View Full Version : NCSS to present its draft-law to Parliament; Top mission is to get Iraq out of Ch 7

12-01-2010, 06:08 AM
NCSS to present its draft-law to Parliament; Top mission is to get Iraq out of Ch 7
Posted: December 1, 2010 by Justhopin in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
Tags: Ayad Allawi, chapter 7, Currency, exchange rate, Iraq, Iraqi dinar, Jalal Talabani, Nouri al-Maliki, Revaluation, UN, United Nations, UNSC
Ayad Allawi

Ayad Allawi

BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: The draft-law for the newly-planned “National Council for Strategic Studies,” had been completed by al-Iraqiya Bloc, led by its Leader and former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi. It will be presented the Parliament, its Legislature, Fattah al-Sheikh, said on Wednesday.


I thought this was interesting. Especially when UN resolution states something must happen before a release from chapter 7!

“The National Council for Strategic Studies (NCSS) shall have executive authorities, according to the Iraqi Constitution,” Fattah al-Sheikh told Aswat al-Iraq news agency. Al-Sheikh noted al-Iraqiya had completed on Tuesday, the special draft-law for the Council, to be presented to the Parliament in the forthcoming two days.

“The most important missions of the NCSS shall be getting Iraq out of UN Security Council’s 7th Article,” Sheikh said.

“The balancing and commitments that had been achieved between al-Iraqiya and the National Alliances, have confirmed that the NCSS becomes an ‘executive council’,” he added.
