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  1. American Contractor 9/20/2011
  2. Adam 9-21-11
  3. Med 9-21-11
  4. Okie 9-21-11
  5. Phoenix 9-22-11
  6. Misc Other Guru's
  7. 9-23-11
  8. 9-23-11 OkieOilMan
  9. 9-24-11 MailMan17
  10. 9-24-11 Frank26
  11. 9-23-11 Adam
  12. Misc other guru's
  13. Med and Mailman17 9-24/25-11
  14. Misc other guru's 9-24/25-11
  15. 9-26-11 Misc other Guru's
  16. 9-27-11 Misc Guru Predictions
  17. Phoenix 9-28-11
  18. Misc other Guru's 9-28-11
  19. Kaperoni 9-29-11
  20. Misc Other Guru's 9-29-11
  21. Misc Guru's 9-30-11
  22. Breitling 10-1-11
  23. Misc Guru's 10-1-11
  24. Misc Guru's 10-3-11
  25. Neno 10-3-11 !!!
  26. Misc Guru's 10-4-11
  27. Misc Guru's 10-5-11
  28. Misc Guru's 10-6-11
  29. Misc Guru's 10-7-11
  30. Misc Guru's 10-8-11
  31. Misc Guru's 10-9-11
  32. Misc Guru's 10-10-11
  33. Misc Guru's 10-13-11
  34. Misc Guru's 10-14-11
  35. Misc Guru's 10-17-11
  36. Misc Guru's 10-18-11
  37. Misc Guru's 10-19/20-11
  38. Misc Guru's 10-22-11
  39. Misc Guru's 10-24-11
  40. American Contractor 10/24/2011
  41. Misc Guru's 10-25-11
  42. Misc Guru's 10-27-11
  43. Misc Guru's 10-30-11
  44. Misc Guru's 10-31-11
  45. Misc Guru's 11-1-11
  46. Misc Guru's 11-2-11
  47. Misc Guru's 11-3-11
  48. Misc Guru's 11-5-11
  49. Misc Guru's 11-8-11
  50. Misc Guru's 11-13-11
  51. Okie Oil Man – The Big Hoax Exposed
  52. This Weeks Douchbag Award Goes To Phoenix!
  53. More rumors...Jonnywg past to me via e-mail
  54. This Week's Douchie Winner - Checkmate
  55. American Contractor 11/20/2011 GOV.Employees Get Raise in 2012
  56. 11-26-2011- Med
  57. 11-26-2011-Okie_Oil_Man
  58. 11-29-2011 Okie_Oil_Man
  59. This weeks Douchie Award goes to........
  60. Occam's Razor and the RV From Dinar Douchebags!
  61. Let's see what the BSers are saying this week! (IMO) LOL!
  62. Newbie to this forum
  63. A duzie from Eagle1
  64. Bull Shit
  65. Interview with Legolas From Sam I AM (Dinar Douchebags
  66. Responses for an Interview with Enoch8
  67. Another BS Day
  68. BS for 01/3/12
  69. Misc Guru's 1-4-12
  70. Just the link, to long to post.
  71. Latest from the BS station.
  72. 1-8-2012 Guru Doc Most sense from a Guru.
