View Full Version : General Information
- Cbi
- What is the WTO and how does it work
- Trade and Politics The Dark Side Of The WTO
- The U.S Withdrawal and Limited Options in Iraq (a must read!)
- Combat Troops(Its all in the definition)
- Recorded call from Dr-Dinar
- How The Plan To Have The IQD RV at 1 IQD = $1 USD Should Work!
- Scam warning from Frank26@ KTFM
- Lori Piestewa
- Redenomination
- Imo
- converter at global arab network
- Well Even if it didn't collapse this would make me pull my money
- where to look for the rate change
- Dollar Steadies Amid Talk Of Currency War
- Dollar Climbs To Multi-day Highs Against European Majors
- Acronyms updated
- Website disclaimer
- Thank you stardogger,(*dbcooper, *VooDooWar, *duke1)
- Troops deploy
- Written by a 90 year old, Please read up!
- Little known war heros
- Service Maintenance Notice
- studdgage and studdchicks new born baby girl
- pic for coopschick and stardogger
- Comparisons Between Kuwait and Iraq
- Saudi Arabia/Iraq Comparison
- How to Figure an Exchange Rate and Other Thoughts of Mine!
- This video just came out & it already has over 7 Million Hits
- Video post by Cranky, worth a repost IM0
- Generation x 10 rules
- Did you know these facts?
- texas unemployment and job loss vs the rest of the country!!!
- Thank you
- dbcooper VOODOOWAR Duke1
- for coopschick
- largest army in the world
- 11inches of snow in dallas!!!!!!
- Chicken feed
- The Fiasco of the Kuwait Dinar/Iraq Dinar and What It All Means
- Speculation or Investment?
- Not good news or is it
- OandA FXLookup Problem Fixed
- Introductions
- This is amazing something to ponder
- A Big Thanks To Our Owners DB and Duke1
- Beware! Supertrojan computer virus lurking around
- Are Super Bowl ads bad for our health?
- Glad to be here!
- Good morning :)
- I would like opinions. Didn't know where to post this.
- Look at this exchange rate
- New Truck
- Coopschick's rules
- Duke1
- Intell or maby not (humor or fact you decide)
- my horoscope
- Thanks to Everyone
- Discussion on 13303, OFAC and other Executive Orders
- Millionaire Still Getting Food Stamps
- Just a quick thanks
- prayer for the RV
- Have I missed something
- New law posted by Phoenix
- Pumpers/Dumpers, Dealers/Banks...Thoughts?
- Whats with the President
- Debt agreed on
- My horoscope for August 10.2011
- rs bots 2011
- Word of the DayMonday, September 26, 2011
- Word of the DayTuesday, September 27, 2011
- Word of the DayWednesday, September 28, 2011
- Word of the DayThursday, September 29, 2011
- Word of the DayFriday, September 30, 2011
- Word of the DaySunday, October 02, 2011
- Word of the DaySaturday, October 01, 2011
- Word of the DayMonday, October 03, 2011
- Word of the DayTuesday, October 04, 2011
- Word of the DayWednesday, October 05, 2011
- Word of the DayThursday, October 06, 2011
- Word of the DayFriday, October 07, 2011
- Word of the DaySaturday, October 08, 2011
- Word of the DaySaturday, October 08, 2011
- Word of the DayMonday, October 10, 2011
- Word of the DayTuesday, October 11, 2011
- Word of the DayWednesday, October 12, 2011
- Word of the DayThursday, October 13, 2011
- Word of the DaySaturday, September 03, 2011 nebulize \NEB-yuh-lahyz\ , verb;
- Word of the Day metaphrastic
- Word of the Day: homologate
- Word of the Day: footle
- Word of the Day: aesopian
- Word of the Day: dilatory
- Word of the Day Saturday, October 15, 2011: askance
- Word of the Day Sunday, October 16, 2011 lummox
- Word of the Day Monday irrefragable When we can use this word on the intel of the
- Word of the Day Tuesday, October 18, 2011 moot
- Word of the Day Wednesday, October 19, 2011 harrowing
- Word of the DayThursday, October 20, 2011 tawdry
- Word of the Day Friday, October 21, 2011 loll
- Iraqi Dinar: An Overview Interesting read.
