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Thread: Anyone heard of this?

  1. #11
    Junior Member
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    Pro or Con, I myself, dont know what will happen, or what all is going on, just thought this was an interesting piece, hey, I cant even fathom what is going to happen with how the current administration is going to handle all of the new changes that they are making, the tea parties, new laws, new taxes.....who knows whats going on anymore?

  2. #12
    This is not new. I have been following Tim Turner for over a year now, and his has been working on the restore america plan since then. This is real folks. I know several of the jurors where I live in Ohio. I am signing on this week to be a juror in my county. You will see more about it in the coming weeks.

  3. #13
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    juror .......What do you mean? The only Juror's I know are in a court room.

  4. #14
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    The Restore America Plan being put into play! (Parts 1 of 2)

    THought you may be interested in this.
    Looks like The Restore America Plan is being put into play!

    Subject: Restoration of civilian authority and civilian militia established in all 50 states. Announcement: Radio Sunday (Today) 8:00PM EST

    I invite America to join me this Sunday night for an important discussion of
    events to come on TAKE NO PRISONERS on the Republic Broadcasting Network (8
    PM, Sunday, March 28)...Sam Kennedy

    There is a lot more documentation on this web page. I hope you will
    check it out. This is history in the making, folks. Please listen to Sam's
    broadcast at 8 PM eastern time Sunday night on M.;read=169900

    Hello folks,

    Wednesday, I had the extreme pleasure, along with regan dwayne, of signing
    an order to the men and women who occupy the office of Governor of each of
    the incorporated States of the United States Federal Corporation, and a
    second order to the armed forces of the United States of America, restoring
    lawful governance of, by and for the sovereign People. What a tremendous
    pleasure to finally be in position to take back our country. The deed is

    *Yesterday, a day that will live in history, all such office holders were
    served with a warrant arresting their bonds, thus the de facto office of
    Governor has been re-absorbed into its de jure counterpart as an operation
    of law, and the occupants thereof are operating under the provisional de
    jure bond of the sovereign People. Most of the governors have been alerted
    to expect service. *

    *Also yesterday, the armed force were served notice of the return of lawful
    sovereign (?civilian?) authority. And that the People have assembled as
    fifty well-regulated militias and reinhabited de jure grand juries in all
    American republics. *

    *As of Monday, the presumption of authority by private corporate actors
    impersonating public officials under color of law is pre-empted by lawful
    ?civilian? authority, effectively ending the era of illicit corporations
    posing as legitimate governments. Finally, the children are free.*

    Upon delivery, all parties will have been informed that the sovereign People
    have EXPRESSLY accepted their respective state constitutions and the
    Constitution for the United States of America, circa 1787, as BINDING
    CONTRACTS upon them.

    They will be under orders to end state-sponsored terrorism against members
    of the sovereign People. They will be required to provide sovereign ID and
    passports. The governors have mere days to subscribe the new oath of office.
    They have been assured that the People do not intend to trespass on the
    rights of others to elect subject-class citizenship, thus ensuring a
    peaceful and non-violent transition. Our military public servants have been
    instructed to extend every reasonable effort to encourage repentance and

    In light of concerns by the members of the De jure Grand Juries, and after
    discussions with some of the Elders, Tom assumed the role of lead contact
    for the armed forces and I had the honor of assuming the role of lead
    contact for the governors, Secretaries of State and Attorneys general for
    all of the republics. These were natural positions for both of us, and for
    which the Lord has groomed us with the richness of our lives? experiences.

    Rest assured, that when I am contacted by our public servants, I will
    undertake all necessary measures to ensure they comply with the People?s
    orders AS I WROTE THEM, not some backroom political perversion thereof, to
    cease the bogus prosecutions, provide sovereign ID and passports (beginning
    with the jurors whose information I have in my possession), adjust the crime
    databases to reflect sovereign immunity for those jurors, and assist me in
    emptying the prisons of political prisoners beginning with the families and
    friends of those jurors, and those ?convicted? of tax-related ?crimes.? It
    will be my highest duty to work closely with the Attorneys General to
    establish the criteria for assembling the lists of political prisoners per
    the orders. There will be no lawyerly dancing on these matters.

  5. #15
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    (Part 2 of 2)

    Folks, you have no idea the amount of work and devotion that was expended on
    behalf of your freedom this week, from preparing the final polished
    Declaration at this end, to regan?s soup-to-nuts handling of the monumental
    task of uniform, timely, professional presentment. While many still harbor
    fear for having signed the declaration of freedom, I personally view this as
    the most important signature of my life, fulfillment of prophesy. Had it
    been possible, I would have handed the document to each and every actor
    personally, looked him in the eyes and said, ?Congratulations, welcome back
    to the brotherhood of man. You have three days to take the oath of office.?