  73. Hi everyone
  74. TurdKing, AKA ******, spews another one.
  75. Just when you think you have heard it all
  76. Misc gurus 1-22-12
  77. Misc gurus 1-25-12
  78. Misc gurus 1-26-12
  79. Misc gurus 1-28-12
  80. Misc gurus 1-29-12
  81. Misc gurus 1-30-12
  82. Misc gurus 1-31-12
  83. Bulldog75/okie report, to damn funny!!! Lmfao!! Thanks Duke!!
  84. Latest guru predictions
  85. Misc gurus 2-17-12
  86. Misc guru's 2-19-12
  87. Other so called gurus 3-4-12
  88. Med 3-4-2012
  89. Gurus 3-5-12
  90. 3-6-2012 Breitling
  91. 3-6-12 Misc. Gurus
  92. Mailman17 3-6-12
  93. Mailman17 3-7-2012
  94. Adam Montana 3-7-2012
  95. 3-7-12 Misc. Gurus
  96. Kaperoni, Adam & others 3/8/12
  97. 3-9-2012 Adam Montana
  98. 3-8-2012 Med
  99. 3-9-2012 Breitling
  100. 3-9-2012 Mailman17
  101. 3-9-2012 OkieOilMan/Bulldog75
  102. Other so called gurus 3-9-12
  103. Med 3/10/12
  104. Mailman17 3/10/12
  105. Other so called gurus 3/10/12
  106. Other so called gurus 3/11/12
  107. Med 3/11/12
  108. Mailman17 3/11/12
  109. Other so called gurus 3/12/12
  110. Mailman17 3/13/12
  111. Med 3/13/12
  112. Misc guru's 3-13-12
  113. Other so called gurus 3/14/12
  114. Adam Montana 3/14/12
  115. Breitling, Med and other so called Gurus 3/15/12
  116. Med and other so called gurus 3/14/12
  117. Okie the oilman and other so called gurus 3/17/12
  118. Okie the oilman and other so called gurus 3/18/12
  119. Okie, Mailman and other so called gurus 3/19/12
  120. A new guru joins the ranks along with the oldies but goodies 3/19&20/12
  121. Med, Adam Montana, Ennorste and other gurus 3/21/12
  122. Med and other so called gurus 3/22/12
  123. Med, Mailman, Okie and other gurus 3/23/12
  124. Adam Montana, Mailman17 and other gurus 3/24/12
  125. Med, Okieoilman and other so called gurus 3/25/12
  126. Okieoilman & other so called gurus 3/26/12
  127. Med, Okie and others 3/27/12
  128. * (Bingobongo): Dinar Detectives 3/27/12
  129. Adam, Med, Kaperoni, Okieoilman and others 3/28/12 to be continued.....
  130. Breitling, Adam Montana, Med and others 3/29/12
  131. Adam, Kaperoni, Delta, Frank26 & other gurus 3/30/12
  132. Self proclaimed gurus 3/31/12
  133. Okie and other self proclaimed gurus 4/1/12
  134. Breitling & other self proclaimed gurus 4/2/12
  135. Med, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 4/3/12
  136. Frank26 & other self proclaimed gurus 4/4/12
  137. Adam, Bretiling, Med, Okieoilman, Randy Koonce & other self proclaimed gurus 4/5/12
  138. Adam Montana, Okieoilman, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 4/6/12
  139. Adam Montana, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 4/7/12
  140. Self Proclaimed gurus 4/8/12
  141. Self proclaimed gurus 4/9/12
  142. Randy Koonce, Okieoilman & other self proclaimed gurus
  143. Okietheoilman, old & NEW* self proclaimed guru 4/11/12
  144. Adam Montana, Kaperoni & other self proclaim gurus 4/12/12
  145. Adam, Med, Mailman17, American Contrator & other self proclaimed gurus
  146. American Contractor: Resolution Passed to Suspend The New Iraq Currency
  147. Adam Montana, Okieoilman & other self proclaimed gurus
  148. Med, Okieoilman & other self proclaimed gurus
  149. Med, Adam, Kap & other self proclaimed gurus 4/16/12
  150. Frank26 & other self proclaimed gurus 4/17/12
  151. Breitling, Adam, Med, Okieoilman & other self proclaimed gurus 4/18/12
  152. Med, Adam, Okieoilman & a new proclaimed guru 4/19/12
  153. Okietheoilman & other self proclaimed gurus 4/20/12
  154. Misc Guru's 4-21-12
  155. Mailman & other self-proclaimed gurus 4/22/12
  156. Med & other self proclaimed gurus 4/23/12 *updated
  157. Med & other self-proclaimed gurus 4/24/12
  158. Med, Frank26, Adam & other self-proclaimed gurus 4/25/12
  159. * UPDATED Kaperoni, Med, Adam & other self-proclaimed gurus 4/26/12
  160. Adam, Frank, Okie & other self-proclaimed gurus
  161. *Updated* Med & other self proclaimed gurus 4/28/12
  162. Med, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 4/29/12
  163. Med, Kaperoni, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 4/30/12
  164. Med, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 5/1/12
  165. Adam Montana, Okieoilman & other self proclaimed gurus 5/2/12
  166. Adam, Med, Mailman, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 5-3-12
  167. Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 5/4/12
  168. Med, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 5/6/12
  169. Breitling, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 5/7/12
  170. Self proclaimed gurus 5/8/12
  171. Adam Montana & other self proclaim gurus 5/9/12
  172. Adam, Med, Mailman, OOM & other self proclaimed gurus 5/9&10/12
