View Full Version : Iraqi Stock Exchange announces circulation of more than 41 billion dinars during the

02-18-2012, 10:53 AM
Iraqi Stock Exchange announces circulation of more than 41 billion dinars during the last month

Declared the Iraqi market for securities, Saturday, from trading in more than 24 billion shares traded amounted to a value of more than 41 billion dinars during the month of January and an average of five sessions per week.

And trading of the market during the month of January 24 billion and 473 million shares worth trading reached 41 billion and 186 million dinars, the equivalent of $ 34 million a session low by 32.4 percent from last December, while the number of companies traded 59 companies out of 87 companies listed electronically in the market.

The index of the first stock exchange in its opening month of January to 138.18 points, up 1.58 percent from the last session of a month last December and was up by 12 percent from its last meeting for the month of January.

The contracts that were traded in the market investors 11 thousand and 255 contract and 563 contract rate up by 9.6 percent from the total of contracts for the month of December, the number of sessions were a valuable market for the month of January 20 meeting and an average of five sessions per week.

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi market for securities was established in June 2004, and was accredited by the manual trading, and in April 2009, adopted electronic trading in part by some companies, and is now trading electronically to companies registered in 2010, and traded in the market, 85 companies belonging to the seven sectors is the banking, industrial, hotel, tourism, agricultural, investment, insurance and services.
