View Full Version : Drill, Barack, drill: Obama to open up US East Coast for oil exploration

04-01-2010, 01:39 PM
Thursday, 01 April 2010

Barack Obama earned the instant anger of environmentalists and many of his core liberal supporters yesterday by declaring his intention to open vast areas of off-shore waters for future drilling for oil and gas, reversing decades-old policies of leaving the waves to fish, gulls and holidaymakers. The highly controversial plan, unveiled at Andrews Air Force Base, could, over time, give multinational energy companies access to the seabed along much of the eastern seaboard from Delaware all the way south to Florida, in eastern areas of the Gulf of Mexico and off the North Slope of Alaska.

http://article.wn.com/view/2010/04/01/Drill_Barack_drill_Obama_to_open_up_US_East_Coast_ for_oil_ex/