View Full Version : "As the Dinar Turns"...featuring Phoenix3333, with Med & Adam...11-15-12

11-15-2012, 10:08 AM
11-15-2012 Mountainman Something I found curious was that Japan is now pushing for the implementation of some projects in Iraq's economic sector that they funded with a 4 billion dollar loan. No details were given other than to say the loan was for funding 19 projects in the economic sector and to develop Iraq's infrastructure. There sure are a lot of countries and powerful companies all pushing for Iraq's recovery, whether that be economically, politically or the removal of sanctions. Everyone is in Iraq's corner right now.

11-15-2012 Phoenix3333 Article quote: "The measures being taken to the Central Bank by the government will maintain the value of the dinar and perhaps raised during the coming period, which will impact positively on the overall activity of the national economy." It "appears" that Shabibi was not allowing the Iraqi Dinar to raise in value and that is why he was removed, only time will tell.

11-15-2012 LoriC Today economic committee members said that the value of the dinar will improve against the dollar in the coming period after the federal government carries out some reforms. They even said specifically it will be a high exchange rate on the dinar against foreign currencies. All the signs point to this being over very soon, either in November or December at the latest.

11-15-2012 Adam Montana where are we? Well, the US Elections are over. The year end is coming quickly, and it makes a lot of sense to do a rate change as the year is changing. And it ALSO makes a lot of sense to get this done now, while Shabibi is unable to be a major obstacle. So in my opinion, things are looking positive in the near future... again, the thing to watch is the HCL. In my opinion...Erbil/HCL - they go hand in hand. Once that is done, we are on the home stretch. Hang on tight then, boys and girls!


11-15-2012 BWM everything that I'm hearing still says that they expect the VND and IQD to go at the same time publically...

11-15-2012 BGG Article: "Committee economy likely improve the value of the dinar against the dollar after the central bank reforms" What they are saying is – “if we get our way – we’ll raise the value of the Dinar way up”. This may or may not be true – this is an inherently untrustworthy regime, but it’s good to hear there are a number of ways this can go.

11-15-2012 Adam Montana [With new information stating that the U.S. will be the leader in oil product, out producing the Saudi's (although some years away), in your opinion how will this effect the value of the U.S. Dollar to that of the IQD and the Saudi Dinar? And what will this look like for our investment in the future?] I think this is a good thing for our investment. If Iraq wants to raise the value of their currency, they need to do it BEFORE the US starts catching up in terms of oil production. The value of oil, and therefore the intrinsic value of their currency, will go the wrong way when the US ramps up oil production. they need to raise the value SOON, otherwise they won't have the resources to back up a higher valued currency.

11-15-2012 Kaperoni tariffs are directly related to the exchange rate as the WTO to the Tariffs. One goes with another. So if they hold this new target date, we should see the rate rise well before June. Now is good.

11-15-2012 ****** Heard comment that Shabibi will be back. Shabibi said he will not set foot in Iraq unless they drop the arrest warrant due to the reason that he knew he would be carted off to places unknown. Shabibi knows what Maliki will do...they have hated each other for a very long time...Big power struggle but they are peas in the pod. Shabibi does not want Maliki to get his hands on all that money and go out at buy weapons. Talibani left the country today he was angry, aggravated...as diplomatically as he could put it stated Maliki was difficult to deal with. I know some of you are tired of hearing it's going to happen. So many things change...but what I bring to you is the rumors we hear.

11-15-2012 Tlar I guess the tariffs are put off again. The exchange rate has to go up before this event or it will be extremely inflationary. It's coming even if it is not exactly in January. If they actually implement this, this time, we should see the RV before June. I guess Turkri isn't worried about accounting periods as was Shabbs. That's a positive if true because had Shabbs still been in office and not pulled the trigger Jan 1st, it would have been delayed another year. Remember Shabbs said he would not remove the zeros in the middle of the accounting year because it would be to complicated to make the change.

11-15-2012 Kaperoni IMO the value of the dinar can rise anytime. Whether free float or staging rate. The issue for Iraq is when they implement it into the budget and that is referred to as "delete or lift 3 zeros."

11-15-2012 Tlar Coming period, soon, and in the next few days are all terms the Iraqi newspapers give when none of them have a clue as to when it is going to be. A prime example is "the Security Minsters will be picked in the coming days". How many times have we heard this? "The HCL will be will be passsed in the coming period" or my personal favorite by Talibini, ""the national conference will be held soon".