Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-25-18


10-25-2018 Intel Guru RayRen98 Wednesday activity in Iraq...Abdul Madhi is sworn in as the country's Prime Minister (finally)...14 ministers are also sworn in before Parliament. News reports indicate that the government of PM Abdul Madhi has become constitutional. US Banks were excited with anticipation of exchange activity possibly this week (?) Time Will Tell.

10-25-2018 Newshound Guru Adam Montana There have been times in the past where I mentioned that we have a "couple weeks" or some other amount of time where I definitely didn't see anything happening. Now is not that time... Anything can happen right now. The only issue I see right now is the final seating of the new members...It is a REALLY good feeling to be able to say the "only thing" holding us up is a finalization of the new GOI, which is proceeding very smoothly!

10-25-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Now that the new Iraqi Gov is is place I expect the IMF to meet with the CBI in the near future to discuss monetary policy. I've always felt this consultation will occur before any significant monetary change. If you go back and look at last year's Article IV, the IMF made it very clear that the CBI needed to move to Article VIII to send a message to the global investment community that Iraq is open for business. Slowly we are inching closer to that decision which is positive for Iraq. As well, a change in exchange rate regime from fixed to float will begin to allow the dinar to rise gradually. And...due to the significance in urgency of this reform we may see this change occur very shortly. Hopefully within a month or two at the latest.

10-24-2018 Newshound Guru Walkingstick [News is saying it's OFFICIAL!!! Mahdi is PM!!!] Yes, Mahdi and 14 ministers according to articles... Parliament in recess, Nov 6th.

10-24-2018 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: "The Central Bank of Iraq confirms the continuation of his reformist approach to achieve financial and monetary stability" IN OTHER WORDS...THE ENVIRONMENT IS VERY SUITABLE FOR THE SECOND ARTICLE TO COME OUT TO ALLOW THE CBI...TO BRAG ABOUT THE LAST FOUR YEARS! FROM INFLATION TO AN RI...IMO...ALL SYSTEMS ARE A GO.

10-24-2018 Newshound Guru Kaperoni So Mahdi was sworn in today along with 14 other cabinet members. PM Mahdi. So it seems officially we have a new government in Iraq. There will be some twists to this but Mahdi is officially the new Prime Minister.

10-24-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article "The Central Bank of Iraq confirms the continuation of his reformist approach to achieve financial and monetary stability" Here we go! The hand off is about to occur! The central bank is reassuring that they have and have had full control of their monetary policy for 4 years running, just as WS [Guru Walkingstick] has told us they have. They have had the calculations all well calculated with tools in place to maintain stability of their exchange rate well into the future. They have here and in other articles talked about and showed that they have increased reserves exceeding 60 billion dollars, not to mention they increased their gold holdings by about 6.5 additional tonnes and have stated they increased revenues matching their oil output other sources necessary to compliment oil and shocks that may arise out of negative market conditions!

10-24-2018 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan This was all done on Abadi's watch over the past four years and the CBI is telling us and the world that they are geared for the next phase of Monetary Reform. They have a surplus in the Budget enabling them to pay their internal debt and prevent impact from international conditions that may affect them in the future. They have overcome major issues and now they are telling us they have it under control and handing off a baton that is very well placed and organized for the new government and it's success. Add in the recent past symposium introducing the information on new currency, the on going AMF meeting and the seating of the the PMs cabinet here in short order if not already. These events clearly show that they are on the track to the finish line...imo. So, can we take a roll call?! World! Iraqi Private!! Ok. Everybody is here...let’s begin!!!

10-24-2018 Newshound Guru chattels Article quote: "...the government still suffers from corruption, economic mismanagement and political polarization, and it will take strong secular leadership to create the stability Sistani is seeking. The question is whether such progress will be made during the ayatollah’s lifetime." The foregoing begs the question of whether we will see the stability necessary to realize an increase in the value of the dinar in our lifetime.