View Full Version : IMF & UN News
- Hamid al-Bayati: Iraq to pay 27 billion and 25 billion will
- IMF ‘On-Market’ Gold Sales Move Ahead
- IMF Stand by Arrangement Meeting – 10/24/10
- New UN project to spur growth in Iraq?s private sector
- Iraq & IMF
- Iraqis’ Determination to Resist Return to Perils of Past
- Iraq Begins Participation in the IMF’s GDDS
- U.S. Seeks to Spur Iraq’s Economy by Ending UN Trade Sanctio
- U.S. Seeks to Spur Iraq’s Economy by Ending UN Trade Sanctio
- Statement to the press by Mr. Gerard Rue 2/16/2010
- Biden, UN official discuss preparations for March 7 2/23
- IMF to provide 3.6-billion-dollar loan to Iraq
- IMF Press Release No. 10/60
- Link to new IMDF loan docs
- Iraq gets its largest loan to date from IMF
- UN.ORG: Latest Media Alert (Situation Concerning Iraq)
- IMF link to Sdr,s per currency Units
- UN: Sanctions Still In Effect (CH7 not lifted today)
- Iraq sees Kuwait ‘package deal’ after poll from2/17
- UNSC to lift scientific curbs on Iraq on compliance with IAE
- IMF wants bigger global economy role
- UN Security Council Ready To Lift Saddam-Era Sanctions
- IMF Report 2-26-10
- Head of IMF Proposes New Reserve Currency
- Iraq makes headway in ending U.N. sanctions February 27
- Iraqi List: the fight against corruption more effective than
- IMF Executive Board Concludes 2009 Article IV Consultation w
- IMF: Favorable Medium-Term Outlook For Iraqi Economy
- IMF: Iraq economy achieves substantial progress
- IMF rules in favor of Iraq
- IMF Program Note - Iraq
- IMF Anouncement Release 3/4
- IMF: Inflation – Changing Dynamics
- GCC urges UN, Iraq to double efforts to determine fate of Kuwaiti missings
- Iraq completes three economic reform programs supported by IMF 3/10/2010
- Iraq completes three economic reform programs supported by IMF
- IMF >>>Iraqi Letter of Intent
- Complete analysis of " Three economic reform programs by local news agency"
- Iraq Completes 3 econ. reforms supported by IMF
- IMF Doc: Dinar to float on Forex
- IMF – Iraq to Improve Statistical Database
- Iraq Latest IMF Financial Arrangement
- IMF - Iraq to improve statistical database
- IMF Warns US And Other Developed Nations Of Unprecedented Austerity
- No LOP !!!!!
- UN supports Iraqi efforts to rehabilitate State-owned businesses
- International Monetary Fund sought to make Iraq in the ranks of capitalist countries
- Default Iraqi Finance: IMF sought to make Iraq in the ranks of capital 27/03/2010 12:
- Latest IMF report:
- Transferring Iraq to a Private-Sector State as IMF condition to grant it loans
- Security Council welcome the Independent High Electoral Commission of Iraq’s (IHEC)
- Iraq agrees to continue to pay 5 pct of oil proceeds in comp. fund
- Iraq agrees to continue to pay 5 pct of oil proceeds in comp. fund 4/2/10
- Ban Ki-moon calls for Iraq to pay reparations from oil revenues
- UN Schedule for April includes Breifiing & Consultations on Iraq (DFI/IAMB) on April
- Security Council Updated on Action Plan, Timeline for Transition
- Article XIV and Article VIII
- UN meeting 4/6/2010
- First report of the Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 3 of resolution 1905
- Iraq to Take Control of Oil Revenue by End of 2010,UN Says April 06, 2010, 3:03 PM ED
- April 6th, 2010 UN Security Council Meeting
- Security Council Extends Until 31 December 2010 Arrangements for Depositing
- Security Council Updated on Action Plan.. April 6 2010
- IQD historical exchange rates
- Iraq's Obligations to the IMF
- Iraq's Obligations to the IMF
- SDR and How Value is Determined
- Link to IMF site Todat 6:25
- Repost of Past Iraq Currency Values in April
- UN – Iraq Dates Scheduled
- IMF: Iraq economic outlook remains positive
- No exchange rate debate in IMF meeting
- un supervise kurd's mtg
- IMF urges GCC to keep fiscal stimulus steps
- IMFC Meeting 04/24/2010
- United Nations Compensation Discusses Various Issues Related to Tomorrow Between Iraq
- Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,
- After the IMF Bails out Europe, the U.S. May Have to Bail Out the IMF
- The United Nations Mission in Iraq / UNAMI /, that the United Nations and Iraqi ....
- UN Post
- United Nations Treasury United Nations Operational Rates of Exchange
- UN, Iraq launch five-year plan
- Agreement is a continuation of the cooperation between Iraq and the UN
- "the equation" --- imf data mapper --- great tool!!!!!
