Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-8-20


2-8-2020 Newshound Guru Breitling ...People send me emails asking very specifically if Trump has any sway or anything like that on the Iraqi dinar? Not the Iraqi dinar. He has influence on the price of oil. And he has influence on Iraq's U.S. accounts. We can freeze those. The dinar itself they have control of...everything we look at and look for that's what's going on. They are reducing their note count. Oil prices are going down. They have an emergency budget put together because that exact cause and effect. So here we are...I've never had any fear about them adding value to the dinar. Not once...

2-8-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni If they float the currency like the IMF has asked. Who knows how fast Or at what pace it would rise. Market forces determines that.

2-7-2020 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat What does the CBI need? The CBI needs political stability and for the protestors to go home. Allawi is desperately trying to gain their confidence but we know he will have to eventually put out or shut up...he will have to produce something meaningful for the citizens. This is probably going to be the HCL stipends. This is my guess. What do we know about these stipends? 1) Over two months now an agreement has been made to actually begin the payout of these stipends...the referendum has already been written and passed through the parliament in 2018. Like other legislation it just sits on someone’s desk and never gets implemented. Now they agreed to implement it to help in this situation.

2-7-2020 Newshound Guru Mnt Goat 2) Remember they must go at least 1:1 in rate if they pay out the stipends and this would mean the project to delete the zeros would be necessary. My take on all this is this is what will finally trigger the RV. This would also lead to the reinstatement. We know the banks have already exchanged three zero notes for the smaller category notes and have ample supplies to go ahead now. This happened over this past year. So they are ready for something. The CBI would not be doing all this is nothing was being planned. So, this is all VERY GOOD news for us...I am told this is coming in “the coming days”. However days always seem to miraculously turn into months somehow…lol..,

2-7-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [Do you think Iraq will move to a new fiscal year to match Kuwait?] I do…I believe Kuwaits fiscal year starts on April 1st. It makes sense for them to have the same fiscal year as everyone around them.

2-7-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] ... there is action happening – there’s things happening behind the scenes...It’s just all moving...I’m here to say things are in motion – We have heard some things that talk about everything opening up overnight tonight [Thursday]...We know that the redemption centers have their schedules for the next 10-15 days in some cases but we don’t know exactly when the start is going to be...They don’t want us to know when it starts – They want it to be a surprise...My understanding was we were to get going pretty soon after President Trump was released or acquitted – ok – and that has taken place - so we’re just sitting here waiting – ready and waiting...

2-7-2020 Newshound Guru Vital Brad ...[CBI] they have the rate of the Iraqi dinar still listed - 1190 for just 1 US dollar...I bring up rate because what we're looking for as Iraqi dinar holders is we want that number to get smaller. Which means 1 US dollar can get LESS Iraqi dinar...So that means it's gonna take less of our Iraqi dinar to get 1 dollar. So we keep watching that number. I want it to continue to go down...

2-7-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Many...are now asking me for a new timeframe for the reinstatement. I promised a new target once the prime minister was chosen. I am very confident in Allawi and his abilities to turn Iraq around, given a chance to do so...We know that January was the OPTIMAL time for the CBI to reinstate the currency and it did not happen due circumstances. But...The CBI can reinstate the Iraq dinar anytime deemed necessary or desired...We know also that until the new year’s budget for 2020 is opened and used, it still makes sense for the CBI to reinstate as if in the January timeframe. I called my CBI contact and...I was told that just like the previous two years they have until the end of March as their deadline. If we go past this timeframe we are sunk again for yet another year. To me this sounds like our new window!