Dinar Outperforming the Dollar
February 19, 2010 · Posted in NEWS
Dinar Outperforming the Dollar
In a Word YES!
By James A Smith CFO
JAS Financial Newsletter
Is the Dinar really outperforming the dollar?
In a word YES!
As we pass another anniversary of the introduction of the new Iraqi dinar we’re looking at a currency that the IMF has deemed grossly undervalued. In the course of the past few years, Iraq’s economy has grown consistently, seemingly unabated. Even during the “pre-surge” period, just as some in Congress were proclaiming the efforts in Iraq to have been “lost”, the economy continued to grow. Today new business continued to open their doors by the thousands, month after month, in fact just in the past 48 hours over 100 new shops opened their doors. The output of oil was reaching pre-war levels, which have since been surpassed with China and Europe competing head to head with American Companies.
The value of the new Iraqi Dinar (NID) has continued to rise. Is the Dinar really outperforming the dollar?
As upsetting as it may be, trillions and trillions of new US dollars are being printed every month, when will they be tossed into the open market? If we think the dollar is weak now wait until the U S Government tosses a few more trillion dollars into the open market! Dilution has never strengthened anything.
Will today’s $10,000 be worth the same in 12 months?
The troubled dollar is not a potentially troubled dollar any more it is in trouble! Every one sees our trillions our dollars in US in debt, our struggling economy, wildly fluctuating stocks, and seemingly endless bailouts.
Iraq has large resources and a much tinier debt than the US.
Thanks to the United States and the countries that stuck it out, Iraq’s national debt is minuscule by most any nation’s standards. They have untold tons of gold in their national reserves. Their oil and natural gas reserves are vast and only beginning to be tapped to their full potential. Iraq is a country that has abundances of oil to supply the world and will be doing quite well in the coming years.
Who should be putting a few dinars away for a rainy day?
The dollar is currently overvalued, and the Iraqi Dinar is currently undervalued, this is not a question but an undisputed FACT! What does your retirement / investment portfolio look like?
Whether its $10,000, $1,000,000 or $10,000,000 many agree it should be diverse. 20% cash in savings, 20 to 30 % in real-estate, 20 to 30% in stocks and bonds 10 to 20% in Gold and Silver and the balance in a number of other areas like collectibles.
Before you get involved in any venture do your home work, check it out. You might want to consider putting from 5 to 10% of your portfolio into the ForEx, maybe into Iraq Dinars.
Wells Fargo says “ForEx is the largest liquid financial market, with trade reaching 1.5 trillion US dollars a day” every day, nearly 6% of the world’s wealth has been made in the ForEx market.
A few Iraqi dinars under the bed might prove to be far better than money in the bank!
Is the Dinar really outperforming the dollar?
· Rumors of Donald Trump investing Millions in Iraqi Dinars
· Iraq oil field contracts being let.
· Iraq Financial Ministry
· Large world corporate investments in Iraq infrastructure
· Obama election cause ease of middle east tensions against US
· US Secretary of State – Hillary Clinton’s recent remarks about Iraq becoming one of the richest countries in the Middle East.