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View Full Version : Breitling, Phoenix333, Mailman17, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 8/7/12

08-07-2012, 07:57 AM
8-6-2012 Kaperoni There are a lot of pieces to the puzzle regarding the rate. Shabibi has a lot of issues to deal with inside Iraq. He has to build the banking sector. They have what is referenced to as a staging rate of 1 to 1, or slightly above or slightly below. That rate will not cause a stampede to the banks. No one knows what the rate will be until it happens, only the IMF and Central Banks have discussed this. But, this rate would make it a very attractive currency for Central Banks around the world to purchase it & that's why a staging rate of 1 to 1 makes perfect sense. If you put all the pieces together, this draws a nice map to the end result of a higher rate down the road

8-6-2012 Tony It's out of Iraq's hands, it's in the hands of those that put the plan together, the U.S. Britain, France & other governments. They are working to make the right decision, this is a world wide event, the survival of the world financial system. China is not in charge of this. We still don't know the date and rate. I do know Iraq wants their ministers to be paid after the 15th of this month in the new currency. I know it's not going to be Jan. 1st. I think it's a short period of time. We are still in THE position. The decision could be made in the next 30 minutes, next hour or could be made in September, October, or November, but everything is done. [post 3 of 3]

8-6-2012 L.J. Talabani is supposed to be back right after Ramadan. We are seeing alot of good things on the government side...laws passed 100...70 more to pass...National Alliance isn't going to change their tune...they are going to continue to try and prolong this thing for as long as they can...You have Maliki saying I am going to do this and do that...You have Jafaari meeting after meeting with National Alliance about the reforms...Supposedly we had reform papers delivered today - Najafi looking over Reform documents as we speak...National Alliance says they have addressed every item talked about in the reforms - so we will see...We have alot of good things coming...we are looking for which is the government to make some kind of decision on what they are going to do on forming itself and I think we are going to pleased with it hopefully before the middle of the month.

8-6-2012 Hammerman Chances are the longer we wait, the higher the rate goes up. I had a conversation with Ms. Wu today, she is pushing for this to go through. There is going to be some major movement with currencies tomorrow and a major currency announcement. The global realignment of currencies has started. The RV will not take place for 2 - 6 weeks...look between the 20th of this month until Sept. 25th. Everything is in place

8-7-2012 BGG I don't care where it comes in at - I have an idea where it's headed. In fact, if it starts in the low three's I may leave a considerable amount in Dinars as I have an idea as to what will happen...my gut says a bit more than a dollar is the very bottom side. Worst case. I just don't see it at a dollar (unless it's a very short - initial rate). I truly think it will get to a bit over four bucks sometime in the first year after coming out - don't care where it comes out...at some point in the near future, it will be worth more...and that's why - if it starts in at a low 3 number I'm not in a big hurry... I agree the drastic move from a dollar + to over 4.00 in a year would be currency "whiplash" and does carry with it some inherent risks - I am under the impression - both from sources and the lack of any real proof otherwise - Dr Shabibi will directly manage the IQD pricing for some time. I doubt it will be a Forex currency for quite a while.

8-7-2012 Poppy3 i don't buy the rv coming out low and going high at all...that is not what the DR said...and about the dinar not being marketable at the higher price??? Well Shabibi stated they could actually sustain up to $14 plus against the USD. Then they are not afraid of a run on the bank in country KUWAIT WASN'T WHEN THEIRS CAME OUT HIGH AND EVEN WENT HIGHER before dropping 9 days later?? One to one doesnt help their revenue to rebuild their country. I have my faith in what I have studied.

8-7-2012 L.J. Things are starting to move...it seems that the end of Ramadan is a target time frame...makes sense Talabani is supposed to be back after Ramadan...and we see they trying to have the reforms done before the end of Ramadan...with that we have reason to have encouragement to see something take place and we just hope that with what Shabibi is telling us and what the banking sector is doing that it all comes together like we think and know it should...we are starting to see some movement...please have cautious excitement and optimism because as we have always seen deadlines come and go.

8-7-2012 Mainman17 i see parliament is in full approval of shabs plan but that plan simply states the new denoms will come out jan 1 and have a rate equal to the dollar...i still think the smalls printed from 2003 will come out first...parliaments moving fast law wise especially concerning the courts...in other words they are taking away malikis power to use the courts to his advantage...the no vote is still very much alive...they want maliki on a spit, slowly turning till he's done but to get that done they needed to take the courts power away concerning just what maliki can do and that being done as we speak...let it play out, almost home, political posturing then…the kill.

8-7-2012 Footforward We have undeniable proof we are right on top of this. This could happen 10 minutes from now or it could have already happened. Ramadan is of no consequences. Syria has nothing to do with this. Iraq has nothing to do with this. It is actually a matter of timing. The media does not tell you everything. The VND and all the currencies will go at one time in order to accomplish what they want to do. In my opinion, I think we are looking for double digits. Even the bad guys want this done by Jan. 2013, will it go till then, I don't think so. Based on what happened today, it could happen anytime.


8-7-2012 Doc As predicted nothing of significance has been made public during Ramadan. We still have several days left and we continue that no announcement is forthcoming concerning the RV. What we are interested in is all the under-the-table deals we are confident that have occurred during this time. There have been hints in the media that Maliki and Allawi may have come to an understanding. Unfortunately the news concerning Ebril has not been as positive with numerous reports of the Kurds forming their own country and even issuing their own currency. We continue to postulate these are still negotiation tactics and we will see these deals emerge and become public later this month into September.

8-7-2012 Breitling The rate these guys want to come out at is a buck. But, do not get tied up on a rate and do not get tied up on a date, and do not apply some conspiracy theory to this investment. I had a question, "Why don't we just go in there and have them revalue it". Remember when Shabibi said the dinar would be a world reserve currency for other countries, well, if you look at how they are setting everything up, if they don't have that stuff in place it is not going to sustain it. They have to maintain the rate. You just can't go in there & force it & make it happen, you can't artificially do things. You have to be patient. They have a time frame to get it done, what that is. we don't know.

8-7-2012 Phoenix3333 Meeting brings together Maliki and Allawi. "A meeting between the Prime Minister and leader of the Iraqi List, noting that there were signs of easing the crisis. There are positive indications on the horizon, especially after the return of the Deputy Prime Minister Mutlaq and a visit to his office a delegation from the Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki evidence of a convergence of views between the parties."

8-7-2012 BGG it's all about the events - not the dates...if things go well - we're not that far off. I was asked when my patience [will] wear thin...if this gets around the end of Q1 2013 and we're still sitting here looking at Maliki shenanigans I'll be worried...otherwise - we're all good. I don't look for things to go on much longer - there are some good things getting done as we speak.