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11-17-2015, 12:45 PM
"Death to Muslims" slogan extremists in Europe after Paris bombings

Paris - Iraq Press - November 17: 2015

Death to Muslims slogan extremists in Europe after Paris bombings

Reported «Le Parisien» French, that "hate wave that followed the Paris bombings have increased and that the" slogan "Get up, my France" was found written in paint on the wall of a mosque in the south of France, with written words (Death to Muslims) on the walls in various parts of the city Aafro north of Paris.

The newspaper said, "and next to burn copies of the Koran Karim, signed other racistpractices against Muslims, as worshipers crosses found a red-colored blood painted on the walls of the mosque in eastern Paris, and raised this racist practices apprehensive Muslims of France, critics way in which the linkage between them and the violence Since the attacks on the magazine «Charlie Hebdo» Fei last December.

In terms of the suffering of Muslims from attacks, Petrbrouj Canadian Ontario City Police confirmed that the fire, which broke out at the Salam Mosque, is a hate crime deliberately and is being investigated, as announced Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) that "the Islamic Center in Petersburg received threats Paris after the attacks. "

He said, "There is another mosque in the city received a telephone threat which came to launch deadly attacks on him and other mosques in the region." Ended .ah
