- Political first: the end of the month .. the government send a letter to the Security
- Launch timetable for GCC single currency on March 30 - WILL IRAQ JOIN?
- IAEA recommends end of Iraqi restrictions
- UN Moves Closer To Lifting Iraq Sanctions
- Dates to keep in mind relating to Chapter 7:
- Iraq and Kuwait and chapter VII
- Washington to help iraq out of chapter 7
- Observers praise the endeavor of the State Department to get Iraq out of Chapter VII
- Approved a law on Iraq's accession to Convention on Protection of Nuclear Material
- Iraq oil law a priority, PM hopeful Allawi says
- Chapter 7 ~ Iraq Government Agrees to it's Obligations for Iraq to Emerge from Chapte
- France should be advocate of Kuwait in Iraq border problem, Kouchner
- hcl article positive
- * Kuwait to keep the currency basket peg
- posibly some forward progress on the HCL
- Egyptian ambassador in Baghdad: It's time to exit Iraq from Chapter VII
- Problems Between Iraq and Kuwait
- Iraqi-Kuwaiti talks to eject Iraq from Chapter VII
- Former MPs: Kuwait must choose between investments in Iraq and the issue of reparatio
- Kuwait’s action toward Iraq Airlines has negative effect on bilateral relations
- Politicians accuse Kuwait of seeking to sabotage the Iraqi economy
- Foreign Minister Meets with Representatives.... 5-10-10
- Kuwait is ready to help Iraq out of Chapter VII
- IBA News: Speaker of Parliament - Kuwait has expressed readiness to assist Iraq...
- kuwait to help iraq out of Chapter 7
- Ban encourages Iraq to implement outstanding UN issues ...
- Taha Shield: calls to resolve problems with Kuwait internationally
- Deferral of the joint commission meeting between Iraq and Kuwait
- Iraqi parliament speaker thanks Kuwait for keenness in stable Iraq
- Iraqi legal confirms that Kuwait would not get one penny ...
- Iraq calls for lifting UN sanctions
- Maliki confirms that the decision to disband the "Iraqi" inappropriate
- Zebari: outstanding issues between Iraq and Kuwait need to be a major government ...
- Iraq is committed to international resolutions on Kuwait
- France calls on the Iraqi government to speed up to provide Iraq with a modern milita
- we seek to close the outstanding issues with Kuwait and follow with interest the wate
- Iraq predicts "package deal" will be reached with Kuwait after elections
- Iraq joins the countries Interaction and Confidence Building in Asia
- Kuwait has received 17.5 billion dollars from Iraq of the total 41 billion dollars in
- Seek to expel Iraq from Chapter VII to be able to use this money freely
- Security Council: We have not found the remains of Kuwaitis in Iraq
- UN is giving advice to the parties of Iraq and kuwait to outst Iraq from chapter 7
- Government releases provinces’ share of oil production 6-22-2010
- Allawi to Washington: make amends can be corrected 6-24-2010
- Mulla: the invasion of Kuwait was behind the internationalization of the Iraq issue a
- Iraq today needs the support of major countries to get him out of the seventh item
- Candidate for the presidency of the Iraqi government calls for removing his country f
- getting Iraq out of the control of Chapter 7 of the UN Charter.
- Chapter 7 will remain in place until Iraq has a seated government.
- United Nations Mission: optimistic about Iraq would emerge from the seventh item in
- Hydrocarbons law is a priority for Iraq
- Zebari said in New York soon to discuss the seventh item..good news
- French trying to get Iraq out of Chapter 7
- The Arab League to expel Iraq from Chapter VII
- Hillary Clinton Chat with Zabari
- Conscious / MP Walid Abboud: the government will delay the formation of a shadow on t
- to get Iraq out of Chapter VII of enormous effort by France
- Sounds like he's saying chapter 7 along with other resolutions are gone
- Iraq- Out of Chapter 7 on August 4- ????
