- American Contractor 9/20/2011
- Adam 9-21-11
- Med 9-21-11
- Okie 9-21-11
- Phoenix 9-22-11
- Misc Other Guru's
- 9-23-11
- 9-23-11 OkieOilMan
- 9-24-11 MailMan17
- 9-24-11 Frank26
- 9-23-11 Adam
- Misc other guru's
- Med and Mailman17 9-24/25-11
- Misc other guru's 9-24/25-11
- 9-26-11 Misc other Guru's
- 9-27-11 Misc Guru Predictions
- Phoenix 9-28-11
- Misc other Guru's 9-28-11
- Kaperoni 9-29-11
- Misc Other Guru's 9-29-11
- Misc Guru's 9-30-11
- Breitling 10-1-11
- Misc Guru's 10-1-11
- Misc Guru's 10-3-11
- Neno 10-3-11 !!!
- Misc Guru's 10-4-11
- Misc Guru's 10-5-11
- Misc Guru's 10-6-11
- Misc Guru's 10-7-11
- Misc Guru's 10-8-11
- Misc Guru's 10-9-11
- Misc Guru's 10-10-11
- Misc Guru's 10-13-11
- Misc Guru's 10-14-11
- Misc Guru's 10-17-11
- Misc Guru's 10-18-11
- Misc Guru's 10-19/20-11
- Misc Guru's 10-22-11
- Misc Guru's 10-24-11
- American Contractor 10/24/2011
- Misc Guru's 10-25-11
- Misc Guru's 10-27-11
- Misc Guru's 10-30-11
- Misc Guru's 10-31-11
- Misc Guru's 11-1-11
- Misc Guru's 11-2-11
- Misc Guru's 11-3-11
- Misc Guru's 11-5-11
- Misc Guru's 11-8-11
- Misc Guru's 11-13-11
- Okie Oil Man – The Big Hoax Exposed
- This Weeks Douchbag Award Goes To Phoenix!
- More rumors...Jonnywg past to me via e-mail
- This Week's Douchie Winner - Checkmate
- American Contractor 11/20/2011 GOV.Employees Get Raise in 2012
- 11-26-2011- Med
- 11-26-2011-Okie_Oil_Man
- 11-29-2011 Okie_Oil_Man
- This weeks Douchie Award goes to........
- Occam's Razor and the RV From Dinar Douchebags!
- Let's see what the BSers are saying this week! (IMO) LOL!
- Newbie to this forum
- A duzie from Eagle1
- Bull Shit
- Interview with Legolas From Sam I AM (Dinar Douchebags
- Responses for an Interview with Enoch8
- Another BS Day
- BS for 01/3/12
- Misc Guru's 1-4-12
- Just the link, to long to post.
- Latest from the BS station.
- 1-8-2012 Guru Doc Most sense from a Guru.
- Hi everyone
- TurdKing, AKA ******, spews another one.
- Just when you think you have heard it all
- Misc gurus 1-22-12
- Misc gurus 1-25-12
- Misc gurus 1-26-12
- Misc gurus 1-28-12
- Misc gurus 1-29-12
- Misc gurus 1-30-12
- Misc gurus 1-31-12
- Bulldog75/okie report, to damn funny!!! Lmfao!! Thanks Duke!!
