View Full Version : US study: Trump supporters consider Iraqis and Syrian refugees significant risk

05-05-2016, 08:42 AM
US study: Trump supporters consider Iraqis and Syrian refugees significant risk

5.5.2016 11:36

US study - Trump supporters consider Iraqis and Syrian refugees significant risk

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study published on Thursday , the Pew Research Center showed that supporters Donald Trump likely Republican candidate for the US presidential election believe that refugees from Iraq and Syria represent one of the biggest threats to the United States.
The study found that 85 percent of those surveyed who said they support the Trump believe that refugeesfleeing from organizing Daash pose a threat, compared to 74 percent of Republicans in general.
Sees only 40 percent of Democrats that the refugees from the region , representing a major threat .
in December last Trump campaign said in a statement that it "calls to prevent Muslims entry into the United States completely until it is shown deputies our country what is going on ."
his comments came after the attacks in Paris that killed dozens of people dead and announced the organization Daash claimed responsibility along with attack dead in San Bernardino was carried out by a couple Mosalman FBI she said they have adopted extremist ideology.
raised US President Barack Obama has pledged to absorb ten thousand Syrian refugees by year 's end an angry reaction from Republicans who worry that the militants claim they are refugees , and may enter into the United States, and over 30 have tried governor to prevent refugees from entering their states.
the United Nations says there are about five million Syrian refugees registered displaced by the war , which claimed the lives of more than 250 thousand people. It
also found the poll conducted by the Pew Center was based largely on interviews across phone with about US Alvi from 12 to 19 April that 65 percent of supporters of Trump 's look at the role of the United States in the global economy a negative view.
with regard to defense spending US military action abroad , said 35 percent of respondents said they support increased defense spending - It is the highest level of support since the September 11 attacks in 2001 , while nearly 60 percent said that on other countries to deal with problems on their own.
on the whole , the participants felt that the organization Daash on top of concerns related to foreign policy followed by cyber attacks and the global economic turmoil.