- Iraqi government welcomes Framework Agreement with UN
- Might have something here -- imf timeline for gov. Banks and major capitol increases
- "The Equation" -- DFI Audit Year End 2009 -- Report to IAMB April 28th --- Many ?????
- UN Chief: Iraq ahead of critical months
- Latest results from UN on Iraq elections
- IMF DATA -- 2007 -- 2010 Central Bank Balance Sheets --
- Committee to Protect Iraqi funds looking for contracts submitted by the UN
- United nations development assistance framework for iraq 2011-2014
- Imf timeline of actions -- complete vs pending
- Triggers for world bank development plan
- Reference and Support Material for Development Plan (DPL)
- Brookings Institute Statistics -- 1 of 4
- Where Oh Where Can Our Little RV Be? Oh Crap! -- There You Are!!!
- IMF Says Current Fiscal Crisis No Threat To Euro Currency
- Feb. 2010 --- World Bank Operations in Iraq --
- Regional IMF Report: Growth Picks Up in Middle East, But Credit Still Sluggish
- Reuters Insider: Special Report: Between Iraq and a rich place -- 1 of 2
- Easy to use tools --- world bank visualizer and imf mapper
- UN Security Council call to speed up forming the next government ....
- United Nations: Security Council’s support we want to stay in Iraq after U.S. withdra
- Timelines and Task -- CBI and IMF -- The Plan is Rolling Out!
- Ministry of Finance and IMF -- Task and Timelines --- Keep Rolling Along!!!!
- UN Security Council urges Iraq to quickly form new government - 4 June 2010
- The advisory board would discuss with the internationalist future plans and programs
- Very Interesting! -- IMF Debt Sustainability Study --- Before and After RV
- Finance Ministry receives $440 m from IMF
- This is Outstanding Logic From Unknown Economist -- TY Tenmillion found it!!
- The New UN Sanctions Resolution Against Iran
- UN call on Iraq and Kuwait to resolve outstanding issues
- Ex-UN arms inspector to face Iraq war inquiry
- UN sanctions on Iran to limit interventions in Iraq’s affairs - analysts
- UN meeting at 3:00
- Press Release - UNSC 6/15/10
- UN: Iraq needs a lot to do with the development of human rights and sovereignity...
- Iraq and UN Security Council Meeting – June 15th 2010
- Status report -- un and world bank -- iraq banking reform
- Mahmoud Othman: the United Nations proposals for the formation of the seriousness of
- UN refugee chief calls for non-sectarian Iraq government
- Iraqi government to continue dealing with the IMF
- United Nations stresses the importance of forming a government in Iraq in 30 days
- Iraq enters into a third agreement with the IMF for the years 2010/2011
- Al-Dabbagh: the role of the United Nations in Iraq is limited to providing assistance
- Security council report june 2010
- Dabbagh: UN role in Iraq for assistance
- Take a Deep Breath -- RELAX --- This Delay was Accounted for in The Plan!!!
- What is Scheduled for June 30th -- IMF Plans for Iraq's Banks
- July 2, 2010 high-level policy dialogue
- UN ready to give consultation if asked
- Ministry of P*****ng launched the national development plan for the coming years and
- Regional Comparison and Iraq ---- Version 2-00
- Projected Payment Schedule to the IMF
- Ban Ki-moon recommends to keep the Development Fund for Iraq, the U.S. central bank
- Iraqi Finance receives 400 million dollars of U.S. Treasury
- Unsc iraq july forecast 7-12-10
- UN Security Council will hold a special meeting Monday to discuss the issue of the De
- Press Release No. 10/288
- Crucial Elements of New Export-Revenue Mechanism for Iraq Still Lacking,
- Asia must brace for surge of capital, IMF chief warns
- IMF urges financial overhaul in Middle East and Central Asia
- IMF Working Papers
- The UN has set a meeting in order to discuss the new government formation in Iraq
- Unsc 9978 july 10, 2010
- UN meeting will not focus on Iraq’s political crisis
- UN panel pays out $650 million in reparations for Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait
- August 4th, UNSC meeting will tell whether Iraq qualified to emerge from Chapter VII
- August 2010- iraq un security council report ...
