09-21-2015, 10:34 AM
A confidential report reveals: British intelligence killed Princess Diana
Posted, Date: 09/21/2015
A confidential report reveals - British intelligence killed Princess Diana
Palm-after Princess Diana's divorce from her husband Prince Charles, it can not become king being entertained. And set up a Princess Diana's affair with the son of Mohamed Al Fayed owner Alharold, and began to sleep with him in the apartment and travel, and him, as is the mother of the new Crown Prince William, who will be king, and thus his mother would be Princess Diana married to a Muslim andthe princess a significant impact on Prince William who will become the king of Britain . Therefore, according to the British newspaper the San linked to British intelligence, confidential report that intelligence decided through a royal decree to kill the Princess and her lover Dodi Fayed and began monitoring and planning to kill her say, and what they descend in the Reds hotel in Paris, it has been planned for three motorcycles quick and four cars intelligence British-type MI6, but cars on them plates forged. Because of confidentiality of the relationship between the British and French intelligence Supreme between the two countries national interest, has been informed Paris that he will be Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed filter on French territory, that Britain made any of France service, Vsamtaat recent cooperated with intelligence British that emerged princess with Dodi Fayed and sat in the rear seats, and in the front sat the driver, who regard the sound of Al Fayed and proximity to Princess Diana, who regards British intelligence facilities, and that came out even bicycles began to proceed against them, and the bikes were only to camouflage The intelligence blocked the road in front of Diana's procession , the driver hastened too fast to be the one of the motorcycles divergence toward him, he hit a pillar of a bridge, a fast 160 km per hour. survived the modern British intelligence agent either how and why is because the plan was well thought out not to be the British intelligence agent injection Bai medical needle, and then came down intelligence agents and under the guise of medical rescue injected with Princess Diana and Dodi Al Fayed and driver with three needles potassium fatal immediately and then gone into hiding and under the traffic jam no one what had happened. notice and thus was killed Princess Diana and Dodi Interest and the driver survived intelligence agent because it is not injected potassium needle was not Britain to accept that Prince William be king of Britain and his mother, Diana, married to a Muslim Viatheron on the British royal throne-old thousands of years. This has not issued any denials in Britain over what I wrote the British newspaper The Sun, but Mohamed Al Fayed and Dodi's father set up a call against the intelligence that they killed his son, but the court British intelligence acquitted, while in France the same thing happened was acquitted intelligence and not evidence of guilt process.
Posted, Date: 09/21/2015
A confidential report reveals - British intelligence killed Princess Diana
Palm-after Princess Diana's divorce from her husband Prince Charles, it can not become king being entertained. And set up a Princess Diana's affair with the son of Mohamed Al Fayed owner Alharold, and began to sleep with him in the apartment and travel, and him, as is the mother of the new Crown Prince William, who will be king, and thus his mother would be Princess Diana married to a Muslim andthe princess a significant impact on Prince William who will become the king of Britain . Therefore, according to the British newspaper the San linked to British intelligence, confidential report that intelligence decided through a royal decree to kill the Princess and her lover Dodi Fayed and began monitoring and planning to kill her say, and what they descend in the Reds hotel in Paris, it has been planned for three motorcycles quick and four cars intelligence British-type MI6, but cars on them plates forged. Because of confidentiality of the relationship between the British and French intelligence Supreme between the two countries national interest, has been informed Paris that he will be Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed filter on French territory, that Britain made any of France service, Vsamtaat recent cooperated with intelligence British that emerged princess with Dodi Fayed and sat in the rear seats, and in the front sat the driver, who regard the sound of Al Fayed and proximity to Princess Diana, who regards British intelligence facilities, and that came out even bicycles began to proceed against them, and the bikes were only to camouflage The intelligence blocked the road in front of Diana's procession , the driver hastened too fast to be the one of the motorcycles divergence toward him, he hit a pillar of a bridge, a fast 160 km per hour. survived the modern British intelligence agent either how and why is because the plan was well thought out not to be the British intelligence agent injection Bai medical needle, and then came down intelligence agents and under the guise of medical rescue injected with Princess Diana and Dodi Al Fayed and driver with three needles potassium fatal immediately and then gone into hiding and under the traffic jam no one what had happened. notice and thus was killed Princess Diana and Dodi Interest and the driver survived intelligence agent because it is not injected potassium needle was not Britain to accept that Prince William be king of Britain and his mother, Diana, married to a Muslim Viatheron on the British royal throne-old thousands of years. This has not issued any denials in Britain over what I wrote the British newspaper The Sun, but Mohamed Al Fayed and Dodi's father set up a call against the intelligence that they killed his son, but the court British intelligence acquitted, while in France the same thing happened was acquitted intelligence and not evidence of guilt process.