Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-6-2020


5-6-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...So the prospects of an RV sooner than later are good. ...I want everyone to know I do not mean that as soon at the government is announced they are going to RV... What do we see now that is different than last week: 1) Iraq should form their government this week, This should bring a sense of stability and security; 2) Iranian influence is at an all time low...This is mandated prior to any reinstatement; 3) Al-Kazimi promises to open up the corruption filesmeaning they could actually finally go after Nori al-Maliki and his gang of thugs... 4) Iraq has finally managed to cut off funding to Iran via the currency auctions...through sourcing dollars now only via electronic means. This allows transparency and audits of exactly where all the money is going. So they are now abiding by US sanctions on Iran;

5-6-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat 5) Oil is on the rise, clocking in today [Tuesday] at about $30 a barrel and the day is not yet over; 6) China wants desperately to get their stronghold inside Iraq and invest with their billions of Chinese funds and get their guaranteed oil. They want to do this in 2020 not years down the road; 7) Corona virus is at a decline in Iraq, as they shut down the borders with Iran and are keeping them shut, for now. 8) The CBI is already geared up to replace the larger notes with the smaller denominations. This project is huge and is the “project to delete the zeros”...this...will lead us to the reinstatement on FOREX as the global rate. We are NOT going to be allowed to exchange our dinar at the banks unless two things happen: a) the IQD is reinstated back on FOREX and b) Sanctions are lifted on the currency (probably will happen at the same time);...

5-6-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat So sooner than later may mean Jan 2021 or by some miracle we might see something this summer even. ...remember there is NEVER going to be an ideal time or perfect time when Iraq is going to be a model country. ...It seems for now that the finance committee and the CBI are on the same page for this to occur. ...For Iraq to go anywhere on the global marketplace it must have a globally recognized currency. I don’t even care what rate they initially come out as...Just get the damned rate back on FOREX and let the free market take it from there.

5-6-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Iran apparently decided to delete 4 zeros today and introduce the Toman as the new currency. This took parliament approval and is a LOP. Very similar to what has been discussed with Iraq. This is not a RV/RI but a neutral event. We do not want to see Iraq do this...In fact, we have seen several articles in Iraq talk about parliamentary approval. Therefore, we know that is what the CBI is also considering. Parliamentary approval is not needed for traditional monetary policy.

5-6-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff ...they are not going to vote on the formation of the government until 9pm tonight...right now it's about 4:05 pm in the country of Iraq. We have roughly another 5 more hours to go..

5-5-2020 Intel Guru Delta ...It looks like the Iraqi Stock Exchange did jump about 1000% for the month of February. Meaning the value of the stocks...and it looks like the IQD, jumped in value for some reason. Question "If that is the case why do we not see that reflect on the ISX when they opened?" Very good question...the Iraqi Stock Exchange does not have to show the true index until they go international...

5-5-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat ...the news was all over the place as Iraq tried to pin down a date to vote on the new Al-Kazimi government line-up. So right now as it stands they did not yet take a vote in parliament and it will come down to...very close to the deadline day of May 7th. So we hear today they plan to vote on Wednesday. Article quote: "The Presidency of the House of Representatives decided to hold a voting session on the ministerial program and the government cabinet on Wednesday, 6/5/2020 at nine in the evening." Let’s see if they actually do it. Finally…

5-5-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I know there is lots of *******/rumors ...that things are all done…all the codes have been entered…the exchanges have started…. From Reno contact last night…they are prepared but have not started yet…. I spoke with a contact at a redemption center and they are in place. There are a few people in centers to keep the lights on while the rest wait for the “go ahead” …They are all prepared so we are close. We just have to wait for the “go”... There is a lot of smoke and lots of rumors and lots of leaks…they may be purposely putting it out there…so until we officially can go…try not to get to worked up just yet...we are close…

5-5-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff ...they've told us they're going to vote on the government tomorrow. They've also told us they would do it Thursday. It may be a one or two day session of parliament. We'll have to see how that unfolds and occurs..

5-5-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy ...I told you guys this week's gonna be big. Not only are we gonna find out whether or not Al-Kazemi makes it in as P.M. and his cabinet gets voted or whether he fails and the President has the right to dissolve Parliament...this could be an exciting week...between tonight and tomorrow all the parliament members are going to be arriving to vote. The rumor is that he's going to get about 75% of the votes...

5-5-2020 Intel Guru RayRen98 From our citizen contact...USA sends important message to the Parliament of Iraq via USA ambassador to Iraq saying do not fail to form the government of Kazemi. If failure happens, USA will do whatever it needs to protect and take care of the Iraqi people.