- August 4th, UNSC meeting will tell whether Iraq qualified to emerge from Chapter VII
- France will support Iraq to be exempt of Chapter 7
- Iraq pays $30 billion as compensation to Kuwait
- A local deputy: I did not take into account the demarcation of the border with Kuwait
- Good Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations key to solving differences -- Al-Bayati
- UN calls on Iraq to form Government
- Baghdad urged to meet resolutions on Kuwait
- Newspaper: imminent agreement between Kuwait and Iraq on the oil fields shared
- Zebari, Feltman discuss efforts to get Iraq out of Chapter VII
- Iraq: Most significant economic issues and proposals to absorb unemployment and human
- Ch.7 / GCC agrees to support Qatar's move to chair UN General Assembly
- Kuwait declares end to the pending files with Iraq
- U.S. Ambassador affirms his country's keenness to remove Iraq from Chapter VII
- Conscious / Minister of the Interior Kuwait confirms that achieve all the goals meeti
- Iraq postponed the payment of compensation for U.S. citizens and submit them to parli
- International coordinator will visit Iraq to discuss the file of prisoners and missin
- France Pushes to Remove Iraq from Chapter VII
- Bush: Proud of what I have done in Iraq and I saved the economy
- FM, Melkert discuss ways to bring Iraq out of Chapter VII
- GCC stock markets chiefs see eye to eye on standardizing systems
- Iraqi government coming in and out of the international trusteeship (Ch VII)
- White House looms that Iraq will emerge from Chapter VII in the case of the Kurds [no
- Zebari looking to quickly get Iraq out of Chapter VII
- Dr. Shabibi and the Foreign Minister meets with the heads of the Security Council
- Iraq seeks to extend the protection and immunity on its assets and revenues
- Kuwait recognized borders against Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII
- Maliki vows to end all outstanding issues with Kuwait
- UNAMI works to bring Iraq out of Chapter VII
- Iraq: removing Iraq from Chapter VII
- Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 6 of resolution 1936 (2010) (S/
- Security Council announces special events on Iraq and youth this month
- There's little appetite now for a single Gulf currency
- The issue of removing Iraq from Chapter VII will be one of the most important issues
- Iraq is demanding UNSC Chapter VII release; Issue will be raised Dec 15
- Melkert from Cairo Sunday Night: We emphasize the need to remove Iraq from Chapter VI
- German Foreign Minister: Berlin supports the lifting of international sanctions on Ir
- Iraq will emerge from Chapter VII of the middle of this month
- Biden discussed with Maliki the UN Security Council meeting on Iraq
- UN Moves Towards Ending Iraq’s Chapter VII
- Maliki and Biden discuss ways of removing Iraq from Chapter VII
- Nujaifi expresses concern about the growing anger in the Iraqi street as a result kee
- MP Mhkour: The removal of Ch VII concern the interests of Iraq economically, socially
- Security Council will cancel some of the Chapter VII resolutions as a prelude to norm
- UN set to lift sanctions that prohibited Iraq from pursuing civilian nuclear program
- Iraq confirms its commitment to resolving all outstanding issues with the State of Ku
- UN Security Council end the majority of the sanctions imposed on Iraq after its invas
- Conscious / eliminates the UN Security Council sanctions
- Iraq appreciates all the efforts that have been made to lift the sanctions
- Abdul Bari Zebari: Lifting of International Sanctions on Iraq, Moved to Safety, Polit
- Kuwait Dues Still In Force
- Iraqi Foreign Ministry: Iraq is committed to paying compensation to Kuwait
- Iraq’s Isolation Draws To an End With Less of a Bang Than a Whimper; Kuwait wanting p
- Kuwait welcomes UNSC Iraq-related resolutions
- On the road to freedom from the restrictions of Chapter VII
- Najafi: exit Iraq from item VII a historic opportunity to be invested
- Iraq Chapter 7 ~ The end of sanctions? Not Quite ...
