View Full Version : Senior delegation from the Arab League to visit Baghdad Monday to discuss preparation

02-20-2012, 09:15 AM
Senior delegation from the Arab League to visit Baghdad Monday to discuss preparations for the Arab summit

Sunday, February 19, 2012 18:25

The high-level delegation from the Secretariat of the Arab League, headed by Ambassador Samir Seif Alezn visited Baghdad to find out the last administrative arrangements, technical and organizational to hold the Arab summit twenty-third to be held in Baghdad in the last week of next month.

According to an official statement issued by the Arab League, the Agency has received all of Iraq [where] a copy of it today, Sunday, “The delegation will visit Baghdad on Monday to complete the consultation with the Iraqi authorities about the ongoing preparations for holding the Arab summit, where the delegation includes both the Ambassador Samir Seif Alazel Assistant Secretary-General Head of Financial Control and Ambassador Mohammed Alkhmlishe Assistant Secretary-General, head of the Information and Communication and a number of officials of the Secretariat of all sectors involved in logistics preparations for the summit to discuss with their Iraqi counterparts about the arrangements. “

The Deputy Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Ben Helli, who visited Iraq on 30 of January last at the head of a delegation from the university had said during a press conference with Foreign Minister of Iraq’s willingness technical, security and logistical support to host the Arab summit to be held in the twenty-ninth of March next preceded the day before the date of the summit preparatory meeting her.