- Latest guru predictions
- Misc gurus 2-17-12
- Misc guru's 2-19-12
- Other so called gurus 3-4-12
- Med 3-4-2012
- Gurus 3-5-12
- 3-6-2012 Breitling
- 3-6-12 Misc. Gurus
- Mailman17 3-6-12
- Mailman17 3-7-2012
- Adam Montana 3-7-2012
- 3-7-12 Misc. Gurus
- Kaperoni, Adam & others 3/8/12
- 3-9-2012 Adam Montana
- 3-8-2012 Med
- 3-9-2012 Breitling
- 3-9-2012 Mailman17
- 3-9-2012 OkieOilMan/Bulldog75
- Other so called gurus 3-9-12
- Med 3/10/12
- Mailman17 3/10/12
- Other so called gurus 3/10/12
- Other so called gurus 3/11/12
- Med 3/11/12
- Mailman17 3/11/12
- Other so called gurus 3/12/12
- Mailman17 3/13/12
- Med 3/13/12
- Misc guru's 3-13-12
- Other so called gurus 3/14/12
- Adam Montana 3/14/12
- Breitling, Med and other so called Gurus 3/15/12
- Med and other so called gurus 3/14/12
- Okie the oilman and other so called gurus 3/17/12
- Okie the oilman and other so called gurus 3/18/12
- Okie, Mailman and other so called gurus 3/19/12
- A new guru joins the ranks along with the oldies but goodies 3/19&20/12
- Med, Adam Montana, Ennorste and other gurus 3/21/12
- Med and other so called gurus 3/22/12
- Med, Mailman, Okie and other gurus 3/23/12
- Adam Montana, Mailman17 and other gurus 3/24/12
- Med, Okieoilman and other so called gurus 3/25/12
- Okieoilman & other so called gurus 3/26/12
- Med, Okie and others 3/27/12
- * (Bingobongo): Dinar Detectives 3/27/12
- Adam, Med, Kaperoni, Okieoilman and others 3/28/12 to be continued.....
- Breitling, Adam Montana, Med and others 3/29/12
- Adam, Kaperoni, Delta, Frank26 & other gurus 3/30/12
- Self proclaimed gurus 3/31/12
- Okie and other self proclaimed gurus 4/1/12
- Breitling & other self proclaimed gurus 4/2/12
- Med, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 4/3/12
- Frank26 & other self proclaimed gurus 4/4/12
- Adam, Bretiling, Med, Okieoilman, Randy Koonce & other self proclaimed gurus 4/5/12
- Adam Montana, Okieoilman, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 4/6/12
- Adam Montana, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 4/7/12
- Self Proclaimed gurus 4/8/12
- Self proclaimed gurus 4/9/12
- Randy Koonce, Okieoilman & other self proclaimed gurus
- Okietheoilman, old & NEW* self proclaimed guru 4/11/12
- Adam Montana, Kaperoni & other self proclaim gurus 4/12/12
- Adam, Med, Mailman17, American Contrator & other self proclaimed gurus
- American Contractor: Resolution Passed to Suspend The New Iraq Currency
- Adam Montana, Okieoilman & other self proclaimed gurus
- Med, Okieoilman & other self proclaimed gurus
- Med, Adam, Kap & other self proclaimed gurus 4/16/12
- Frank26 & other self proclaimed gurus 4/17/12
- Breitling, Adam, Med, Okieoilman & other self proclaimed gurus 4/18/12
- Med, Adam, Okieoilman & a new proclaimed guru 4/19/12
- Okietheoilman & other self proclaimed gurus 4/20/12
- Misc Guru's 4-21-12
- Mailman & other self-proclaimed gurus 4/22/12
- Med & other self proclaimed gurus 4/23/12 *updated
- Med & other self-proclaimed gurus 4/24/12
- Med, Frank26, Adam & other self-proclaimed gurus 4/25/12
- * UPDATED Kaperoni, Med, Adam & other self-proclaimed gurus 4/26/12
- Adam, Frank, Okie & other self-proclaimed gurus
- *Updated* Med & other self proclaimed gurus 4/28/12
- Med, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 4/29/12
- Med, Kaperoni, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 4/30/12
- Med, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 5/1/12
- Adam Montana, Okieoilman & other self proclaimed gurus 5/2/12
- Adam, Med, Mailman, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 5-3-12
- Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 5/4/12
- Med, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 5/6/12
- Breitling, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 5/7/12
- Self proclaimed gurus 5/8/12
- Adam Montana & other self proclaim gurus 5/9/12
- Adam, Med, Mailman, OOM & other self proclaimed gurus 5/9&10/12
- Med, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 5/11/12
- Med & other self-proclaimed gurus 5/12/12
- Frank26, Mailman17, Med & other self proclaimed gurus 5/13/12
- Mailman & other self-proclaimed gurus 5/14/12
