Sources: Sistani rejects the five candidates for prime minister

Mon, 10 Sep 2018 08:06:49


Sabah al-Saadi, the leader of the coalition of those who belong to the coalition of "reconstruction and reform", reported the receipt of a report that he described as "official" of the religious authority Ali al-Sistani, refusing to take over the five names nominated for the presidency of the Iraqi government, led by Haider Abadi.

Saidi said that the reference Sistani told the Iranian negotiator in a meeting in Najaf that both Haider Abadi and Nuri al-Maliki, as wellas Hadi al-Amri and Faleh Fayyad and Tarek Najm, there is no chance for them to take the post of prime minister of the next Iraqi government.

Sistani has called for the need to choose a future prime minister who is "strong and firm" and called for the formation of a different government from its predecessors.

Al-Saadi also pointed out that Sadr's coalition, which is headed by Moqtada al-Sadr, does not support Abbadi for a second term, citing the presence of other candidates.

It is noteworthy that the alliances "Sorrow" and "Fath" has already asked the Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi to resign.

The political conflict continues to form the largest bloc in the Iraqi parliament between an alliance led by Nuri al-Maliki and Hadi al-Amiri, backed by Iran, in the face of the coalition of "reconstruction and reform" led by Moqtada al-Sadr and Haidar Abadi.