- Item VII .. There are still things remaining
- References Najaf renewing the claim to remove Iraq from Chapter VII
- Deputy National Alliance: Opportunity to remove Iraq from Chapter VII
- Iraqi parliament hosts Iraqi Foreign Minister tomorrow; Discuss outstanding Chapter V
- Foreign Minister: Iraq on the way to emerge from Chapter VII
- Central Bank Consultant: The size of banks in the Iraqi market to exceed 10%
- Kuwait rejects cancel internationalization issues outstanding with Iraq
- Zebari said Iraq was going to Kuwait $ 21 billion
- MP Rehab blessing: Kuwaiti side of his desire to resolve outstanding issues with Iraq
- MP Hamid Buffy: Kuwait deduct 5% of the livelihood of Iraq, who live under the povert
- Nagi: Kuwaiti National Assembly Speaker looks forward to improved relations between t
- Kuwaiti dinar increased against US dollar
- Iraq FM Zebari Press Release: Meeting with US Asst Sec of State Feltman; Discuss Ch V
- Zebari, in London, looking out the requirements of Iraq from Chapter VII
- UN Sec General calls on Iraq to make concrete progress in its commitments to the rema
- UN Sec General suggests Maliki reaffirm in writing Kuwait’s land boundary
- Committee on Energy and oil the process of amending the draft investment law crude oi
- Citizen) sources: Iraq seeks to emerge from Chapter VII for us
- Emir of Kuwait appoints new Prime Minister
- Dinar peg helped avoid inflationary pressures’
- Chapter VII is nearing its end in Iraq
- Kuwait Pledges to Persuade the Gulf States to Attend the Summit in Baghdad
- Exit from Chapter VII the end of June
- Kuwaiti dinar gains against US dollar, comes to 0.275 per USD
- Lawmakers request ban on future oil contracts until HCL is passed
- Calls for UN and US to take a positive role in removing Iraq from CH VII
- Future of iraq put on table in un security council
- Jumaili: threats to hit Port Mubarak will create a new crisis between Iraq and Kuwai
- Parliamentarians "And With": Report of the United Nations Last May Hamper Iraq Exit F
- Nassif: the U.S. government to remove Iraq from Chapter VII
- Maliki gets pledge from Obama to help remove Iraq from Chapter VII
- Economic: the differences between Iraq and Kuwait will affect the movement of trade
- Kuwait FM receives two letters from Iraqi, US counterparts
- Iraq's Ambassador to the United Nations: We are working to abolish the various files
- Kuwait "astonished" with Iraqi demand to cease Mobarak Terminal
- Kuwait, the Iraqi government officially calls off construction of a port Mubarak
- Kuwait gets $1.06 bn in Iraqi reparation: UN
- Port Mubarak is contrary to law, and Iraq will not remain silent
- Government is moving: high-level delegation to visit Kuwait to discuss the (Mubarak)
- Kuwait cabinet reviews UNAMI report on Iraq”s obligations
- Committee on Oil and Energy: We have completed the tenth materials in fiftieth of mat
- Iraq, Statement From Political and Constitutional Affairs, UNAMI
- Iraq FM Zebari, Assistant Foreign Minister discuss the issue of Iraq out from Chapter
- Iraq alters oil law draft to erode Kurdish powers
- Zebari discuss with Assistant U.S. Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs to com
- Iraq is moving to resolve a compromise to resolve the issue of management of oil weal
- Baghdad: Removing Iraq from Chapter VII !!!
- Maliki confirms the possibility of resolving the dispute over the oil and gas law
- Discusses need to exit from CH VII
- Economists say that the best way to pull the country out of Chapter VII is to attract
- Hydrocarbon Reserves in Iraq
- Parliamentary Finance Committee: Network of lawyers will recover funds of the former
- Solution to Kirkuk issue is implementing Article 140
- Committees shall solve disputes over Baghdad-Erbil, Article 140, HCL
- UN pays out another $1 billion from Iraqi oil fund
- GOI and Erbil reached positive results and agreements on HCL, 140, etc
- Meeting with UN Secretary-General of the UN: Mr. Hakim confirmed the need to work out
- UN’s Kobler meets Islamic Supreme Council leader Hakim; Leader emphasizes the need to
- What is CH VII and why does Kuwait insist on keeping Iraq in it?
