View Full Version : The first drug in the world can treat the flu one day shall be issued within 2018

10-30-2015, 08:43 AM
The first drug in the world can treat the flu one day shall be issued within 2018

2015/10/30 8:36

The first drug in the world can treat the flu one day shall be issued within 2018

{International: Euphrates News} the first drug in the world who can man being treated for flu {cold} In just one day, plans to issued manufacturing pharmaceutical company in Japan in the new 2018 drug, and unlike his peers on the market, it prevents the spread of the influenza virus and kill him.
This product is alsoprohibited, the virus from entering the enzymes, needed for breeding.
Because of this, and for the full recovery enough to take lotion medicine this one day only.
The newspaper {Nikkei} that the drug has already passed through the first clinical trials in Japan, where it has shown its effectiveness .
and it will begin the second phase of testing, in November, when the number of cases of people with flu-rise dramatically. The drug will be tested already on several hundred patients.
And see the Japanese Ministry of Health, that after final confirmation of the efficacy and safety of the drug and the completion of the necessary procedures for the license, it is possible that the sale of the drug actually starts in 2018.anthy