- Word of the Day Saturday, October 22, 2011 anomie
- Word of the Day Sunday, October 23, 2011: ferly
- Word of the Day Monday, October 24, 2011 anoesis
- Word of the Day Tuesday, October 25, 2011 mesmerize
- Word of the DayWednesday, October 26, 2011 animadvert
- Word of the DayThursday, October 27, 2011 perdition
- Word of the Day Friday, 10/28/2011 aporia
- Word of the Day Saturday, October 29, 2011: sepulchral
- Word of the Day Sunday, October 30, 2011 thanatopsis
- U.S. to boost Gulf presence after Iraq pullout: report
- Word of the Day Monday, October 31, 2011 nyctophobia
- Word of the Day Tuesday, 2011: zugzwang
- Word of the Day Wednesday, November 02, 2011: metempirical
- Word of the Day Thursday, November 03, 2011: obscurantism
- Word of the Day: Friday, November 04, 2011:prehensible
- Word of the Day Saturday, November 05, 2011 quean
- Word of the Day Sunday, November 06, 2011: junket
- Othman al-Maliki calls to put pressure on Washington and the United Nations to help I
- New Iraq insurgency feared
- Word of the Day Monday, November 07, 2011 canny
- Word of the DayTuesday, November 08, 2011 plebiscite
- Word of the Day Wednesday, November 09, 2011: kef
- Word of the Day: Thursday, November 10, 2011: pansophy
- Word of the Day Thursday, November 10, 2011: pansophy
- Word of the Day Saturday, November 12, 2011: rankle
- Word of the Day: Sunday, November 13, 2011: lyard
- Word of the DayMonday, November 14, 2011: fascicle
- Word of the Day Tuesday, November 15, 2011 apocrypha
- Word of the Day: Wednesday, November 16, 2011: opuscule
- Word of the Day: Thursday, November 17, 2011: bibliophage
- Word of the Day: Friday, November 18, 2011: omnibus
- Word of the Day: Saturday, November 19, 2011: knavery
- Word of the DaySunday, November 20, 2011 mitigate
- softwear bug program
- softwear bug program
- Word of the Day Monday, November 21, 2011: salvo
- Word of the DayTuesday, November 22, 2011: poltroon
- Word of the Day: Wednesday, November 23, 2011: crepitate
- Study shows that physical activity affects the quality of sleep
- Word of the Day Thursday, November 24, 2011: appetence
- Happy Thanksgiving
- Word of the Day: Friday, November 25, 2011: dipsomania
- Word of the Day: Saturday, November 26, 2011: procrustean
- Word of the Day: Sunday, November 27, 2011: stertor
- Word of the Day Monday, November 28, 2011: panegyrize
- Word of the Day, Tuesday, November 29, 2011: serry
- Word of the Day: Wednesday November 30, 2011; churlish
- Word of the Day: Thursday December 1, 2011: altruistic
- Word of the Day: Friday December 2, 2011: bobbery
- Word of the Day: Saturday December 3, 2011: operose
- Word of the Day: Sunday December 4, 2011: collop
- Word of the Day: Monday December 5, 2011: frondescence
- Word of the Day: Tuesday December 6, 2011: weald
- Word of the Day: Thursday December 8, 2011: copse
- Word of the Day: Friday December 9, 2011: bough
- Word of the Day: Saturday December 10, 2011: adytum
- Word of the Day: Sunday December 11, 2011: à la mode
- Word of the Day: Monday December 12, 2011: felonious
- Word of the Day:Tuesday December 13, 2011: cortege
- Word of the Day: Wednesday December 14, 2011: cleave
- Word of the Day: Thursday December 15, 2011: veriest
- Chat session
- Word of the DayFriday, December 16, 2011 abrade
- Word of the Day:Saturday December 17, 2011: procellous
- Word of the Day: Sunday December 18, 2011: gangrel
- Word of the Day:Monday December 19, 2011: ectype
- NC soldier, 23, was last US fighter killed in Iraq
- Word of the Day: Tuesday December 20, 2011: lucent
- Word of the Day: Wednesday December 21, 2011: brogue
- Word of the Day:Thursday December 22, 2011: calvous
- This is a news flash for the foolurs:Egyptian astronomer predicts the fall of the Mal
- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
- Word of the Day: Saturday December 24, 2011: canticle
- Word of the Day: Sunday December 25, 2011: hiemal
