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02-08-2012, 06:39 AM
Keywords: parties that have signed the Convention on the Arbil is ready to announce it to the media
Wednesday, February 8, 2012 11:28

Baghdad {: News} Euphrates MP for the coalition of state law on the Keywords that political parties that have signed the Convention on the Arbil is ready to announce the content of the Convention to the media.

The political blocs took place in Erbil in late 2010 on an agreement under which an end to the dispute between the National Alliance and the Iraqi List, about the consistence of the formation of the government included several items.

And he said: Agency News} {Euphrates on Wednesday that "the political leaders who signed the agreement Erbil more than once expressed their willingness announce the terms of Irbil to the Iraqi people that these items do not include political leaders feared something to say about him."

He added that "all political blocs familiar with the agreement of Arbil and achieved most of its articles and has remained a small part of its debate taking place in the corridors of the judiciary and the government and the House of Representatives."

He emphasized that "the National Alliance carried out all its obligations to the Convention and by this more than once confirmed its strong commitment to it."

Some of the deputies pointed to the existence of secret agreements within the Erbil Convention has not disclosed the leaders of political blocs and demanded that the announcement of those agreements to the Iraqi people. Ended 2
