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07-21-2011, 10:00 AM
Parliamentarians "And With": Report of the United Nations Last May Hamper Iraq Exit From Item VII

21/7/2011 11: 16 am

It seems that the recent escalation in relations with Kuwait strongly will be present at the next meeting of the Security Council, the latest UN report clearly displays to mobility by Iraq to protest the construction of the port of Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah as well as Kuwait claims Iraq to give a position on the persons and property lost during the Gulf war, the National Alliance, for its part, considers that developments may contribute to some extent in blocking off large item VII from Iraq.

MP (Khaled Asadi), the National Alliance in particular (and with) "We hope that the recent United Nations report that the Security Council pays toward ending unfair decisions taken under Chapter VII, with observations on the tense situation between certain parties may hold some tracks but it is clear that the Government has dealt with patience and diplomacy, using the language of threats, and".

The Iraqi list, for its part blamed Iraqi diplomatic responsibility to move towards the transfer of the Kuwaiti-Iraqi reality to the Security Council, saying that Kuwait requested the United Nations to convene a meeting to discuss tension with Iraq, and called on the Attorney peirse on the Iraqi list in his "and with" Iraqi diplomacy to move at the moment and be accurate in conveying information on port-even from the aggressor.

Either the Kurdistan Alliance went even further by asking the UN Security Council has formed a Committee to study the effects of the Iraqi port of Al-navigation, where Rep. (Mohsen Al-saadun) on the Kurdistan Alliance (with) the Kurdistan Alliance, preferably there is a request from the Security Council in the formation of a neutral Commission to study the development of the port of Al-Mubarak said, adding that this Committee must be experts who have competence in international water planning takes into consideration that the port will have a negative impact To Iraqi waters.

It is recalled that the report of the Secretary-


07-21-2011, 10:06 AM
I don't think this has anything to do with chapter VII