- White bloc calls for the Obama administration to remove Iraq from Chapter VII
- Iraqi white bloc: Calls on Obama calls to remove Iraq from Chapter VII
- Kurdistan hydrocarbon conference underway
- State of Law MP: It is responsibility of the United States to remove Iraq from Chapte
- UN: Iraq-Kuwait relations is a top priority
- White Bloc demanding America to drive Iraq from Chapter VII, Says its their duty
- Iraqi MP calls on US to use its position in Security Council to exclude Iraq from UN
- Reuters: Iraqi List tells leadership not to sign any agreement with US without pledge
- Ashour: U.S. withdrawal doesn’t mean Iraq’s return to full sovereignty, unless out of
- Iraq government must bind US to annul Chapter VII sanctions before withdrawal
- Iraq Foreign Minister will discuss Iraq’s exit from CH VII with UN Sec General, Sec S
- Zebari will meet with Secretary General of the United Nations; Deliver three reports
- Veteran Foes Ahmad Chalabi, Ayad Allawi Unite Against Iraq's Prime Minister
- UNSC to discuss three reports to remove Iraq from Chapter VII; Zebari talks to perman
- Mahmoud Othman invoke the seventh item Omelv Kuwait and Ward when the Americans
- Iraqi List MP accuses the U.S. occupation of breaking promises; Urges the removal of
- Maliki will discuss CH VII during US visit: Without CH VII release we dont have full
- Iraq won’t accept the entry of US troops again under any pretext; US promised to help
- Iraqs chapter 7 to end in 2012
- Muhammad Iqbal: the need to give assurances to the reserving States on past practices
- Iraq must contact Kuwait to exit Chapter VII
- Withdrawal pave the way for the U.S. remove Iraq from Chapter VII
- Iraqi lawmakers are concerned Iraq has yet to be removed from Chapter VII
- Iraq meeting its obligations to Kuwait enhances exit from Chapter VII
- In harmony, Americans and Kuwaiti keep Iraq under Chapter VII, despite the absence of
- US did not work to remove Iraq from CH VII during the years of occupation
- Maliki renewed his call to support Iraq out of Chapter VII
- United Nations happy to withdraw the U.S. from Iraq and demanding Nujaifi remove the
- Iraq demands to be out of UN Chapter VII, Nujaifi
- Iraqi sovereignty is still incomplete are not out of Chapter VII
- Oil and Energy Committee Member: We will seek to vote on the law of oil and gas (HCL)
- Deputy for Iraq List: Survival of Iraq under Chapter VII sanctions will depress econo
- Uzmatk _ but Talabani accuses Kuwait of non Taataawneha in resolving outstanding issu
- Kuwait will not put any obstacles in front of Iraq’s exit from Chapter VII
- Economist: lifting the seventh item on Iraq would give the Iraqi banks to deal with
- A seminar on Iraq's accession to the WTO
- Deputy Karim: The survival of Iraq under Chapter VII makes the United States in contr
- Iraq seeks to settle Kuwaiti issues through investments; Decision on CH VII expected
- KUWAIT: The pressure on Iraq to make concessions in order to attend the summit.....
- Kuwait: Its not our policy to pressure Iraq to make concessions in order to attend Ar
- Mr. Hakim discussed with the Kuwaiti Ambassador common issues between the two countri
- Iraq and Kuwait are generally moving towards stability
- Vice-Awadi: a secret deal between Baghdad and Kurdistan to pass the oil and gas law
- “Chapter VII, and inhibitors of banking” double the investment process behind the fai
- Iraq must get out of Chapter VII
- Member of Iraq’s Oil and Energy Committee: Next month Oil and gas (HCL) law will be p
- Australian ambassador supports taking Iraq out of Chapter VII
- We hope Maliki’s has success to drive Iraq from Chapter VII during his visit to Kuwai
- Iraq out of Chapter VII will contribute to the development of relations of Iraq and K
- Iraq is linked to economic relations with Kuwait, tribal and must resolve all
- Iraq seeks Italy’s help on UN Chapter VII removal
- Iraq’s departure from Chapter VII sanctions is the decision of the United Nations
- Suheil invites Germany and EU countries to support Iraq out of huge item VII
- Sahlani: there are countries along with Kuwait is seeking to keep Iraq under Chapter
- Maliki’s visit to Kuwait will put an end to the peremptory between the two countries;
- Iraq Expects Kuwait Will Write Off Loans: Dabbagh
- . calls for Maliki to demand that Kuwait took him out of Chapter VII during his visit
- Foreign Relations of the citizen: the Syrian file and exit of Iraq from Chapter VII A
- Kuwait anticipate Maliki’s visit emphasizes the importance of holding a summit of Bag
- IS MP calls Maliki to demand Kuwait to relief Iraq of UN’s 7th Chapter
- UN: the return of relations between Kuwait and Iraq will accelerate in the out of Cha
- Biden affirms to Maliki the US readiness to support getting Iraq from Article VII man
- Iraqi optimism the outcome of talks with Kuwait
- Iraqi Finance Ministry confirms Iraq’s ability to pay the dues of Kuwait
- Flights between Iraq and Kuwait to take place within next six months
- Economists divided on Iraq compensation proposal
- Iraq and Kuwait .. Confidence-building
- Iraqi – Kuwait committee will meet soon to end the file Airlines
- Ban to visit Kuwait March 28; Attends Arab summit in Baghdad March 29
- Maliki did not make concessions to Kuwait in return for lifting its debt
- Iraqi List demands to question Maliki and uncover the agreements signed with Kuwait in a public hearing
- Parliament: the government raising the issue of removing Iraq from Chapter VII in the summit
- call on UN to lift Iraq from Chapter VII
- Kuwait declares near activate the work of joint committees with Iraq on the outstanding issues