View Full Version : Iraq Decides to implement the national ID card project worth $260 million

02-15-2012, 08:56 AM
Iraq Decides to implement the national ID card project worth $260 million

Baghdad, February 15 (Rn) – The Economic Commission of the Council of Ministers said on Wednesday it has decided to implement the national ID card project during this year worth $ 260 million.

A member of the Committee and Minister of Planning Ali Shukri, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “the Economic Committee in the Council of Ministers decided to add $ 260 million to the budget in 2012 to implement the national ID card project.”

“The card project aims to expand the national security information to track down terrorist groups and knowledge of Iraqis by the national ID card which will contain all the information and archives.”

He continued that “the file submitted to the House of Representatives for the purpose of adding this project within the project budget in 2012 and will be implemented by the Ministry of Interior, which is part of the Federal Electronic Government project.”

And put the Federal Government of Iraq on the tenth of August last high central plan to link ministries with each other via a computer, supervised by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Planning in cooperation with companies with high specialization in electronic communications.

Iraq and lacks a government program to provide electronic information and data for agricultural projects, commercial, industrial and economic development for the past eight years,
