don't laugh at this one, you're not breathing…..
- Size does matter!
- Watchmaker Iraq makes the clock spin backward
- Geography Lesson of the Day
- Single Black Female seeking Mate
- this may sting a little bit!
- Female compassion
- I can relate to all of these....
- Conscious / gang steal $ 23 million in the Shaab district of east Baghdad
- Not a damned thing!!
- Computer Fix for adults!! LOL!
- hope this doesn't offend anyone - if it does, tough shit
- Now this is priceless!
- Splinters in her Crotch?
- If the birth of Jesus was covered by today's tabloids: ILLEGAL ALIEN HAS ILLEGITIMA
- X-Mas Jib Jab - Humor: The RV Disco Boys
- why you dont use a powerstroke to pull you out!!!
- Blonde in the snow
- Funny Joke
- Not sure of what to think about this article, but title caught my eye.
- A man who knows his math!!
- Fluctuations
- Flying with attitude
- How smart is your right foot
- This is just too funny!!LOL!
- The Dot, boy am I happy this is explained
- This is how to play poker!!!
- The Receptionist! LOL!
- How many blow holes?
- DEA checks texas rancher
- Everyone should watch this im serious
- Interesting Find...
- Just a little Kiss!
- SCAM Warning!!!
- Obama joke of the Year! LMAO!
- Nurses aren't suppose to laugh. LOL!
- You do look familiar LOL!
- The Mexican Maid LOL!
- Lecture
- Jeff Foxworthy is not Muslim
- Ornamental fish and bear witness to the crime of being killed!
- Ralph And Edna
- Billboard for dinar gurus
- Awkward Senior Moment
- The Potty lol
- She Loved Baked Beans
- America vs. Russia
- OMG Too Funny but true.... Pee Power Offers Green Energy Alternative
- Defense radar coversation...
- Things People Pass Around...
- Walmart sale LOL!
- "Tonight the Gurus Let Me Down"
- Retired People
- Employee Notice
- Grandma's don't know everything LOL!
- The Sheer Nightgown!
- You Don't know Sh*T
- A Good Poker Player!! LOL!
- Golf warning LOL!
- The Zen LOL!
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