View Full Version : Security Council will cancel some of the Chapter VII resolutions as a prelude to norm

12-14-2010, 03:35 PM

osted 14/12/2010 11:37 AM

NEW YORK (Agencies): At the sign of normalization of relations with Iraq, will the UN Security Council on Wednesday, an end to the "oil for food" and the limitations imposed on the arms contained in resolutions dating back to the reign of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
And extend the UN Security Council the other hand, for a period of six months, the decision made by the Development Fund for Iraq, which was established in 2003 after the fall of Saddam Hussein. Will be chaired by U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden, the Council meeting so that the United States assumes the presidency in December, December.
And decisions of the three expected to be adopted by the council on Wednesday will allow cancellation of the decisions adopted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, which allows the resort to sanctions, or the use of force.
Will allow these decisions to restore Iraqi sovereignty, he said a diplomat at the United Nations. And said the diplomat, "everyone (in the Security Council) agree" not to return to Iraq under the sanctions.
In this context, "said Ali al-Moussawi Advisor Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said that" Iraq is counting on this meeting to take him out of pointless Chapter VII, "noting that there is" too much hope, especially as there are signals that informal China it joined the States in favor of it. "
And the "oil for food" and put the UN Security Council in 1995 in a resolution with the number 986. And allowed the resolution, which ran from 1996 to 2003, to Baghdad to sell oil for humanitarian assistance, while Iraq was under an international embargo imposed after it invaded Kuwait in 1990.
The work was completed this program in practice in December 31, 2007 but the question pop up from contracts linked to earlier and took place under the former regime, remained pending.
With regard to weapons of mass destruction, forcing the UN Security Council resolution No. 687 of 1991 Iraq to destroy all its weapons of mass destruction and not to use or develop, manufacture or purchase of chemical and biological weapons or nuclear weapons. The resolution also ban missiles.
Iraq wrote to the UN Security Council July 28, 2010 to inform him of a number of measures have been taken to prove its commitment to the principles in the field of disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation.
In this context, said Lapid Abawi, Undersecretary of the Iraqi Foreign Minister, told AFP that "the Security Council meeting will be dedicated to refer to what Iraq has made during the last period of the implementation of its obligations under Security Council resolutions falling within Chapter VII especially with regard to the recognition of the work accomplished by Iraq in a weapons of mass destruction and its cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and the implementation Brcol guarantees and letters exchanged Energy Agency. "
He said he expected to announce the Security Council in a letter "acknowledging the successes of Iraq in this aspect as it no longer threatens international peace and security due to its location, which was practiced as a sovereign state and does not threaten security."
As to the Development Fund for Iraq, it is intended to deposit Iraq's oil resources and its mission requires the assistance of the Iraqi government to manage the country's resources in a transparent manner and is responsible for the Iraqi people. Has been established pursuant to resolution 1483 adopted by the UN Security Council.
The text of resolution 1905 to end its work in December 31, 2010. But the Iraqi government and sent to the Council a request to extend it for a year. The UN Security Council will decide in this regard Wednesday under a new resolution on this subject with the possibility of renewal for the decision six months.
Will not address the resolutions Wednesday to the relations between Iraq and Kuwait. But Iraqi and Kuwaiti authorities have registered progress during the bilateral talks that took place under the auspices of the United Nations, in such sensitive issues as the demarcation of maritime and land borders of the two countries.
On the issue of Kuwait, Ali al-Moussawi, the Iraqi adviser to the Prime Minister that "Kuwait was aware that the Iraqi government want to remove the effects of the past and the issues between the two countries."
It is said that Saddam Hussein was hanged in December 2006 after being convicted of the massacre committed against the Shi'ite villagers in the early eighties, who ruled Iraq with an iron fist for more than twenty years.