View Full Version : US newspaper: Iran in violation of the Vienna agreement ballistic missile test

10-13-2015, 10:28 AM
US newspaper: Iran in violation of the Vienna agreement ballistic missile test


US newspaper - Iran in violation of the Vienna agreement ballistic missile test

revealed New York Times, said that Iran had violated the Vienna agreement that was reached in July last among the major powers and Iran, in the wake of its experience test of ballistic missile last Sunday, which came a few hours after the approval of the Iranian parliament on the Vienna Agreement . The paper stresses that "Iran is the experience of long-range missile ballistic is a violation of the Vienna Convention, whichimposed restrictions on Iran's missile program ambition". and engaged experts to discuss the interpretation of Security Council resolution by the United Nations, which adopted the days of Iran's agreement to the deal after, as confirmed to prevent Iran from developing missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads. It has already been Iranian officials have called for further missile tests, especially during the last months, as it was the last test before the start of negotiations on Iran's nuclear program in 2013. The paper points out that "the Secretary of Defense Iranian Hassan Dehghan said that his country would not ask permission from one to strengthen their defense and rocket, stressing that the new missile seeks to bypass what was in the previous rockets, and that his country has invested heavily in its nuclear program, and produced missiles can have it reaches Europe. "She adds:" Parliament Iranian voice Sunday in favor of a bill to approve the nuclear deal, even though they have been deprived of access to full details, as used Iranian TV pictures and sound, some archival of the session. "The bill, which has not received the consent of the militants, members of Parliament, the text to allow the government to suspend the implementation of the nuclear deal if world powers failed to lift the sanctions, according to what touched him the newspaper, pointing out that "Ali Akbar Salehi, head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, who spoke before parliament to defend the agreement, subjected to death threats from some members of parliament, came this threat in front of witnesses by the representative of the Supreme Leader Top Ruhollah Hosseinian, according to media reports. "and showed that" under the nuclear deal will be re-heavy water plant at Arak reactor design, and turn it into a light water, which is relatively less dangerous. "Iranian officials expect to end the differences between the State and the International Atomic Energy Agency by end of the year, paving the way for an initial sanctions to raise, and also lift restrictions on financial transfers, it is that hardliners within the Iranian regime warns that the United States would keep some sanctions, "as reported by the newspaper.
