View Full Version : Tayfur: we expect the masses to agree on parliamentary committees before a hearing Mo

12-10-2010, 05:46 AM
Tayfur: we expect the masses to agree on parliamentary committees before a hearing Monday

Predicted the Second Deputy Speaker Arif Tayfur, Thursday, and the arrival of the political blocs to agree on the distribution of parliamentary committees before the next meeting on Monday, noting that the Legal Committee resolved in favor of the Kurdistan Alliance.
He said Tayfur told (Voices of Iraq) said that "discussions on the distribution of parliamentary committees and the ongoing witnessing remarkable progress has been the political blocs to reach agreement among themselves about the distribution of the committees prior to the hearing next Monday (13/12)."
He Tayfur that "there is a dispute over the presidency of the Legal Committee between coalition and Iraqi Kurdistan Alliance," expected "for the Kurdistan Committee in the end."

Friday, December 10, 201
