View Full Version : Maliki sends messages to reassure the Iraqi List

02-06-2012, 08:42 AM
Maliki sends messages to reassure the Iraqi List

Revealed the Iraqi List led by Iyad Allawi received messages she described as “positive” from Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, including his desire to serious in resolving the outstanding issues, particularly the application of agreements Erbil, partnership and balance in addition to the guarantees of the formation of the Council of strategic policies.

The leader of the list Dhafir al-Ani told the future Sunday that “al-Maliki met with three ministers of Iraq are the ministers of education, science and technology, agriculture, his request for talks on resolving the political crisis,” noting that “the meeting was successful and was discussed outstanding differences between the coalitions in all seriousness and candor and Minister for the sensed positive spirit of al-Maliki became clear through a statement his office, who welcomed the return of Iraqi MPs to the Council. ”

He al-Ani said that “Iraq has received positive messages from al-Maliki about his desire to resolve outstanding issues, particularly the application of agreements Erbil and file processing partnership and balance”, but he also said “there are no guarantees the formation of Council policies “, and pointed out that” the positive messages we informed them by President Jalal Talabani. ”

According to the Iraqi leader that his list is waiting in the coming days “translation reassurances and words into action,” adding that “the Iraqi List, is keen on the success of the National Conference to be held by the end of the month. “
