12-02-2010, 09:55 AM
Ian Poulter gifts Tiger Woods with a new nickname: 'No. 2'
By Jay Busbee
Follow Jay Busbee on Twitter at @jaybusbee.
Ian Poulter is fast making a name for himself, elbowing his way into the golf consciousness Tweet by goading Tweet. Latest in his sights: some guy who goes by the Twitter handle @tigerwoods.
Seems that Poulter and this "Tiger Woods" fellow had a bit of a friendly back-and-forth on the putting green Tuesday prior to this weekend's Chevron World Challenge. Poulter, coming off his bizarre little rules violation in Dubai, recounted the following exchange to a Twitter friend by the name of @westwoodlee:
Tiger called across the putting green today & said don't you know how to mark ur ball, I said settle down No 2.
By Jay Busbee
Follow Jay Busbee on Twitter at @jaybusbee.
Ian Poulter is fast making a name for himself, elbowing his way into the golf consciousness Tweet by goading Tweet. Latest in his sights: some guy who goes by the Twitter handle @tigerwoods.
Seems that Poulter and this "Tiger Woods" fellow had a bit of a friendly back-and-forth on the putting green Tuesday prior to this weekend's Chevron World Challenge. Poulter, coming off his bizarre little rules violation in Dubai, recounted the following exchange to a Twitter friend by the name of @westwoodlee:
Tiger called across the putting green today & said don't you know how to mark ur ball, I said settle down No 2.