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02-19-2012, 09:50 AM
Security and Defense Commission Member: Will take up request of Kuwait’s recognition of it borders and to Parliament to take a position clear and firm

Baghdad (news) .. declared a member of the Commission on Security and Defence parliamentary deputy / coalition in Iraq / Alexander and berries that with the number of members of the House of Representatives did not identify will take up the request of Kuwait and private sectors to recognize Kuwait’s borders, calling for the House of Representatives to have a position clear and firm about it.

said and berries (of the Agency news) said on Sunday: Kuwait are demanding recognition of the limits of between Iraq and Kuwait, and that can not be accepted and that any honest citizen that does not accept that border the high claimed by Kuwait to recognize them, stressing that Kuwait has gone too far in excess of Iraq and the rights of Iraqi oil theft and trespassing on the land.

He and berries to: that the Convention that took place after 2003 became the “zero-sum”, such as abuse of Iraqi territory in the port of Umm Qasr and Bubiyan Island, as well as not to extinguish debts which are the true indicators Bmaharb Iraq, calling on the House of Representatives to take a decision to a strict and clear towards the demands of Kuwait, the fact that it is detrimental to the sovereignty and security of Iraq, as well as the position of Parliament is the expression of the will of the Iraqi people.

added Tut: The visit of the President Aloza Nuri al-Maliki’s expected visit to Kuwait is to strengthen relations between the two countries, and many meditators return of the Prime Minister to brief them on important topics that were discussed, he said, adding that the government is the other that does not recognize the border with Iraq between Iraq and Kuwait, as a national duty and not political.

The file border disputes and oil between Iraq and Kuwait, began after Britain decided to in 1961 granting the independence of Kuwait, and the rejection of the late Prime Minister Abdul Karim Qassim, recognition, and called on then to the annexation of Kuwait to spend Basra, despite the recognition of the Iraqi government, dominated by the Baath Party in 1963 after dropping system Abd al-Karim Qasim, the independence of Kuwait deal mentioned some historians that it was in return for giving the Iraqi government money because of the deficit, which was suffering, but the former president Saddam Hussein, who belongs to the same party, he decided on the second of August 1990 invasion of Kuwait on the background of problems on the border and Tsmha and conflict on some oil wells.

and issued UN Security Council Resolution 833 in 1993, provides for the demarcation of the border between Iraq and Kuwait, which has a length of 216 km through the formation of an international commission to demarcate the border between the two parties, which was rejected by the regime of President Saddam Hussein first, but it was approved by the end of 1994 after international pressure , and officials say the Iraqis that the demarcation of the border between the two countries were by force, and led to the deduction of Iraqi territory in terms of Safwan and Umm Qasr area, as well as reducing the area of Iraqi territorial waters, while urging the Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, Iraq in November 16 of 2010, to fulfill its obligations to Kuwait, in particular with regard to Security Council resolution No. (833) on the delineation of the border between them to get out of the penalty provisions of Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.
