View Full Version : Med, Adam Montana & other self proclaimed gurus 10/4/12

10-05-2012, 09:11 AM

10-5-2012 Footforward The RV is going to happen, I am absolutely sure. I am still looking for double digits and still looking for something to pop relatively quickly, within the next few days. There is a drastic misinformation campaign to try to get people to give up their dinar. It's going to be like this until the RV happens. If we don't have an RV in the next few days, expect the dinar to tank, decrease. Do not panic. It is going to do this to get people give up. Do not give up your dinar. It is a manipulative move. When the RV happens, you will not find it out in an article. The first place you will hear about it will be at the banks. There will not be a free float. The value will be controlled.

10-5-2012 Doc What is interesting is the statements by Allawi lined up nicely with recent news. First we have Maliki making payments to the Kurds and have seen more articles concerning the HCl status then we have seen in a month. We are beginning to believe that Maliki may know the questioning process is imminent and is at least for now playing along. We hope this is correct and have modified our opinion that once we see resolution concerning Ebril/HCl we are pretty well there. Based on Allawi's statements this appears to be the holy grail so to speak.

10-5-2012 Blaino We now are getting releases from the CBI stating that the dinar stands at 1.18 USD per Dinar. I still believe that the rate of $1.30 that came out a few weeks ago was a solid and accurate report that was not supposed to go public just yet, because we only heard a few days ago that it was at 1:1 against the dollar, now you hear about 1.18 rate as of this morning... I still think that they are understating the true value of the Dinar at this point. Keeping a lid on the actual rate that it holds to the public. There is no reason for them to make any of these rate statements except for public relations boasting at this point since as we all know it is still able to be purchased at 1166 per dollar. So what does this mean....well it means that...what they are doing is creating the perception of a value for "In Country" at this time as to not cause a shock throughout the economy of Iraq once this is released at it's "True Value". [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

10-5-2012 Adam Montana [I just wanted to know if you have heard anything about the smart cards and if it really is an indicator for the RV.] That's something that's been twisted and misunderstood for a long time. The smart cards aren't an indicator of the RV.

10-5-2012 Poppy3 Where do you guys go to get all this bull crap knee deep about RV's in country...when it hits it will be global.

10-5-2012 Med [What effect do you think Iran has on the RV?] None!

10-5-2012 Blaino We...discussed in the past how it would be released and not cause major problem going from being worthless to becoming more valuable than the US Dollar, well I think we're seeing how they are making the transition within Iraq. There is still a lock down on the boarders of Iraq from taking Dinar out of the country. I still believe that if this is a pushed to finish up on the final issues that the Iraqi government faces, by the US government before the elections, we should see the National Conference take place as a final step to announcing the completion of Article 140, the HCL Laws, and most importantly the implementation of the Erbil Agreement ready to go through at or about the same time as the release from CH 7 being announced....it's just a matter of timing.

10-5-2012 Kaperoni "need to apply project delete three zeros currency because it hurt to serve the citizens and national currency by reducing cash large groups of blocks in the local market." Sometimes the best articles are slipped in. Though this is not from the CBI, it is a very good article...it clearly says that you have to apply this now because if you don't it will hurt the citizen and the currency because you removed the 3 zero notes (reduced the cash large groups). This also confirms we are right they are removing them. Even though LOPers keep telling everyone they are not. lol There is no reason to remove these notes if they were LOPing the value in advance of the re-denomination. [post 1 of 2...stay tuned]

10-5-2012 Administrator Bob I would describe the dinar news this weeks as 'fast and furious.' Maybe a better comparison is the book; 'Tortoise and the Hair.' Politically they stall out achieving little progress, while economically Iraq continues to stride for investment at record pace.

10-5-2012 Adam Montana The situation with Iran at this time is fair, I am not worried about them. I'm very optimistic right now given the current state of the Middle East and the positive news on the HCL.

10-5-2012 Poppy3 national conference should usher in a nice rv within a nickle of kuwait real fast...kuwaits rate...$3.58

10-5-2012 Hammerman all news is positive...we hearing stuff from iraq, smart cards for iraq citizen having 1.26 on them, cant prove yet but hearing some type of revalue went down last saturday...again hearing from top spots but still no proof...was also told if real could take from 3 to 40 days to release world wide, im still not sold but i can hope...i really cant see the rate that low.

10-5-2012 Bondlady why do people invest in countries right after a war? usually a war happens, their currency bottoms out but after a war its time to rebuild and bring back up the value of their money...you can't expect them to instantly go back to what it was before when they had a complete infrastructure and all their industries were at 100%...everything was crushed...everything was wiped out...very few places were unaffected, so to start from the ground up and see such huge leaps as we are seeing... you cant see it if you dont stop thinking with a western mind set ...its about them not us, its a speculative investment for us...we hope will pay off and I believe it will but this is theirs, we're just riding on their shirt tails and we helped in a major way building up their reserves to what they are whether it be through oil sales or buying their currency, we helped get them to this point...now its time for them to put on big boy pants, man up and free their country...and I believe after all these years and the much needed laws to make this come about, it's close.

10-5-2012 Kaperoni This is confirmation again, that the CBI removed the larger 3 zero notes... the CBI took trillions of them out of circulation through the auctions. Some 12-16 trillion alone in April-July. This economist is right on..he is saying you cannot take our currency away, and do nothing and not hurt the people and the currency. It makes sense to me he is right. Now, you add the article...about the condition of the currency, and the problem IMO becomes even more serious. They simply cannot do nothing. The country is very dollarized right now and that needs to change. I cannot see the CBI continuing this for weeks, let alone months under the current circumstances.