02-08-2012, 03:49 PM
World Bank calls for Iraq to activate single-window system to promote investment in the country
08/02/2012 12:44
Baghdad, February 8 (Rn) - The World Bank, the Iraqi government for activating the Single Window and the formation of a committee of senior officials to facilitate the entry of foreign companies in order to promote investment in the country. expert said at the World Bank Majid picture, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) announced today that " The Iraqi government claims activating system single window that is enshrined in the investment law, and the formation of a higher committee will be for its members the ability to make decisions, that includes the ministries, and investment authorities in the provincial councils. " and watching the World Bank, the process of development and investment in the country by a team of experts headed by the Economic Iraqi Majid picture. He added that "it is the most prominent obstacles facing investment projects, the lack of climates attract investment, including the fragility of the security situation and infrastructure, and the inability of legislation on the application and the loss of the investment climate in the country." He explained that the picture of "Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's demands to form a window one, and start working to implement investment projects in the budget in 2012. " The Commission announced the economy and investment representative, earlier, support for the orientations of government efforts to an amendment to the Investment Law in force No. 13 of 2006, indicating that the problem of land acquisition by the investor still the problem is more complex. and Iraq admitted in 2006, Law No. 13 for investment to encourage foreign companies to enter the country and to contribute with the government's efforts for the reconstruction of infrastructure dilapidated by war and siege. and the First Amendment, conducted by Iraq to the law in 2009 allowed the foreign investor the right to own land and property belonging State allowance determined in accordance with special regulations, and has also the right to own land and property belonging to the mixed and private sectors for the purpose of the establishment of housing projects. From: Jafar Allonan, RN and fulfillment Zangana
08/02/2012 12:44
Baghdad, February 8 (Rn) - The World Bank, the Iraqi government for activating the Single Window and the formation of a committee of senior officials to facilitate the entry of foreign companies in order to promote investment in the country. expert said at the World Bank Majid picture, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) announced today that " The Iraqi government claims activating system single window that is enshrined in the investment law, and the formation of a higher committee will be for its members the ability to make decisions, that includes the ministries, and investment authorities in the provincial councils. " and watching the World Bank, the process of development and investment in the country by a team of experts headed by the Economic Iraqi Majid picture. He added that "it is the most prominent obstacles facing investment projects, the lack of climates attract investment, including the fragility of the security situation and infrastructure, and the inability of legislation on the application and the loss of the investment climate in the country." He explained that the picture of "Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's demands to form a window one, and start working to implement investment projects in the budget in 2012. " The Commission announced the economy and investment representative, earlier, support for the orientations of government efforts to an amendment to the Investment Law in force No. 13 of 2006, indicating that the problem of land acquisition by the investor still the problem is more complex. and Iraq admitted in 2006, Law No. 13 for investment to encourage foreign companies to enter the country and to contribute with the government's efforts for the reconstruction of infrastructure dilapidated by war and siege. and the First Amendment, conducted by Iraq to the law in 2009 allowed the foreign investor the right to own land and property belonging State allowance determined in accordance with special regulations, and has also the right to own land and property belonging to the mixed and private sectors for the purpose of the establishment of housing projects. From: Jafar Allonan, RN and fulfillment Zangana