  173. Med, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 5/11/12
  174. Med & other self-proclaimed gurus 5/12/12
  175. Frank26, Mailman17, Med & other self proclaimed gurus 5/13/12
  176. Mailman & other self-proclaimed gurus 5/14/12
  177. Med & other self proclaimed gurus 5/15/12
  178. Adam, Med, Okieoilman & other self proclaimed gurus 5/16/12
  179. Adam Montana, Med & other self proclaimed 5/17/12
  180. Adam Montana, Med & other self proclaimed gurus 5/18/12
  181. Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 5/19/12
  182. Self proclaimed guru *stuff 5/20/12
  183. Kaperoni, Med & other self proclaimed gurus 5/21/12
  184. Delta, Randy Koonce, Mailman17, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 5/22/12
  185. Frank26, Adam Montana, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 5/23/12
  186. Adam, Med & other self proclaimed gurus 5/24/12
  187. Adam Montana & other self proclaim gurus 5/25/12
  188. Med & other self proclaimed gurus 5/26/12
  189. Med, Mailman17, Frank26 & other self proclaimed gurus 5/27/12
  190. Self proclaimed guru 'intel' 5/28/12
  191. Phoenix3333 & other self proclaimed gurus 5/29/12
  192. Adam, Mailman17, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 5/30/12
  193. Adam, Med & other self proclaimed gurus 5/31/12
  194. Frank26, Delta, Mailman17, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 6/1/12
  195. Mailman17, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 6/2/12
  196. Med & other self proclaimed gurus 6/3/12
  197. Med, Kaperoni, Frank26 & other self proclaimed gurus 6/4/12
  198. Pheonix333, Breitling, Delta & other self proclaimed gurus6/5/12
  199. Adam Montana & other self proclaimed gurus 6/6/12
  200. Adam, Med, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 6/7/12
  201. Adam, Frank26 & other self proclaimed gurus 6/8/12
  202. self proclaimed gurus who shall remain nameless 6/9/12
  203. Med, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 6/10/12
  204. Self Proclaimed gurus 6/11/12
  205. Med & other self proclaimed 6/12/12
  206. Self Proclaimed gurus 6/13/12
  207. Adam, Kaperoni, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 6/14/12
  208. Adam, Med & other self proclaimed gurus 6/15/12
  209. Okie the blowhole & other self procliamed gurus 6/16/12
  210. Olietheokeman & other goorus 6/17/12
  211. Med and other so called gooroos 6/18/12
  212. Med, Okieoilman, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed goofrus 6/19/12
  213. Breitling 6/18/12
  214. American Contractor 6/19/12
  215. Phoenix, Adam, Med & other self proclaimed 6/20/12
  216. Breitling, Adam and other sself proclaimed gurus 6/21/12
  217. Adam, Med, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 6/22/12
  218. Adam Montana, Med, OlieTheOkeman & other self proclaimed gurus 6/23/2012
  219. Kaperoni, Enorrste & other self Proclaimed gurus 6/24/12
  220. Med, Mailman17, Kaperoni, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus 6/25/12
  221. Self Proclaimed gurus 6/26/12
  222. Adam, Phoenix3333, Med, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 6/27/12
  223. Adam Montana & other self proclaim gurus 6/28/12
  224. *UPDATE for 6/28/12
  225. Phoenix, Med, Adam & other self proclaimed gurus 6/29/12
  226. Med & other self proclaimed 6/30/12
  227. Med, Mailman17, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed 7/1/12
  228. Mailman & other self-proclaimed gurus 7/2/12
  229. Med, Mailman17, Okieoilman & other self proclaimed gurus 7/3/12
  230. Med & other self proclaimed gurus 7/4/12
  231. Breitling, Kaperoni, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 7/5/12
  232. predictions from self proclaimed gurus 7/6/12
  233. *UPDATE for 7/6/12 Mailman17 Kaperoni, Okie & other self proclaimed gurus
  234. Self Proclaimed gurus & a newbie 7/7/12
  235. Med, Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 7/8/12
  236. Med & other self proclaimed gurus 7/9/12
  237. Med, Mailman17, Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 7/10/12
  238. Breitling, Adam, Med & Mailman17 & other self proclaimed gurus 7/11/12
  239. Med, Adam Montana & other self proclaimed gurus 7/12/12
  240. Miscellaneous Self Proclaimed gurus 7/13/12
  241. Phoenix3333 & other self proclaimed gurus 7/14/12
  242. Med & other Self Proclaimed Gurus 7/15/12
  243. Kaperoni & other self proclaimed gurus 7/16/12
  244. Breitling & other self proclaimed gurus 7/17/12
  245. Eagle1 ~7-16-2012
  246. Med, Adam Montana & other self proclaimed gurus 7/18/12
  247. Adam Montana, Med & other self proclaimed gurus 7/19/12
  248. Potpourri of Gurus for 7/20/12
  249. Hodge Podge of guru junk for 7/21/12
  250. Med, Mailman17,Okieoilman & other self proclaimed gurus 7/22/12