    Einstein observed that all great revolutions began as a single thought in
    the mind of an individual. He knew the capacity of men to manifest the word
    of the Lord, especially in America, a land founded by men of revolutionary
    spirit. This week the People, at the eleventh hour, on the brink of world
    chaos and destruction, have expanded Louis McFadden?s challenge into the
    last, best and only hope for freedom for all the world?s children from
    economic genocide. All we did was weave together the trail of great men of
    history, the cravings of the slaves in their filthy huts as they hugged
    their children, the desire in each of you to ensure your children are secure
    from the solicitations of pagan money predators, into a shining tapestry of
    liberty to stand until man no longer walks the earth. That is the importance
    of our mission.

    I invite America to join me this Sunday night for an important discussion of
    events to come on TAKE NO PRISONERS on the Republic Broadcasting Network (8
    PM, Sunday, March 28). There is much speculation about what to expect in the
    next few weeks, grand jury duties, the Constitution, and Phase II. We will
    also be joined by a very special guest.

    In light of security breaches surrounding the Declaration, Phase II is
    securely locked away until the day of presentment. However, I can tell you
    that your first reading of it will be as shocking and pleasurable as was the
    Declaration. TOP to bottom OVERHAUL - all behind the scenes of course. I
    will have more to say on the broadcast.

    At the request of a number of jurors, grand jury procedure will receive
    special attention during the broadcast. The amount of perilous
    misinformation seems to be increasing daily such that jurors are likely to
    find themselves in serious jeopardy if they don;t remain true to the Plan,
    in my opinion as author of the Declaration. As many of you understand better
    than some of your leaders, YOU DID NOT JOIN THE GRAND JURIES TO BECOME
    LAWYERS AND CONSTITUTIONAL EXPERTS. That?s the sort of chasing-your-tail
    diversion U.S. Inc. has been using against you for years to distract you
    from the Lord and the enjoyment of life. Aren't you tired of becoming
    jailhouse lawyers? Be very careful about getting addicted at the expense of
    your families. Let the law serve you for a change, as it was intended.

    EVIDENCE, GRAND JURY PROCEDURES and all the other false idols which exist to
    block your remedy and divert you to worshipping earthly kings.
    The LAST place we would look for insight into a true grand jury is the
    incorporated de facto bar association mafia counsel masquerading as a grand
    jury for the purpose of stealing you blind. Why would we ever wish to
    emulate those monstrosities?

    topic in detail on the broadcast. Jurors will want to listen carefully. It
    is my goal to ensure that every one of you enjoys your remedy and also
    IT. That has always been our goal from the day I put pen to paper.

    THEY HAVE GROWN TO DESPISE. While I can't possibly bring you up to speed on
    our months of private negotiations and discussions, I
    can tell you with certainty that the founding Elders did NOT intend to
    create a permanent fourth branch of government. To think otherwise is to not
    yet understand the Plan. The Declaration was written on two levels. Now
    would be a good time to really give it a read from a broader perspective.

    Folks, the Constitution is but a tool to secure the allegiance of the
    sleeping masses to the restoration of God?s law on this earth. Sadly,
    hundreds of millions of people need such idols as the source of their
    rights. You may wish to review the Jan 31, Feb 7, and Feb 14 broadcasts of
    TAKE NO PRISONERS for further insight into the philosophy and rationale of
    the Plan.


    Finally, as you may have heard I have been invited by host and network
    owner, John Stadtmiller, to appear as a guest Monday night on THE NATIONAL
    INTEL REPORT on the Republic Broadcasting Network. I have since been
    informed that we will be joined by Ralph Winterrowd, another RBN radio host,
    who believes The Restore America Plan ?has a very odious smell of betrayal.?
    I look forward to meeting Ralph first hand and entertaining his expressed
    belief that the people should take their evidence to the ?sitting (de facto)
    Grand Juries? so that Mom and Pop can be awakened from their stupor and
    indict their public officials. I invite everyone to tune in and call in as
    we debate remedy through illicit corporations versus remedy through the
    sovereign People, the latter already underway. And best of all, the program
    is being held on G-Day, the very day that the sovereign People arrest the
    bonds of the fifty de facto Governors and end the era of corporate
    governance in favor of the de jure republic.

    TAKE NO PRISONERS can be heard on FM and shortwave stations around the
    world, and on the internet via Shoutcast or directly through the network
    website at:

    Folks, would you kindly CIRCULATE THIS EMAIL FAR AND WIDE. Thank you, in

    Blessings and peace to you all,

    Sam Kennedy


    Eileen Dannemann
    Director, National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW)
    917 804-0786

    ?It requires courage to utter truth; for the higher Truth lifts her voice,
    the louder will error scream, until its inarticulate sound is forever
    silenced in oblivion??Mary Baker Eddy, Christian Science

    "Just Remember,
    when the weeding process takes place,
    you are the flowers."

    - Charlie Lutes

  6. #16
    Executive dbcooper's Avatar
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    WOW...I'm not sure about that one!
    If its not on's probably crap!

  7. #17
    Check out the website. It is abbreviated RMN which stands for "Rumor Mill News".

    Here is the link:;read=169898

    Great thoughts but seems a grass roots effort.

  8. #18
    Junior Member
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    rumor of all rumors!!!! wish it were true

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