12-05-2010, 01:36 AM
Deputy: to calculate the points to fill the cabinet face obstacles
The MP said the National Alliance, on Saturday, that the mechanism for calculating the points to fill the cabinet facing "obstacles", pointing out that the parliamentary blocs not been able so far to resolve the question of the formation of parliamentary committees.
The Ahmed Habib told (Voices of Iraq) that the political blocs have not done it yet settled the question of the mechanism for distributing the portfolios, and Nakecat continues until now, "noting that the main obstacle lies" in the calculation of the number of points, especially with regard to Balriasat. "
Habib added that "the masses did not reach an agreement also to calculate the positions of the National Council of the strategy and policies in accordance with the mechanism of the points, as well as the naming of parliamentary committees," and expressed his optimism to solve "all problems in a short time."
Sunday, December 05, 2010
The MP said the National Alliance, on Saturday, that the mechanism for calculating the points to fill the cabinet facing "obstacles", pointing out that the parliamentary blocs not been able so far to resolve the question of the formation of parliamentary committees.
The Ahmed Habib told (Voices of Iraq) that the political blocs have not done it yet settled the question of the mechanism for distributing the portfolios, and Nakecat continues until now, "noting that the main obstacle lies" in the calculation of the number of points, especially with regard to Balriasat. "
Habib added that "the masses did not reach an agreement also to calculate the positions of the National Council of the strategy and policies in accordance with the mechanism of the points, as well as the naming of parliamentary committees," and expressed his optimism to solve "all problems in a short time."
Sunday, December 05, 2010