View Full Version : U.S. report .. Of Washington's interests not to allow the return of Iraq to civil war

12-03-2010, 10:18 PM
U.S. report .. Of Washington's interests not to allow the return of Iraq to civil war
Friday, 2003 December December 1 2010 21:53 | |
(KUNA) - A report by the Brookings Institution, the U.S. today that the priority for the U.S. interests in the AlaIs not to allow a refined Banhaddarh into the abyss of civil war.
The report added that "the outbreak of civil war in Iraq, which could happen would be disastrous for the interests of the U.S. Supreme vital because of Iraq's resources and proximity to the vital Gulf region economically, geographically and strategically sensitive."
And issued a report titled "U.S. strategy in Iraq and the unfinished business," a group of five members, headed by Kenneth Pollack of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution.
He added that the second priority, recommended that it is imperative not to build Iraq as a hostile, but a strong state held together not due to recession and internal conflict does not threaten its neighbors.
The third priority focused on "Building Iraq to be perfect, strong and prosperous, and an ally of the United States," noting that "it is difficult to ensure that Iraq's return to civil war, but we must not seem a new bogeyman in the Gulf region."
The report demanded that the "Washington to show Iraqis that they are benefiting from the continued U.S. involvement, but in the form of aid and investment and technical assistance as Washington should help Iraq to regain its full international by resolving issues, the main diplomatic left behind by the regime of Saddam Hussein."
He noted that the strategic framework agreement, a document of partnership between Iraq and the United States should provide the basis to help the U.S. "and the interest of Washington to restore the Iraqi political leadership ability to guide the country towards greater stability and inclusive and effective governance.
He said that "security in Iraq would collapse if it broke down the political process and cause the collapse of the country's economy as well."
"The main priority higher for the United States withdraw its military forces over the next few years and build the internal political process and work out correctly."
It concluded that the United States to maintain in its agreements with the new Iraq to be U.S. forces as peacekeepers
