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02-09-2012, 08:19 AM
Meeting of the Arab League to prepare for the economic profile of the Arab summit scheduled in Baghdad


Started today at the League of Arab States of the regular session (89) of the Economic Commission arising from the Economic and Social Council Arab headed to Lebanon to replace the State of Qatar, in preparation for the cycle (89) of the Economic and Social Council, which begins its work at the ministerial level on Thursday in Cairo .

The head of the interest Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Economics Lebanese owner of Asi Chairman of the meeting in a statement that the participants are looking for two days to prepare for the file Economic and Social Council, which will be presented to the Arab Summit in regular session (23) in Baghdad in March as well as preparations for the summit of the Arab economic and social development to be held in Riyadh early next year and follow up the implementation of the resolutions of the Economic Summits earlier .

He drew attention to the participants will also discuss issues related to follow-up phases of the implementation of the Arab Customs Union and Free Trade Area of the Great Arab and Arab investments and other issues concerning the work of specialized Arab organizations and cooperation forums, Arab International .
