12-02-2012, 09:08 PM
12-2-2012 Kaperoni We know in reality that they can’t wait and that something has to happen. The value of the dinar needs to begin to rise so that when 2014 comes they can kick this into high gear and say ok now we have value to our currency, now we can move forward, now we can remove the zeros. It was the World Bank that said in 2014 they were going to be a donor country vs. a receiver of loans. If nothing is going to happen for another 13 months it becomes pretty impossible for Iraq to become a donor in that period of time. They’ve got to start raising the value and we believe again that it will be a float. I personally have seen the trading room that was being constructed. I have chosen not to talk much about it. We’ve already said many times we know that contracts have been signed. In my mind, despite what other people say that it will come out at $3 and $2 and all this other nonsense, I know the facts and the facts are that this is being set up to float. If it goes as planned when it floats, as dinar holders we are going to watch the dinar rise in value. We don’t know how fast, it could be a few months to get to a dollar or it could be several months. That’s the plan as far as I know. You have to remember...that Iraq has sold between 6 and 10 trillion dinar outside of Iraq. That was intentional. It was the plan to disperse their currency into Central Banks around the world that will be held out there. But they’re not in a position to pay for a high value on that currency but they can watch it go up by speculators and investors. Given a float, speculators will buy and sell and it won’t cost Iraq anything to watch it go up and obviously their own currency in country goes up at the same rate therefore they are the recipients of the stability and increase of value of whats being held outside of Iraq. That in my opinion is a fabulous plan.
12-2-2012 Kaperoni When Shabibi went on TV/skype after he was removed he made it clear there was a difference in monetary philosophy between himself and the GOI. He said there were numerous meetings with the GOI wherein they tried to impose their monetary policy, the govt, meaning Maliki kept saying you should do this, you should do that. Shabibi’s position was that CBI was independent of the GOI.
12-2-2012 Kaperoni When Shabibi went on TV/skype after he was removed he made it clear there was a difference in monetary philosophy between himself and the GOI. He said there were numerous meetings with the GOI wherein they tried to impose their monetary policy, the govt, meaning Maliki kept saying you should do this, you should do that. Shabibi’s position was that CBI was independent of the GOI.