View Full Version : Iraqi Elections 2/24/2010

02-23-2010, 08:21 PM
Iraq: tomorrow .. complete access materials abroad to vote Iraqis of the six years

UNHCR stresses taking action to prevent the intervention of any points of election

BAGHDAD - Omar Abdel-Latif
Electoral Commission insisted that the elections on Thursday will witness the completion and arrival of voting materials to all offices in the six years which they will be Iraqi legislative elections abroad.

Member of the committee overseeing the management of elections abroad Iyad Kanani said in a statement to »Sabah» The process of transferring material from the six countries of origin to the session, which will be held where the legislative elections required additional time, but it was successful.

Kanani, assured voters and political entities to participate in parliamentary elections that the six years which goes to polls abroad would not interfere with the voting process, stressing that «under the international framework governing the operations of the expatriates in the overseas vote, whether they are Iraqis or other nationalities, in addition to the initial agreements held between the Iraqi government and the States where elections will be held, under the Memorandum of Understanding between the UNHCR and host countries for these elections, it was emphasized that non-eligibility of those countries to intervene directly in the electoral process because it is «violation» of the rules of international law and the agreements concluded, afterthought commented: "There are special regulations for each country can not exceed that of the Office of the calls to change some technical procedures that do not affect the conduct of the electoral process.

And Kanani had been completed deployment of polling centers and stations, as the Commission will open the 823 station and more than 300 centers spread over 45 cities in the six years to be able to exist about two million Iraqis abroad to vote on for three days, from 5 to 7 next March, noting that the mechanism for the selection of those States were in accordance with the intensity of Iraqis living in a particular state that not less than ten thousand people. Kanani pointed out that all logistical preparations in these offices will be completed by tomorrow Thursday by the arrival of ballot papers and boxes and voting records and forms, results, He pointed out that the appointment of directors of centers and polling stations in those countries phase completion.

He continued: that the Commission conducted the workshops, staff voted by this circumstance, taking into account the codification of all data on the ballot envelope and then recorded the information in the record which will be transported in a daily electronic reports to the Office of Irbil for the liquidation process and comparison with the data to verify that the voter is an Iraqi The cast his vote according to Iraqi documents adopted. and increased Kanani said: that this mechanism depends for the first time in the elections, the voter would have been in the past, highlights any close and vote counting is taking place, sorting, and the process ends, pointing to the importance of the participation of Iraqis abroad during this election and how the they will make their voices go to their home provinces in the sense that Iraqi voters, whether inside or outside the home is gaining importance and the same effect.

He declared a special measures to reduce fraud in the elections is to send out voter registration to the Commissioner for the matching process and comparison with the approved documents, as well to adopt rules of data to detect instances of repetition in the vote, in the case if the voter had voted in the documents are not supported or incorrect, noting that the elections administration office abroad by focusing on the election campaign as contributing significantly to influence the will and choices of the voter during the election process were circular to embassies in those offices in Istanbul and brought into special sessions registration and voting procedures, transport logistics and dealing with the voting record of voters abroad, adding that the ballot will be held in accordance with the voting mechanism conditional meaning that the voter puts the ballot paper in the envelope free of any confidential information or data, and then placed the envelope in another envelope which contains the largest database of voters and consequently will make Naerakip in those countries that play a professional and neutral in this process, as was also stressed during the phase of polling on how to deal with voter registration and verification of documents.

The member of the committee overseeing the management of elections abroad, said the voter register is printed on 450 pages, but will be divided during a transfer electronically to three times to ensure that there was baptized in the name the non-existent and non-voter, as it will use the first from 8 am to 12 pm and the second from 12 o'clock to 3 pm, while the third will be approved from 3 pm to six pm, as well as inventory and use of this register through forms and signatures so that certain circulating more than employees and therefore difficult to agreement between a group of employees to hold a certain twist in it. Kanani said he will also focus on the process of matching voter data through a process of counting and sorting, after the opening of the boxes is to exclude all non-conforming conditions, delete, and a counting process and will adopt the same measures in Baghdad, matching and settlement, among the ballot papers in ballot boxes and the preparation of sites and if there is a difference by 4 percent in, this is a fund has been under the process of stuffing the ballot papers are destroyed.

It is said that the Electoral Commission for elections has identified important documents substantiating the eligibility of Iraqi voters abroad. According to a member of the committee supervising the elections abroad, the required documents that will determine the participation of Iraq in the coming elections through the impress of those documents during registration, and the vote will mark the day V, VI and VII of the next March, as will the Iraqi voter registration and polling abroad by introducing the documents, show the recall, one bearing the image of the modern personality and documents required are identification documents) Personal voters (and the age of the voter identification documents) born on or before 31 / 12 / 1992 (and identification documents of nationality) Iraqi nationality (as well as the identification documents belonging to maintain in Iraq.

02-23-2010, 10:10 PM
Thanks for the post.