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11-11-2015, 09:12 AM
Michigan State United States elects a Muslim-majority council

11/11/2015 07:22 GMT

Michigan State United States elects a Muslim-majority council

Agencies -
For the first time in the history of the United States shall elect one of their mandates, a Michigan council a Muslim majority, where he became a four out of six members of the city council of the Muslim community.

He was appointed a candidate without a fourth Muslim to be elected, candidates of the Muslim-dominated two-thirds of the Council,which is chaired by Polish origin candidate Karen Majewski.

The proportion of Muslims in the city of Hamtramck about 50% of the population who counted up to 22 thousand people, and began the number of Muslims is growing because of high immigration rates.

Islam is the second religion in the United States after Christianity, with an estimated American-Islamic organizations, the number of American Muslims by about 8 million distributed to 20 states.

According to the US Census Bureau, the highest proportion of the population are Muslims in the state of Texas, then New York State and the State of Illinois in the second and third places respectively in the number of the Muslim population.

Located Hamtramck City, Mich. United States, a small town famous city "Detroit" the center of the largest city in the state of Michigan, where live about four thousand Yemeni by up to 22% of the city's approximately 22 thousand people and well-known cultural diversity.

It includes Hamtramck City three main communities are Polish, Bangladeshi and Yemen, in addition to a broad spectrum of ethnic groups and different nationalities that have made it one of the most diverse cities in the United States, with more than 40% of the city's residents were born abroad, according to the national census in 2010.

The city council was includes in its membership for three consecutive periods of Yemen late Dr. Abdul Karim Al-Ghazali, who died in February, and who had competed vigorously to win the post of mayor of the city that is lost very narrowly.
