View Full Version : Shop owners in Kurdistan, complaining of government neglect of the domestic investor

12-07-2010, 11:41 PM
Shop owners in Kurdistan, complaining of government neglect of the domestic investor

Tuesday, 2007 December 2010 21:28 GMT

At the time of invading the restaurants, shops, Turkish, Lebanese and other nationalities, different market Erbil is divided shopkeepers local between disgruntled by the Government for ignoring the support of local investors and direct support is limited to the foreign investor who others considered that his presence in the region to create a state of positive competition was absent in the last period.
The bodies estimate trade and investment in Iraq's Kurdistan number of foreign companies in the region about two thousand company nearly half Turkish, refers to the arrival of these companies contribute to supporting the national economy
In spite of the positives that might be raised as a result of the opening of foreign projects in the region, interested in the economic affairs who feature some of the negatives.
The presence of foreign enterprises in the province of Kurdistan, may be important to the national economy, but observers say that the absence of regulations governing these projects will be supportive of the local economy through the use of local raw materials and operation of hand-General, may negatively affect the region in which overwhelm the projects established the status of marketing and not investment.
