View Full Version : Trump told the Americans: If you have been elected President Hillary .. your country will go to hell

10-26-2015, 10:46 AM
Trump told the Americans: If you have been elected President Hillary .. your country will go to hell

Monday, October 26, 2015, 17:47

Trump told the Americans - If you have been elected President Hillary - your country will go to hell

| (Reuters) |
Donald Trump went up to the stage in Jacksonville, Florida on Saturday to face his main rivals in the US presidential race. He said the Republican candidate, which reveals the negotiating skills «What about Hillary negotiations? What about that? Who do you prefer to negotiate, Hillary or Trump? »Said Trump« Do you want chaos in the country? Is Tredion not be achieved nothing but problems? Do you want the country to go to hell? If you have Hillary electedPresident, you will have a country will go to hell ». He pointed Trump He is angry to the first page in the Wall Street Journal published a new poll shows that Trump comes at a late stage for Florida Governor Jeb Bush in Iowa. He said Trump« We win in every state. »He said Trump« This is the worst material ». He said« Do you want one of the Wall Street Journal? »and on Friday called Trump rivals to dismantle the committees to collect donations after the Commission said the collection of pro donations to the candidate, who leads the list of Republicans it would halt work because of claims that it has coordinated the campaign incorrectly. It can Committees fundraiser to collect money without Borders from companies, unions and individuals. and became a key player in the US elections because they can spend huge sums of money to promote their candidates, although it is allowed to officially work in campaigns . repeatedly complained that Trump fundraising committees allow entities, companies and pressure groups that exert influence not have the right.
