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Security Council to Free Iraq from Chapter VII 2/24/2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
*** Chapter 7 ~ The Expectations of the Imminent Issuance of the Security Council to Free Iraq from Chapter VII
February 25, 2010
The Expectations of the Imminent Issuance of the Security Council to Free Iraq from Chapter VII
Maliki emphasizes the optimal use of resources .. and Zebari indicates foreign intervention terrible
????? – ?????? BAGHDAD - morning
Suggested the government near the pain out of Iraq's Chapter VII, after the country's commitment to all its international commitments. Comes in while Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the importance of Iraqi cooperation - Sweden in various fields
Particularly the economic and industrial sectors, with point and Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari and without outside intervention offered outrageous lives of Iraqis at risk.
Has an a meeting with Swedish Foreign Minister Carl-bit, but in Baghdad late yesterday, the Prime Minister stressed that the «people of Iraq now have the awareness and maturity of the great success of the democratic experiment in parliamentary elections», hoping to be in the next parliament political blocs «complete the process of construction according to the Constitution and the rules of civilization and the best use of resources
Re-Maliki government's keenness to develop relations with Sweden in all fields, particularly economic, industrial, and praised the embrace of Sweden to the Conference of the International Covenant and its support for Iraq and its desire to develop bilateral ties, calling on them at the same time to provide the proper atmosphere for elections of the community in Swedish cities and not to force Iraqis to return.
In addition, sign and Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said the UN Security Council issue a decision confirming the commitment of Iraq with its obligations as a prelude to the country's emergence from Chapter VII of money. Zebari weights came during a news conference with his Swedish counterpart in the ministry building in Baghdad yesterday. The Minister of Foreign «There are good and good developments on the Iraq emerges from the consequences of Chapter VII, and we expect that the UN Security Council issued a presidential statement, to negotiate and get Iraq out of the provisions of this chapter.
The morning has confirmed that the Foreign Ministry to intensify its moves to lift restrictions in the area of disarmament that impede the country's efforts in the field of scientific research is paving the way for out of Chapter VII through the issuance of a resolution by the UN Security Council next month. Zebari has said in a formal letter sent to the presidency of parliament last month and published in «morning» in a timely manner: the «ministry is working in collaboration with friends to adopt a resolution from the Security Council is to lift all restrictions imposed on Iraq in the field of disarmament based on the resolutions passed against it under Chapter VII, especially Resolutions 687 and 707 for the year 1991 ». Observers believe that outside support to get rid of international sanctions, etc.
The position of Paris in the words of its ambassador to Iraq, carries great importance in this area, and also sends a reassuring message to the world all that the country has returned to his Excellence in map of the region leads to increased cooperation and developing relations, especially with the trend to indulge in huge investments. In the file by external interventions, new Foreign Minister emphasized that Iraq did not accuse any country, but he accused the groups back to the former regime, the exercise of acts of terrorism inside the country, However, he said: We will not forget our wounds and we suffered from the interventions offered to the heinous destruction of the lives of citizens and the country following years and request the support did not stop for a moment, but if there positions and interests and principles will not appease them.
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Re: Security Council to Free Iraq from Chapter VII 2/24/2010
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