View Full Version : Word of the Day: Wednesday December 14, 2011: cleave

12-14-2011, 12:22 AM
Word of the Day: Wednesday December 14, 2011: cleave

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cleave \kleev\ , verb:

1. To adhere closely; stick; cling.

2. To remain faithful.

3. To split or divide by or as if by a cutting blow, especially along a natural line of division, as the grain of wood.

4. To make by or as if by cutting.

5. To penetrate or pass through (air, water, etc.).

6. To cut off; sever.

7. To part or split, especially along a natural line of division.

8. To penetrate or advance by or as if by cutting.

It bothers him as much as it bothers you, but he is a man of faith and the Bible says that a man should leave his mother and father and cleave unto his wife.
-- H.O. Fischer, For This Land

I will confide in thee. But if you betray my confidence, a father's curse shall cleave to you.
-- Sir Walter Scott, Peveril of the Peak

Cleave is actually related to two separate but similar Old English words. Cleofan meant “to split,” while clifian meant “to adhere.” Today the same word carries both meanings.
Dictionary.com Entry and Pronunciation for cleave
