11-17-2012, 09:37 AM
11-17-2012 Tlar I respectfully disagree that there will be a low float starting anywhere near 1166 to 1 USD, up to 10 to 1 USD. Most of the articles being presented today under the new bank governor and others involved in this process are back to mentioning "the removal of the zeros". To me this means exactly what they say. Removing the zeros off the nominal rate means going from .00086 to .86 per US dollar. Removing the zeros to me does not imply a gradual raise over a period of time. Although this is still not known for sure, Shabbs only made reference to starting low and letting it go up from there which might be all and in itself the reason Maliki went after him. [post 1 of 2....stay tuned]
11-17-2012 BGG Article: "Kurdistan: Talabani saved Maliki of confidence and final depth of the crisis operations Tigris" Maliki hasn’t done what he promised Talibani. Talibani (himself) is even issuing warnings to Maliki (first time for that). The thing I find encouraging here is the public awareness that Talibani saved Maliki’s @xx last time in exchange for “promises” of reforms. None of which he has followed through on and the “public awareness” is getting itchy. Further – no one seems shocked that Maliki put together this Tigris Command to intentionally stir up trouble. They are catching on
11-17-2012 SWFloridaGuy Reuters reported that thousands of people in the United States still expect a surge in Iraqi dinar and who was described as one of the largest investment opportunities in the world. The report says that some speculators expect a rise in the value of the dinar against the U.S. dollar to become the Iraqi dinar equal to between 1 to 3 dollars, which represents gains ranging from 116500% to 349,700%.
11-17-2012 Mountainman Saleh recently made a statement where he said it's time to begin the second phase of this time to address the market demand for foreign currency... Basically, the CBI is ready to make their move and implement the next stage of currency reform and new monetary policy but needs international support to accomplish this.
11-17-2012 Tlar Shabbs was definitely concerned with the process and had definitely appeared to be afraid to put his good name on the line especially when the government appeared to be firmly against this. The landscape has changed. Maliki can pretty do as he pleases if he satisfies the IMF. My best guess is that they would no longer use the phrase "remove the zeros" if they meant to come out lower than .86. I think articles over the next few weeks will give us all insight to not only understand their intentions but we will be in a better position to take a true stab at guessing the rate.
11-17-2012 BGG Article: "Kurdistan: Talabani saved Maliki of confidence and final depth of the crisis operations Tigris" Maliki hasn’t done what he promised Talibani. Talibani (himself) is even issuing warnings to Maliki (first time for that). The thing I find encouraging here is the public awareness that Talibani saved Maliki’s @xx last time in exchange for “promises” of reforms. None of which he has followed through on and the “public awareness” is getting itchy. Further – no one seems shocked that Maliki put together this Tigris Command to intentionally stir up trouble. They are catching on
11-17-2012 SWFloridaGuy Reuters reported that thousands of people in the United States still expect a surge in Iraqi dinar and who was described as one of the largest investment opportunities in the world. The report says that some speculators expect a rise in the value of the dinar against the U.S. dollar to become the Iraqi dinar equal to between 1 to 3 dollars, which represents gains ranging from 116500% to 349,700%.
11-17-2012 Mountainman Saleh recently made a statement where he said it's time to begin the second phase of this time to address the market demand for foreign currency... Basically, the CBI is ready to make their move and implement the next stage of currency reform and new monetary policy but needs international support to accomplish this.
11-17-2012 Tlar Shabbs was definitely concerned with the process and had definitely appeared to be afraid to put his good name on the line especially when the government appeared to be firmly against this. The landscape has changed. Maliki can pretty do as he pleases if he satisfies the IMF. My best guess is that they would no longer use the phrase "remove the zeros" if they meant to come out lower than .86. I think articles over the next few weeks will give us all insight to not only understand their intentions but we will be in a better position to take a true stab at guessing the rate.