- UNSC will make no strong resolution about Iraq – Othman
- UN Security Council meeting held Wednesday on the assessment of the situation in Iraq
- August 2010 Security Council Report
- UN some info on meeting
- resolutions include lines of warning to the Iraqi politicians
- The Security Council Discusses the Situation in Iraq Today Wednesday 4/8/2010
- UN Security Council session on Iraq, will discuss the extent of Iraq's compliance wit
- Ahead of a meeting of the United Nations Security Council expresses its regret at the
- UN meting Aug 4 2010 recorded
- UN officials urge Iraqi leaders to step up efforts to form new government
- UN Security Council Press Release 8-4-10
- UNSC urges Iraqis to resolve divisions
- Violence in Iraq shadows U.S. plans to withdraw combat troops
- Iraq demands him out of the UN Security Council Chapter VII penalty
- UN calls on Iraq to take steps to end sanctions
- UN Security Council to extend for another year the mandate of the UN mission to provi
- Al-Azzawi : UN Security Council tries to solve the crisis, Iraqi government
- Small: Iraq is forced to deal with the recommendations of UN Security Council
- Report Acknowledges Need to Work Better Towards Achieving Development in Iraq
- Iraq Checks Iran Banks Seeking License
- Iraq with the United Nations sign a development program is the first of its kind
- UN calls on Iraq to take steps to end sanctions
- Security council extends mandate of united nations mission in iraq
- UNAMI Eight Millennium Development Goals
- AP IMPACT: US wasted billions in rebuilding Iraq
- UN to consider lifting Iraq sanctions
- Message on the occasion of the international day of democracy
- * IMF warns of global recovery risk
- Talabani, to New York to attend the meetings of the General Assembly of the UN
- Conscious / meeting at the United Nations to provide assistance to Pakistan
- UN General Assembly memorandum
- Talabani participates in the meetings of the General Assembly
- Zebari Speech to UN General Assembly SEPTEMBER 22, 2010
- End to currency dispute eludes finance ministers
- Treasury Secretary importance of supporting the Iraqi private sector banks
- INA / Minister of Finance in Washington looking to restructure state banks and upgrad
- UN envoy in Iraq escapes bombing unharmed
- UN calls for masses to sit at one table without conditions
- An IED targets UN convoy; Melkert escapes without injury, five members of SWAT injure
- UNESCO) plans to launch a project to develop curricula in Iraq
- New IMF Document! Read it For Yourself and Make Your Own Opinion!
- IRAQ: LETTER OF INTENT Sept. 18, 2010
- IMF Executive Board Completes First Review under SBA with Iraq
- International Monetary Fund cut its forecast for oil production
- IMF: Conditions are Unfair to Iraq
- International community and Hariri allies condemn group's call for boycott of tribu
- United Nations: Iraq has taken significant steps to achieve national reconciliation,
- UN rep. meets with Kurdish delegation in Baghdad SaturdayUN
- IMF approves the reform proposed by the G20
- The United Nations Operational Rates of Exchange Nov 8, 2010
- IMF renews demand to end the Iraq debt
- Iraqi Finance Minister rules out privatization of government banks
- Iraq Disengagement of the International Monetary Fund
- Government adviser revealed a lack of conviction of the International Monetary Fund p
- A week of secrets and lies as Comical Leni played dumb to the nation
- IMF dissatisfied with Iraq’s monetary policy
- GOI Advisor: IMF requests Minister of Finance and CBI to change monetary policy
- UN optimistic about the future of Iraq because of the balance and a strong parliament
- U.S. drawdown in Iraq affecting UN ability to carry out operations - Ban
- UN Security Council to hold high-level meeting in Iraq
- U.S. Deputy Ambassador of Basra: Iraq will emerge from Chapter VII - end of the year
- Ban worried by Iraqi security, politics
- NATO expresses its readiness to extend its mission in Iraq
- UN Meetings on the 15th and 17th of this month
- U.S. drawdown in Iraq affecting UN ability to carry out operations - Ban
- UN seeks to remove Iraq from Chapter VII
- The Security Council regarding the vote on the resolutions on Iraq next week
- Iraq should ensure fair trials for detainees: U.N.
- United Nations to put an end to restrictions
- The relationship with United States out of Iraq from Chapter VII would be codified
- Conscious / UN Security Council looking three decisions on Iraq today
- United Nations to put an end to restrictions imposed on Iraq today
- Iraq made progress, seeks "rightful UN place": US UN Security Council set to lift Ira
- U.S. official confirms that an end to UN resolutions, Iraq reparations to Kuwait
- U.N. Lifts Nuclear Weapons Sanctions On Iraq
- Iraq will still need to comply with Kuwait-related resolutions despite lifting sancti
- Iraq: Security Council ends several war-related mandates in ‘milestone’ session, back
- President Receives Nujaifi the representative of Iraq to the United Nations
- IMF Determines New Currency Amounts for SDR Valuation Basket
- Ministry of Finance: 90% of private banks operating within the guidelines of cash
- Biden to Talabani: us wants to lift all UN resolution on Iraq
- IMF Ups 2011 Global Outlook On Stronger Than Expected 2nd Half of 2010
- UN reparations panel for invasion of Kuwait pays out $680 million
- IMF Towards a More Stable Monetary System Feb 10,2011
- Faraj al-Haidari: The United Nations has threatened not to monitor any election in th
- IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn Calls for Strengthening the Internationa
- IMF calls for dollar alternative
- IMF head urges bigger global role for China's yuan
- IMF calls for dollar alternative
- The IMF and the World they differ...
- World Bank Group - International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings
- World Bank Calls for Overhaul of Monetary System
- MF Says Weaker Dollar Would Help Global Growth
- IMF says weaker dollar would help global growth
- Detailed New Briefing Paper on Iraq
- Limits of Floating Exchange Rates: the Role of Foreign Currency Debt and Import Struc
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