- Med & other self proclaimed gurus 5/15/12
- Adam, Med, Okieoilman & other self proclaimed gurus 5/16/12
- Adam Montana, Med & other self proclaimed 5/17/12
- Adam Montana, Med & other self proclaimed gurus 5/18/12
- Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 5/19/12
- Self proclaimed guru *stuff 5/20/12
- Kaperoni, Med & other self proclaimed gurus 5/21/12
- Delta, Randy Koonce, Mailman17, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 5/22/12
- Frank26, Adam Montana, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 5/23/12
- Adam, Med & other self proclaimed gurus 5/24/12
- Adam Montana & other self proclaim gurus 5/25/12
- Med & other self proclaimed gurus 5/26/12
- Med, Mailman17, Frank26 & other self proclaimed gurus 5/27/12
- Self proclaimed guru 'intel' 5/28/12
- Phoenix3333 & other self proclaimed gurus 5/29/12
- Adam, Mailman17, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 5/30/12
- Adam, Med & other self proclaimed gurus 5/31/12
- Frank26, Delta, Mailman17, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 6/1/12
- Mailman17, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 6/2/12
- Med & other self proclaimed gurus 6/3/12
- Med, Kaperoni, Frank26 & other self proclaimed gurus 6/4/12
- Pheonix333, Breitling, Delta & other self proclaimed gurus6/5/12
- Adam Montana & other self proclaimed gurus 6/6/12
- Adam, Med, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 6/7/12
- Adam, Frank26 & other self proclaimed gurus 6/8/12
- self proclaimed gurus who shall remain nameless 6/9/12
- Med, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 6/10/12
- Self Proclaimed gurus 6/11/12
- Med & other self proclaimed 6/12/12
- Self Proclaimed gurus 6/13/12
- Adam, Kaperoni, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 6/14/12
- Adam, Med & other self proclaimed gurus 6/15/12
- Okie the blowhole & other self procliamed gurus 6/16/12
- Olietheokeman & other goorus 6/17/12
- Med and other so called gooroos 6/18/12
- Med, Okieoilman, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed goofrus 6/19/12
- Breitling 6/18/12
- American Contractor 6/19/12
- Phoenix, Adam, Med & other self proclaimed 6/20/12
- Breitling, Adam and other sself proclaimed gurus 6/21/12
- Adam, Med, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 6/22/12
- Adam Montana, Med, OlieTheOkeman & other self proclaimed gurus 6/23/2012
- Kaperoni, Enorrste & other self Proclaimed gurus 6/24/12
- Med, Mailman17, Kaperoni, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 6/25/12
- Self Proclaimed gurus 6/26/12
- Adam, Phoenix3333, Med, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 6/27/12
- Adam Montana & other self proclaim gurus 6/28/12
- *UPDATE for 6/28/12
- Phoenix, Med, Adam & other self proclaimed gurus 6/29/12
- Med & other self proclaimed 6/30/12
- Med, Mailman17, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed 7/1/12
- Mailman & other self-proclaimed gurus 7/2/12
- Med, Mailman17, Okieoilman & other self proclaimed gurus 7/3/12
- Med & other self proclaimed gurus 7/4/12
- Breitling, Kaperoni, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 7/5/12
- predictions from self proclaimed gurus 7/6/12
- *UPDATE for 7/6/12 Mailman17 Kaperoni, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus
- Self Proclaimed gurus & a newbie 7/7/12
- Med, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 7/8/12
- Med & other self proclaimed gurus 7/9/12
- Med, Mailman17, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 7/10/12
- Breitling, Adam, Med & Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 7/11/12
- Med, Adam Montana & other self proclaimed gurus 7/12/12
- Miscellaneous Self Proclaimed gurus 7/13/12
- Phoenix3333 & other self proclaimed gurus 7/14/12
- Med & other Self Proclaimed Gurus 7/15/12
- Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 7/16/12
- Breitling & other self proclaimed gurus 7/17/12
- Eagle1 ~7-16-2012
- Med, Adam Montana & other self proclaimed gurus 7/18/12
- Adam Montana, Med & other self proclaimed gurus 7/19/12
- Potpourri of Gurus for 7/20/12
- Hodge Podge of guru junk for 7/21/12
- Med, Mailman17,Okieoilman & other self proclaimed gurus 7/22/12