View Full Version : Finance Committee: most of the demands of the political blocs are included in the fin

02-21-2012, 08:58 AM
Finance Committee: most of the demands of the political blocs are included in the financial budget for the current year

Member of Finance Committee announced the parliamentary Haitham Jubouri that most of the demands of the political blocs have been included in the budget for fiscal year 2012

Jubouri said in a press statement on Tuesday that “the Finance Committee and a decade after more than a meeting with representatives of the political blocs and also held a meeting with the Ministers of Planning and Finance incorporated most of the demands of political blocs within the draft budget law is financial.”

and added that “the Finance Committee agreed to the demands of the Kurdistan Alliance cancellation of a provision to compensate the damage it might cause budget the province of the share of the region and for the salaries of the Peshmerga will be discussed between the Prime Minister and President of the Kurdistan region. “

He said, “is also included most of the demands of the National Alliance in the financial budget as well as the demands of the Iraqi List.”

The House of Representatives may ended the second reading of the budget bill, Finance and it is hoped to be voted upon in the coming days. acknowledged the Iraqi government on 5 December last budget year 2012 amounting to $ 100 billion in about 117 trillion Iraqi dinars and a deficit of up to $ 13.5 billion {17 trillion dinars}.

The percentage of funds allocated for investment projects in the budget, 35%, while acquired the rest of the sectors, particularly the operating budget for the remaining ones. The Government has adopted the Iraqi oil price basis of $ 85, and expects, by differences in the price of oil, to cover more than 10 billion dollars of the deficit
