10-18-2015, 10:17 AM
British historian calls for Obama to trial
10/18/2015 12:07
British historian calls for Obama to trial
Obama spy on about 120 million people, as well as e-mail content and voice messages and text and video calls to an unknown number on the face of the precision of Americans and foreigners residing in America.
BAGHDAD / obelisk wondered British historian, Niall Ferguson, who bears the responsibility of those who died as an indirect result of Obama's policy in the Middle East?
The he questioned the British historian, in an article published by the newspaper "Los Angeles Times" recently, adecade during which a comparison between the current US president, former Foreign Minister of the American, Henry Kissinger, on the two sides approach known as the "political realism", referring to the description of a number of researchers to the Minister former foreign to "the great professor of political realism, which knows no mercy."
Ferguson pointed out that the researchers argue Kissinger involved in the killing of civilians during the bombing of Cambodia and Vietnam, also failed to prevent massacres in Bangladesh and East Timor, as well as it was accused of eavesdropping and spying on his colleagues.
British historian believes that President Obama's record paid to the need for a trial research along the lines of what has been with Kissinger, referring to hold the Obama administration on the use of drones, that official US statistics, revealed that the aircraft raids drone under the Obama administration may have killed between 3.570 to 5.763 people in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and Afghanistan, including 400 to 912 civilians and at least 82 children.
Ferguson added that the bombing of Afghan hospital run by MSF on 3 October of this, a new proof of the involvement of American pilots in the killing of civilians, not only in Afghanistan but also in Iraq and Syria, and indicate one of the statistics that the number of civilian casualties caused by US bombing of organizing Daash It amounted to about 450 people, civilians.
He added that, according to what revealed by the leaks, "Edward Snowden" and the CIA former employee, the Obama spy on about 120 million people, as well as e-mail content and voice messages and text and video calls to an unknown number on the face of the precision of Americans and foreigners residing in America.
10/18/2015 12:07
British historian calls for Obama to trial
Obama spy on about 120 million people, as well as e-mail content and voice messages and text and video calls to an unknown number on the face of the precision of Americans and foreigners residing in America.
BAGHDAD / obelisk wondered British historian, Niall Ferguson, who bears the responsibility of those who died as an indirect result of Obama's policy in the Middle East?
The he questioned the British historian, in an article published by the newspaper "Los Angeles Times" recently, adecade during which a comparison between the current US president, former Foreign Minister of the American, Henry Kissinger, on the two sides approach known as the "political realism", referring to the description of a number of researchers to the Minister former foreign to "the great professor of political realism, which knows no mercy."
Ferguson pointed out that the researchers argue Kissinger involved in the killing of civilians during the bombing of Cambodia and Vietnam, also failed to prevent massacres in Bangladesh and East Timor, as well as it was accused of eavesdropping and spying on his colleagues.
British historian believes that President Obama's record paid to the need for a trial research along the lines of what has been with Kissinger, referring to hold the Obama administration on the use of drones, that official US statistics, revealed that the aircraft raids drone under the Obama administration may have killed between 3.570 to 5.763 people in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and Afghanistan, including 400 to 912 civilians and at least 82 children.
Ferguson added that the bombing of Afghan hospital run by MSF on 3 October of this, a new proof of the involvement of American pilots in the killing of civilians, not only in Afghanistan but also in Iraq and Syria, and indicate one of the statistics that the number of civilian casualties caused by US bombing of organizing Daash It amounted to about 450 people, civilians.
He added that, according to what revealed by the leaks, "Edward Snowden" and the CIA former employee, the Obama spy on about 120 million people, as well as e-mail content and voice messages and text and video calls to an unknown number on the face of the precision of Americans and foreigners residing in America.