- Word of the Day: Monday December 26, 2011: solatium
- Iraqi political parties seek to resolve crisis
- Word of the Day: Tuesday December 27, 2011: adventive
- Word of the Day: Wednesday December 28, 2011: fusty
- Word of the Day: Thursday December 29, 2011: interpolation
- Word of the Day: Friday December 30, 2011: lave
- Word of the Day: Saturday December 31, 2011: anamnesis
- Word of the Day: Sunday January 1, 2012: novation
- Word of the Day: Tuesday January 3, 2012: solecism
- Word of the Day: Wednesday January 4, 20
- Word of the Day: Thursday January 5, 2012: gasconade
- Word of the Day: Friday January 6, 2012: sprat
- Word of the Day: Saturday January 7, 2012: Cimmerian
- Word of the Day: Sunday January 8, 2012: profligacy
- Word of the Day: Monday January 9, 2012: heterotelic
- Word of the Day: Tuesday January 10, 2012: paregmenon
- Word of the Day: Wednesday January 11, 2012: expostulate
- Word of the Day: Thursday January 12, 2012: bonny
- Iraq says it will make a decision to dismiss ministers who attended the meetings of t
- Mullah ruled out holding any national conference, or open any dialogue as long as al-
- Word of the Day:Friday January 13, 2012: viscid
- Word of the Day: Saturday January 14, 2012: desinence
- Word of the Day: Sunday January 15, 2012: outrance[
- Word of the Day: Monday January 16, 2012: perspicacious
- Word of the Day: Tuesday January 17, 2012: alate
- Word of the Day: Wednesday January 18, 2012: persnickety
- Word of the Day:Thursday January 19, 2012: shiv
- Word of the Day: Friday January 20, 2012: 1/20/2012
- Word of the Day: Saturday January 21, 2012: remora
- Word of the Day: Sunday January 22, 2012: natheless
- Word of the Day: Monday January 23, 2012: slimsy
- Word of the Day: Tuesday January 24, 2012: educe
- Word of the Day: Wednesday January 25, 2012: bleb
- Let's have a chat..
- Word of the Day: Thursday January 26, 2012: mettle
- Word of the Day: Friday January 27, 2012: conciliate
- Word of the Day:Saturday January 28, 2012: birr
- Word of the Day: Sunday January 29, 2012: hotchpot
- Word of the Day: Monday January 30, 2012: neoterism
- Word of the Day: Tuesday January 31, 2012: idoneous
- Lets have a chat
- Word of the Day: Wednesday February 1, 2012: doyenne
- Word of the Day: Thursday February 2, 2012: peroration
- Word of the DayFriday, February 03, 2012: excogitate
- Word of the Day: Saturday February 4, 2012: caprice
- Word of the Day: Sunday February 5, 2012: pied
- Word of the Day: Monday February 6, 2012: filiopietistic
- Word of the Day: Tuesday February 7, 2012: crib
- Word of the Day: Wednesday February 8, 2012: piacular
- Word of the Day: Thursday February 9, 2012: screed
- Word of the Day: Friday February 10, 2012:depone
- Word of the Day: Saturday February 11, 2012: burled
- Word of the Day: Saturday February 11, 2012: burled
- Word of the Day: auscultation
- Word of the Day: Monday February 13, 2012: exoteric
- Word of the Day: Tuesday February 14, 2012: cordate
- Word of the Day: vilipend
- Word of the Day: mammonism
- Word of the Day: Tramontane
- Word of the Day: Ppachyderm
- Iran's nuclear ambitions could lead to 'Middle East cold war', says Hague Foreign sec
- Iran warships 'enter the Mediterranean'
- Word of the Day Wednesday February 22, 2012
- Word of the Day Archive Tuesday February 21, 2012: bespeak
- Word of the Day Thursday February 23, 2012: plenum
- Word of the Day: Friday February 24, 2012: adamantine
- Word of the Day: Sunday February 26, 2012: hircine
- Word of the Day: Monday February 27, 2012: flexuous
- Word of the Day: Tuesday February 28, 2012: pettifog
- Word of the Day: Wednesday February 29, 2012: quadrennial
- Word of the Day: Thursday March 1, 2012: alembic
- Word of the Day: Friday March 2, 2012: cant
- Word of the Day: Saturday March 3, 2012: liege
- Word of the Day Sunday March 4, 2012: oracular
- Word of the Day: Tuesday March 6, 2012: appertain
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