View Full Version : UN – Iraq Dates Scheduled

04-21-2010, 12:25 PM
UN – Iraq Dates Scheduled
Posted in NEWS
UN – Iraq Dates Scheduled: April 1st Iraq’s Action Plan, June 15th Review, transition to a post-Development Fund mechanism by 31 December 2010

Security Council – Iraq
SC/9827 Security Council
Security Council Extends Until 31 December 2010
Arrangements for Depositing Proceeds from Oil, Gas Sales into Development Fund for Iraq
Adopting Resolution 1905(2009) Unanimously, Council Also Requests
Iraq ’s Government to Transition to Post-Fund Mechanism by End of 2010
Unanimously adopting resolution 1905 (2009) and acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, the Council decided that the mechanism of the Development Fund and the International Advisory and Monitoring Board as well as other relevant provisions of resolution 1483 (2003) would be reviewed at the request of Iraq’s Government, or no later than 15 June 2010.
The Council called on the Government of Iraq to ensure the timely and effective transition to a post-Development Fund mechanism by 31 December 2010 and to put in place the necessary action plan and timeline thereto by 1 April next year. The Council further requested the Government, through the head of the Council of Financial Experts (COFE) to report quarterly to the Council on progress made.
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04-22-2010, 02:44 AM
Looks like everything is being put BACK 1 year? Transition to a POST DEV FUND MECH isn't even critical until END OF YEAR... along with quarterly updates on progress toward that end...(which we all know that GOI has already positioned their financial endeavors before the end of 2009 for this...so why the delay??) AND THE "ACTION PLAN" that was suppose to be IN PLACE by April of THIS YEAR... has now been extended to be put inplace on a "timeline" of "Next year- April 1"....Good lord.... what a frickin mess...

04-22-2010, 06:07 AM
move along folks nothing to see...move along...just a train wreck! lol

04-22-2010, 07:33 AM
DBC - thanks 4 posting,
This is old information. It set things in motion and establishes projected dates, but the criteria can be met anytime prior to these posted dates - as we were (AND STILL ARE) hoping...! Let's simply wait and see what the next few weeks bring - GOI seated, and the RV/RI, and Ch7 lifted...JMO - Thanks again for posting

RON ;)

UN – Iraq Dates Scheduled
Posted in NEWS
UN – Iraq Dates Scheduled: April 1st Iraq’s Action Plan, June 15th Review, transition to a post-Development Fund mechanism by 31 December 2010

Security Council – Iraq
SC/9827 Security Council
Security Council Extends Until 31 December 2010
Arrangements for Depositing Proceeds from Oil, Gas Sales into Development Fund for Iraq
Adopting Resolution 1905(2009) Unanimously, Council Also Requests
Iraq ’s Government to Transition to Post-Fund Mechanism by End of 2010
Unanimously adopting resolution 1905 (2009) and acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, the Council decided that the mechanism of the Development Fund and the International Advisory and Monitoring Board as well as other relevant provisions of resolution 1483 (2003) would be reviewed at the request of Iraq’s Government, or no later than 15 June 2010.
The Council called on the Government of Iraq to ensure the timely and effective transition to a post-Development Fund mechanism by 31 December 2010 and to put in place the necessary action plan and timeline thereto by 1 April next year. The Council further requested the Government, through the head of the Council of Financial Experts (COFE) to report quarterly to the Council on progress made.
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04-22-2010, 07:53 AM
Several months ago everyone was talking about the large notes ($25k, $10k) being "voided" at the end of 2010. Is this still in play?