04-26-2010, 08:34 PM
The Board of Directors of the United Nations Compensation Discusses Various Issues Related to Tomorrow Between Iraq and Kuwait
26/04/20 80 12:35 pm
Discusses the Governing Council of the United Nations Compensation Commission at its meeting which starts here on various issues related to the work of the Committee, including reports on the activities of the Secretariat of the compensation since the last session in November 2009.
The United Nations announced from its European headquarters in Geneva, in a press statement today that the Governing Council of the United Nations Compensation Commission would hold its first 69 in the period from 27 to 29 April under the chairmanship of the Austrian Ambassador Strohal.
The Governing Council also discussed and follow-up program for environmental awards established by the Board to monitor the implementation of technical and financial support for environmental rehabilitation and renovation projects and the distribution by Governments and international organizations of payments to claimants and transparency in the process of distribution and return of undistributed funds.
The United Nations Commission on Compensation is a subsidiary organ of the UN Security Council established in accordance with Security Council resolutions 687 of the year (1991) and 692 for the year (1991) to process claims and pay compensation for direct losses and damage suffered by individuals, corporations, governments and international organizations as a direct result of Iraqs invasion and occupation unlawful for the State of Kuwait from the period between August 2, 1990 and March 2, 1991.
The Commission received approximately 7.2 million request made by 97 countries on behalf of their nationals or by or for governments to collect compensation for losses resulting from Iraqs invasion of Kuwait and the total value of identified affected about 352 billion dollars.
Those affected also 13 offices of three international organizations have applied for compensation on behalf of individuals they can not submit their applications through government agencies, as well as the demands of businesses and other private legal entities and public sector institutions such requests by Governments and international organizations. And submitted to the Compensation Commission nearly 9.28 billion dollars for governments and international organizations for distribution to successful claimants were approved to accept where the payment of those funds from the United Nations Compensation Commission, which currently receives 5 percent of revenues from export sales of petroleum and petroleum products in Iraq.
http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ar&u=http://alforattv.net/index.php%3Fshow%3Dnews%26action%3Darticle%26id%3D 44738&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dnahrain%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4RNTN_enU S354US354&rurl=translate.google.com
26/04/20 80 12:35 pm
Discusses the Governing Council of the United Nations Compensation Commission at its meeting which starts here on various issues related to the work of the Committee, including reports on the activities of the Secretariat of the compensation since the last session in November 2009.
The United Nations announced from its European headquarters in Geneva, in a press statement today that the Governing Council of the United Nations Compensation Commission would hold its first 69 in the period from 27 to 29 April under the chairmanship of the Austrian Ambassador Strohal.
The Governing Council also discussed and follow-up program for environmental awards established by the Board to monitor the implementation of technical and financial support for environmental rehabilitation and renovation projects and the distribution by Governments and international organizations of payments to claimants and transparency in the process of distribution and return of undistributed funds.
The United Nations Commission on Compensation is a subsidiary organ of the UN Security Council established in accordance with Security Council resolutions 687 of the year (1991) and 692 for the year (1991) to process claims and pay compensation for direct losses and damage suffered by individuals, corporations, governments and international organizations as a direct result of Iraqs invasion and occupation unlawful for the State of Kuwait from the period between August 2, 1990 and March 2, 1991.
The Commission received approximately 7.2 million request made by 97 countries on behalf of their nationals or by or for governments to collect compensation for losses resulting from Iraqs invasion of Kuwait and the total value of identified affected about 352 billion dollars.
Those affected also 13 offices of three international organizations have applied for compensation on behalf of individuals they can not submit their applications through government agencies, as well as the demands of businesses and other private legal entities and public sector institutions such requests by Governments and international organizations. And submitted to the Compensation Commission nearly 9.28 billion dollars for governments and international organizations for distribution to successful claimants were approved to accept where the payment of those funds from the United Nations Compensation Commission, which currently receives 5 percent of revenues from export sales of petroleum and petroleum products in Iraq.
http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ar&u=http://alforattv.net/index.php%3Fshow%3Dnews%26action%3Darticle%26id%3D 44738&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dnahrain%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4RNTN_enU S354US354&rurl=translate.google.com