View Full Version : Iraq: political concessions thrown away the independence .... Haroon Mohamed

12-11-2010, 04:49 AM
Iraq: political concessions thrown away the independence .... Haroon Mohamed
2010-12-10 2:37:53 PM
Personally, I was saddened and suffered, and I read the pledge, which sent the President of the National Dialogue Front and the leader of the Iraqi List and university professor and former farmer successful former deputy in the Parliament later by Dr. Saleh al-Mutlaq to that body, called the (accountability and justice), which leaked to the media and Internet sites with a view to clear, adding that not enough to lift Alhzeran participation in the political process and confirmed that the procedures against al-Mutlaq will remain in force because of his condemnation of the Baath and its symbols and practices are free of reference to the regime of Saddam by name.
Perhaps what is worse in the undertaking of which we were waiting for al-Mutlaq, or one of his aides from the owners of loud like Haider Mulla that denies or explains the circumstances of
At least, those phrases humiliating and shameful that reminded us of the vocabulary (patent) notorious that were imposed on the Communists and Baathists in the fifties and early sixties of the last century, to be published in local newspapers, and was a good male and biography Professor Sobhi Abdul Hamid, and canceled when he received the Ministry of the Interior under the late President Abdul Salam Arif in 1964 at the time the Iraqi Gemayel, Valmtalk Whether we agree with him or disagree, remains his personal prestige academic, scientific and weight of social and niche political and does not need to make such a concession, humiliating for the payment of interest to malicious against him by the faces of evil bear a sectarian agenda hostile to Iraq and Arabism and Islam Mohammadi.
I have been al-Mutlaq to great injustice no doubt about it, not because he is a former Baathist with that degree of party does not exceed ended the regular, and the laws of ablation in place which are published and declared not covered, but because he was one of the most votes Nahit project Persian hegemony over Iraq and stop the supported organization Mujahedeen Khalq, an Iranian opposition and visited the headquarters and met with leaders and attended festivals before, and the Ambassador of Iran's former Baghdad Qomi that invited him in February (February) the past to the embassy building with the understanding with him and cancel the decision to eliminate it, so it was surprising him to submit an undertaking at all, and most surprisingly, to meet with the godfather Shiite House and Project Engineer ablation Ahmed Chalabi at the home of Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, knowing in advance that such pledge, and so the meetings degrade the amount and spend the remainder of his role as a politician has a point of view that is different in many contexts for attitudes and opinions of Chalabi and al-Mashhadani is wrapped to an understanding.
The problem suffered by al-Mutlaq in the months that followed eradicated and excluded from running the last, was very disappointed seized
Him and a big disappointment permeates the same, and I was with a group of philanthropists seeking to calm his thoughts and encourage them to survive in the face of conspiracies against him, and I remember that Bagtini once we cut the Street Gardens run in the Jordanian capital on foot after the evening a noisy debate and sparring politicians extended until hours of the morning at the home of a friend Acanutoramr
Kubaisi sudden question is: "Can our people in Iraq and quarter I sacrifice? I told him quickly: they are estimated when sympathized and shown solidarity with you, and the directory to be nominated by two brothers Ibrahim, who Astkdmth from Sharjah and put in place the vacancy in the department of Baghdad, electoral, and Yassin, who pushed him to Tikrit, run it, and asked the cousin Hamid al-Mutlaq ascetic Actinabat run in Anbar , and three of them have become MPs and all the competence they are your brothers and relatives, remained silent for the reluctance, as I felt like a day and ask for more appreciation. On another occasion I found dissatisfied with an inspection tour of Tariq al-Hashimi to the area of Adhamiya, a week before the election and gave a speech there condemning the decision to uproot al-Mutlaq, Dhafer al-Ani, unjust and wrong, so give the audience cheer him: (lived Hashemi .. Tareq Abu jealousy) and how surprised I was very when I noticed it because Lissa (Almaazemp) are residents of Adhamiya, principals and described al-Hashemi (Abu jealousy), I told him you're supposed to rejoice in the position of Gibraltar and boasts the people shout to him and he to you, too, remained silent again and is not convinced.
One disadvantage of stints in favor of a political action in post-
Occupation, he found it difficult to cope with the atmosphere ambiguous and troubled relations that prevailed and norm the political scene, a peasant free and tenacious, which succeeded with his arm and sweat of the forehead by the establishment of agricultural experiment leader in Iraq and around the farm (flute) neglected areas of barren wasteland to the land of green productive away from government support Perhaps, the secret of the reprehensible attack that launched five years ago from the outskirts of Shi'ite sectarian and other Kurdish racism and was attended by Jalal Talabani, himself, the achievements of al-Mutlaq and his fame earlier in the administration of his own farms, and its success also in the provision of speech does not meet with the proposals of the group occupation when he turned to politics and engaged in affairs and anxieties, they started coming in insults and curses on the market, including that he worked on a farm, Ms. Sajida Khairallah widow of the late President Saddam Hussein.
It is cons-Mutlaq he is dreaming of cash even if it comes from the people closest to him, was excessive for this reason the Deputy brave is Mohammed al-Daini, which has an individual effort
Expose the crimes of the death squads and violations of the Shi'ite and Kurdish militias against our people in Diyala province, have been subjected to abuse and persecution because of it, without standing with the President of the mass, which is al-Mutlaq himself, by the way, the Daini now free and is actively and widely in cooperation with international bodies and European prestigious dealing with human rights and make great efforts to prepare the black record of crimes and violations and practices of the occupation and partisan militias in Iraq, and thank you to Malaysia for their positions in support of the right and a greeting to the great leader, Mahathir Mohamed Oagafth glorious.
Valid .. It offers concessions one after the other, and bow to the dictates of the wills of the parties that contributed to the eradicated, probably will get a site or position,
He coveted to be vice president in the contentious and clear to his colleague Tareq al-Hashemi, who provided the votes obtained in the last election, five candidates from the al-Mutlaq in the capital Baghdad to be MPs in the current session and the top and one of them got five thousand votes, and only individual with the latter beautiful harassment, could give his deputies, the ministry or ministries, but in the end will lose a lot and will not longer Saleh Mutlaq, the oppressed and the oppressor and Almojtt and Exhibition, which was the people's love and sympathy with him, but will set a government is added to a series of jobs and positions are void of any role of national or political content and social
