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11-30-2010, 05:10 AM
Council of Ministers postponed the census and identify next Sunday a meeting of leaders of political blocs to discuss the matter
30/11/2010 13:38

Baghdad, November 30 (Rn) - for the Iraqi cabinet, on Tuesday, the date of the census which was scheduled for the fifth month of December next because there are some political differences on the conduct of the census of some provinces.

The head of the Central Bureau of Statistics of the Ministry of Planning Mahdi Keywords for Kurdistan News Agency (Rn), "The Cabinet discussed today the date of the census and the possibility of a fixed date him," noting that "the Board decided to leave the matter to the leaders of political blocs to resolve points of contention."

Keywords and explained that "the leaders of political blocs will hold a meeting next Sunday to discuss the matter of the agreement on the points of disagreement and a fixed date for the census."

The Iraqi Ministry of Planning announced earlier in the inclusion of the census for each provincial and not to exclude any one, noting that the mechanisms established by the political situation will not be affected and the failure to form a government.

It was scheduled to hold general population census in the country in the past year, but the process was delayed because of concerns that contribute to such a census in fueling sectarian tension and ethnic across Iraq, especially in the cities of Kirkuk and Nineveh, and select the 24 of October last date for the census but it also changed to Alkhasm of December next.

The last census conducted by the government to all governorates of Iraq except Kurdistan region in 1997 and is currently unsupported by the Iraqi government being carried out in exceptional circumstances, if adopted by all ministries census conducted in 1957 in what would be the census, which the Ministry intends to be conducted during this year, a substitute for Census 1957 to be supported in all the provinces in addition to the Kurdistan region.

The number of members of the Iraqi List, representing the provinces of Diyala, Salahuddin, Nineveh, Anbar, Kirkuk, demanded the 21 of last September to postpone the census in Iraq, and inviting all citizens not to cooperate with the teams that will conduct the census.

The Open: Haidar Ibrahim
